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Probes - A Kerbae Ad Astra Story

KAL 9000

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Traveller 01 Log:

Date: Y2703 D241 

SysTest: AllSys 100% 

Loc: Ki-Ko L4 





Warn: RcsBlk5-Str3 NonFre

IsoProb... 100% 

Prob: FfLk (Ppe Mpt-RcsBlk5-Str3 A) 

RcsBlk5-Str3: Fls (A, B) 



RairCom: ScpOn

RairCom: FrOn

RairCom: HeOn 

RairCom: NozOn



Date: Y2709 D153 

Warn: Rair PlasmOver 

Warn: Rair ReaMagConfLeak 

Warn: SysFail

Warn: SysFail  

Warn: CritFail 

Assess: PWNS 

Act: CpyData (Ampf, Ablckf)

Act: BlckBBootUp 

Act: EjBlckB

Act: BlckBTransAll



Kerbin ComSat 023: Warning! Signal lost with Traveller 01!

Kerbin ComSat 023: Connecting...

Kerbin ComSat 023: Connecting...

Kerbin ComSat 023: Connecting...

Kerbin ComSat 023: Cannot re-establish communications. 

Kerbin ComSat 023: Must inform LOS to KSC. WARNING: No direct line-of-sight to KSC.

Kerbin ComSat 023: Routing through ComSat network... Complete!

Kerbin ComSat 023: Informed KSC of LOS. Resuming nominal activity.


"Ladies and gentlekerbs of the Traveller 01 Accident Investigation Board, there you have it. For those of you who don't speak Coredumpese, here is what happened:

On Year 2703 CE, Day 241, the probe was booted up at the Kerbin-Kerbol L4 Lagrange Point, as intended, and sent on its way.  

First, the probe did a systems check, and found that everything was working. 

It activated SAS, RCS, and its Reaction Wheels, and began to orient itself in the proper direction. 

It detected that Thruster 3 on RCS Block 5 was not firing as it was supposed to. It isolated the problem to a faulty fuel line, and switched to the backup fuel line for that thruster, at which point, the problem was resolved. 

It switched on all RAIR systems, confirmed that they were functioning properly, and set off. 

We now jump to Year 2709 CE, Day 153. 

Several warnings occurred within seconds of each other at this point. 

First: A warning sounded that indicated that the ramscoop was overloading. 

Second: Possibly caused by the first problem, a warning sounded that Magnetic Confinement had failed on the Tokomak Fusion Reactor, and the deuterium-tritium plasma was leaking, near-instantly vaporizing the reactor walls. 

The third and fourth warnings were systems failing as the plasma vaporized said systems. 

The fifth warning was a critical failure. More data, not shown on the presentation I'm showing you, indicated that the plasma had vaporized the star trackers and guidance computer, both of which are critical to keeping the spacecraft on course. 

A quick assessment by the main computer correctly surmised the probe would not survive.

The next couple of lines are commands to copy all data to the "blackbox", an old Probodyne QBE probe core with a lot of hard drives, a few batteries, some old Sepatrons, and a communications device strapped to it, and then a command to boot up the blackbox. 

The next line is a command for the blackbox to eject, which it did, firing all 12 Sepatrons and the decoupler. 

Other data, not shown here, indicated that the plasma was about to envelop and vaporize the main computer and communications device. Luckily, the computer's last command was for the blackbox, upon reaching a safe distance, to transmit all data back to Kerbin. 

I think we can pin the accident down to RAIR failure. The technology is still very dangerous, and we knew that this might happen. All in favor of concluding the same, say 'Aye'."

Ten "Aye"s could be heard as the ten board members confirmed their agreement. 


Next Time: Traveller 02's Arrival.

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Traveller 02's Log: 

Date: Y2711 D079 

TimAlrm: HendArr 

RairCom: TempSDwn (ARairSys) 





RairCom: StrtUp (ARairSys) 

TLock: Mx 

ScnPtfrm01: StrtUp (ObsSeq: PPlaxObs01) 

ScnPtfrm02: StrtUp (ObsSeq: PPlaxObs02) 

ScnPtfrm03: StrtUp (ObsSeq: POrbDetObs01) 

ScnPtfrm04: StrtUp (ObsSeq: POrbDetObs02)

ScnPtfrm05: StrtUp (ObsSeq: POrbDetObs03) 

MMode: PrchInsBrn 


Date: Y2711 D129 

VelPrec: NrCircOrbAch (Pe: 250 Mkm, Ap: 275 Mkm) 

RairCom: PermSDwn (ARairSys) 


RadCom: XtndA 

RadCom: StrtUpACoolCyc 

RadCom: StrtUpACoolRef 

SPanCom: XtndA 

SPanCom: StTrckA 

ASysCom: SwEg (Rea, SPan) 

AScnPtfrm: TskDne (PDet: 6, OrbDet: 6) 

CmsDev: StrtUp 

CmsDev: TransADat (Prb, Kbn) 

CmsDev: LisResp 


The mighty antenna arrays at the KSC's Tracking Station picked up a faint signal from the direction of Hendessa. The one antenna that currently wasn't relaying data to and from a spacecraft swiveled on its mounting until it could pick up the signal clearly. It waited for a few seconds, and, after picking up the proper authorization codes in the signal, "listened" with all its systems. 

