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[1.12.x] Kerbal NRAP - Procedural test weights!


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  On 2/17/2017 at 11:56 AM, eberkain said:

Discovered another bug.   Take this simple rocket.  


I remove the launch clamp, and then press undo and I get this. 



You can see that performing an undo causes the NRAP to clip downward, well below the attachment point, this is repeatable with different vessels and after reloading the game.  


Did you resize NRAP before doing anything, or is it the default?

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New release: 1.5.5

  •     Added undo ability
  •     Fixed node size for sizes < 3.75

If there are any modelers who would be interested in making an in-line version of NRAP, please contact me.  All the blender model files are available

  On 2/14/2017 at 1:49 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I'm still working on the final problem, which is when NRAP is the root part, and you leave the scene and come back, the size is wrong.

I'm leaning towards not allowing it to be a root part.


I just realized that this was a bug, which was the same but fixed in the 1.5.5 release, so once I finish testing, I'll release a minor update, which will reenable to root part ability

Edit: Testing shows the problem is still there, so no new release for that right now

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  On 2/19/2017 at 7:33 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I'm still working on the final problem, which is when NRAP is the root part, and you leave the scene and come back, the size is wrong.


Just stumbled upon this and it sounds quite like a bug that plagued TweakScale for a long time. This is what NRAP does (and I think TweakScale did in the past):

Transform root = this.part.transform.GetChild(0); 

(from https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NRAP/blob/master/NRAP/ModuleTestWeight.cs line 118)

And this is what TweakScale does today:

var trafo = part.partTransform.FindChild("model");

It turned out that the model transform used to always be the first entry of that list in older KSP versions. In newer versions the return value of GetChild(0) was named something with "camera pivot" if the part was root. Getting the model transform by its name fixed things in TweakScale.

Edited by pellinor
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Has the bug been fixed where, when you use the NRAP, your console log goes insane? I remember one time where I had left the game open overnight while I slept. Because of this, the ship I was working on was loaded in the VAB with an NRAP as the payload the whole time. After waking up I decided I was gonna clean my PC since the HDD was basically overflowing. Fast-forward an hour, after using some tools to get a visual representation of how much space was taken up on the drive, I noticed KSP's directory was abnormally large.

Once I started looking for anything that looked out of the ordinary, I noticed that the log file was vary large... I mean very, very large for just a text file. IIRC, the log file was over 600mb!

Due to that bug, I had to stop using this mod; which was a shame as I really, really like it. Now, the only option I have is a custom Proc Part plus a dumbbell resource definition to have a suitable mass simulator. 

So, I have to ask, has this bug been fixed? Because if it is, you've just made me a very happy man!

Edited by FiiZzioN
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  On 2/19/2017 at 11:24 PM, pellinor said:

Just stumbled upon this and it sounds quite like a bug that plagued TweakScale for a long time. This is what NRAP does (and I think TweakScale did in the past):

Transform root = this.part.transform.GetChild(0); 

(from https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/NRAP/blob/master/NRAP/ModuleTestWeight.cs line 118)

And this is what TweakScale does today:

var trafo = part.partTransform.FindChild("model");

It turned out that the model transform used to always be the first entry of that list in older KSP versions. In newer versions the return value of GetChild(0) was named something with "camera pivot" if the part was root. Getting the model transform by its name fixed things in TweakScale.


Thank  you. I've been banging my head against this for a while now.  all I need to do now is figure out the name of the model.

Edit: Duh!  it's called "model", and this fixes the bug.

Thanks @pellinor

New release in an hour or so.

  On 2/19/2017 at 11:52 PM, FiiZzioN said:

Has the bug been fixed where when you use the NRAP, your