The technician on duty looked at the incoming data, and yelped in delight. 

The probe had detected 6 planets around Hendessa! 6! There were planets they had detected from Kerbin, planets they hadn't, and some of the planets they thought they had detected earlier turned out not to exist! 

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Traveller 03's Log: 

Date: Y2711 D133 

Warn: CritFail (Cause: Unknown)

Warn: CritFail (Cause: Unknown) 

Warn: CritFail (Cause: Unknown)

Warn: Kraken Detected!!! 

Assessment: Oh, Kerm. 



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To: narkat.bobford@fedresinit.org 

From: geltrix.gregley@fedresinit.org 

Subj: Funding 

Program Manager Bobford, 

I'll put it bluntly: I fear the Board of Directors may cut off funding to the Traveller program. 

Why? They're bureaucrats. They expect results immediately, or else they get cranky. You know as well as I do the immense long-term importance of the data that will be gathered by this program, especially if we ever want to send colonists outside the Kerbol system. 

But these stupid, selfish, short-sighted bureaucrats (is there another kind?) don't care. They'll put publicity stunts that advance their own careers over the good of Kerbalkind. It makes me sick. 

I know the RAIR is temperamental, and failures are just part of the program. But if 04 doesn't make it to Glaretram, they'll definitely shut you down. I hear they're planning to use the money that would go to the Traveller program to build yet another orbital casino. 


-Chairkerb Geltrix Gregley

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Traveller 04's Log: 

Date: Y2712 D402 

TimAlrm: GltrArr 

RairCom: TempSDwn (ARsirSys) 





RairCom: StrtUp (ARairSys) 

TLock: Mx 

ScnPtfrm01: StrtUp (ObsSeq: PPlaxObs01) 

ScnPtfrm02: StrtUp (ObsSeq: PPlaxObs02) 

ScnPtfrm03: StrtUp (ObsSeq: POrbDetObs01) 

ScnPtfrm04: StrtUp (ObsSeq: POrbDetObs02) 

ScnPtfrm05: StrtUp (ObsSeq: POrbDetObs03) 

MMode: PrchInsBrn 


Date: Y2712 D452 

VelPrec: NrCircOrbAch (Pe: 285 Mkm, Ap: 310 Mkm) 

RairCom: PermSDwn (ARairSys) 


RairCom: XtndA 

RairCom: StrtUpACoolCyc 

RairCom: StrtUpACoolRef 

SPanCom: XtndA 

SPanCom: StTrckA 

ASysCom: SwEg (Rea, SPan) 

AScnPtfrm: TskDne (PDet: 4, OrbDet: 4) 

CmsDev: StrtUp 

CmsDev: TransADat (Prb, Kbn) 

CmsDev: LisResp 


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To: geltrix.gregley@fedresinit.org 

From: narkat.bobforg@fedresinit.org 

Subj: Re: Funding 

Chairkerb Gregley, 

I've attached a snippet of Traveller 04's log. We made it to Glaretram, so we stand a chance at the annual budget review. Will you be prepared to back me and my team up at it? 


-Project Manager Narkat Bobford 


To: narkat.bobford@fedresinit.org 

From: geltrix.gregley@fedresinit.org 

Subj: Re: Funding 

Project Manager Bobford, 

Of course. Right now, I'm on a tour of inspection of the new research station in LJO (Low Jool Orbit), so I will be unable to attend the budget review in person. 


-Chairkerb Geltrix Gregley

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Traveler 05 made it to Winooze uneventfully. Traveler 06 had a RAIR failure. But now, it was time to introduce Traveler Version 2.0! Narkat hoped the Board would approve his suggestion for the new probes that would have planetary landers, but with the possible cancellation of the program, that wasn't important right now. 

The meeting was at FRI (Federation Research Initiative) headquarters, which was a space station orbiting 5,000 kilometers above the surface of Kerbin. The onboard MechJeb unit was now firing the SSTO shuttle's RCS to match rotation with the station, which was spinning to provide artificial gravity. 

"10 meters and closing, 0.5 meters per second relative, alignment 5 by 5," the computerized voice announced. "9 meters... 8 meters... 7 meters... 6 meters... 5 meters... slowing down to 0.25 meters per second relative... 4 meters... 3 meters... slowing down to 0.1 meters per second relative... 2 meters... 1 meter... CONTACT!" 

There was a *THUMP* as the docking ports quickly rotated the servos and extended the pistons that would keep the two craft locked together. Metal plates moved into position, making an airtight seal. Power and data cables plugged in to their counterparts, and pipes joined up. The access hatches on both docking ports opened up, and Narkat floated through. The docking area was in the center, so the spin produced hardly any "gravity" there. 

He climbed down a latter to the "wheel" and found that the "gravity" was a comfortable 1G. He found an intern waiting for him with some koffee.

"Ah, Project Manager Bobford. The meeting is starting soon, do you need anything?"

"Yes, actually. Oh, and thank you for the koffee, but I'm fine. I'm not Gene."

"What is it you need?"

"Where's the bathroom?" 

"Third door on the right. Can't miss it."

"Thank you." 

Will they be able to secure the survival of the Traveler program? Will the Board agree to the new probe design? Will Narkat be able to relieve his bladder? Tune in next time to find out!

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Narkat washed his hands and left the bathroom, walking along the circumference of the station until he found the conference room. Upon entering, he found that everyone else was waiting for him. The Acting Chairkerb (because Geltrix was at Jool) said, "Mr. Bobford, what took you so long?"

"Sorry, sir. I had to use the bathroom." 

"Well, that's understandable, then. You've gotta help me! These Kerbals are idiots, even for bureaucrats!"

Indeed they were. One was drooling, and another was trying to pick his nose, without realizing that Kerbals don't have noses!

"I now call this meeting to order! First item of business: How much fuel do we need for missions this year?"


"Fifth item of business: The Traveler program's budget. The program has been giving us valuable data, but with concerns raised about the RAIR's failure rate by Mr. Alphons, the program's future has fallen into uncertainty." 

And thus, the meeting went on. Questions were raised, arguments had, but what was the result of the discussion? 

"Mr. Bobford, your team will receive funding to build and fly two probes of the new design. If any probe fails in its mission, the program is over. If not, you will receive more funding to continue it."

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  • 2 weeks later...



*activate Montage Mode*

*cue Quorky Worky Song* 


A Kerbal in a lab coat pressed a button. Behind the blast shield, an engine started up. Plasma roared from the nozzle. And then the engine exploded dramatically.  



A large antenna powered up, and a Kerbal typed in the console. 

Hello, Planet Express? I'd like one pepperoni pizza, extra large... 



Two Kerbals carefully removed the Goo from the Mystery Goo container, and inserted a banana. 



A team of Kerbals in hazmat suits carefully inserted the last drops of a glowing liquid into the test tube, via a pipette. There was a puff of smoke, and a perfect Shirley Temple sat in the test tube. 


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  • 1 month later...
On 4/18/2017 at 11:19 AM, KAL 9000 said:
























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1 hour ago, Laythe Squid said:
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Those nested spoilers...

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The new probes had two backup RAIR drives, and now the RAIR drives were completely isolated from all critical systems, allowing for a drive to have time to be ejected. 

And so, when Traveller 07 arrived at Hendessa with a whole flotilla of sub-probes, it did so with a backup RAIR drive and scorch marks where the primary drive should have been. 

Five small probes released from the main one as soon as it entered a stable orbit around Hendessa. The small probes fired their ion drives, xenon streaming out the back of their engines. They plotted courses that would line them up in a pentagonal shape around Hendessa, if you drew a straight line across space between each probe and its neighbors. They would create a communications network for the new system, at least until proper relays would be set up with the first manned mission. Six more probes released, heading off towards all six planets in the system. 

Sub-Probe 007: Gas Giant Atmospheric Probe 









DiagnosticResults: AllSysNominal 

WaitUntil(MaNode.timeTo() = (MaNode.burnTime()/2)) 


WaitUntil(MaNode.deltaVRemaining() <= 0.1) 


MechJeb.PlotMaNode(FTuneCloseApproach, 75000) 


WaitUntil(MaNode.timeTo() = (MaNode.burnTime()/2)) 


WaitUntil(MaNode.deltaVRemaining() <= 0.1) 


WaitUntil(SOIEntered, HendessaC) 


WaitUntil(PresMat.atmoPressure() > 0) 


















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7 hours ago, KAL 9000 said:


The new probes had two backup RAIR drives, and now the RAIR drives were completely isolated from all critical systems, allowing for a drive to have time to be ejected. 

And so, when Traveller 07 arrived at Hendessa with a whole flotilla of sub-probes, it did so with a backup RAIR drive and scorch marks where the primary drive should have been. 

Five small probes released from the main one as soon as it entered a stable orbit around Hendessa. The small probes fired their ion drives, xenon streaming out the back of their engines. They plotted courses that would line them up in a pentagonal shape around Hendessa, if you drew a straight line across space between each probe and its neighbors. They would create a communications network for the new system, at least until proper relays would be set up with the first manned mission. Six more probes released, heading off towards all six planets in the system. 

Sub-Probe 007: Gas Giant Atmospheric Probe 









DiagnosticResults: AllSysNominal 

WaitUntil(MaNode.timeTo() = (MaNode.burnTime()/2)) 


WaitUntil(MaNode.deltaVRemaining() <= 0.1) 


MechJeb.PlotMaNode(FTuneCloseApproach, 75000) 


WaitUntil(MaNode.timeTo() = (MaNode.burnTime()/2)) 


WaitUntil(MaNode.deltaVRemaining() <= 0.1) 


WaitUntil(SOIEntered, HendessaC) 


WaitUntil(PresMat.atmoPressure() > 0) 


















What is Hendessa?

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/29/2017 at 6:32 PM, Laythe Squid said:

When will we learn about the planets of this star?


Hendessa has six planets. Three of these planets are slightly larger than Pluto: Large enough to be a planet, but not large enough for their gravity to cause most of their metals to sink to their cores. There is one planet large enough for a mainly metallic core, and two gas giants. 

The planets are as follows (arranged with increasing distance from Hendessa): 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa: Hendessa itself, Class F8V star, 2.7 billion years old 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa b: First planet out. Orbits too close to be in the habitable zone; Class I Planet (metallic core); 1.5 Kerbin masses; Super-Eve 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa c: Second planet out. Orbits in the habitable zone: Class H Planet (gas giant); 1.3 Jool masses; Warm Jool; NOTE: Largest moon is Kerbin-sized. Due to the planet orbiting in the habitable zone, liquid water oceans exist in this moon, and simple life (single-celled life, primitive marine ecosystem of seaweed and herbivore fish that eat it, primitive land ecosystem of plants and plant-eating insects) is abundant. 

Traveler 07 subprobe image of 1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa c and its largest moon. Image taken on final approach to 1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa c, one day, five hours before atmospheric entry:


1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa d: Third planet out. Orbits on the outer edge of the habitable zone; 0.9 Jool masses; Warm Jool; NOTE: Larger moons are quite similar to Duna 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa e: Fourth planet out. Orbits outside the habitable zone; 1.3 Mün masses; Superdres 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa f: Fifth planet out. Orbits outside the habitable zone; 0.5 Duna masses; Superdres 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa g: Sixth planet out. Orbits waaay outside the habitable zone; 1.2 Plock masses; Superplock 

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1 hour ago, KAL 9000 said:


Hendessa has six planets. Three of these planets are slightly larger than Pluto: Large enough to be a planet, but not large enough for their gravity to cause most of their metals to sink to their cores. There is one planet large enough for a mainly metallic core, and two gas giants. 

The planets are as follows (arranged with increasing distance from Hendessa): 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa: Hendessa itself, Class F8V star, 2.7 billion years old 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa b: First planet out. Orbits too close to be in the habitable zone; Class I Planet (metallic core); 1.5 Kerbin masses; Super-Eve 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa c: Second planet out. Orbits in the habitable zone: Class H Planet (gas giant); 1.3 Jool masses; Warm Jool; NOTE: Largest moon is Kerbin-sized. Due to the planet orbiting in the habitable zone, liquid water oceans exist in this moon, and simple life (single-celled life, primitive marine ecosystem of seaweed and herbivore fish that eat it, primitive land ecosystem of plants and plant-eating insects) is abundant. 

Traveler 07 subprobe image of 1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa c and its largest moon. Image taken on final approach to 1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa c, one day, five hours before atmospheric entry:


1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa d: Third planet out. Orbits on the outer edge of the habitable zone; 0.9 Jool masses; Warm Jool; NOTE: Larger moons are quite similar to Duna 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa e: Fourth planet out. Orbits outside the habitable zone; 1.3 Mün masses; Superdres 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa f: Fifth planet out. Orbits outside the habitable zone; 0.5 Duna masses; Superdres 

1-1 F8V 312 Hendessa g: Sixth planet out. Orbits waaay outside the habitable zone; 1.2 Plock masses; Superplock 


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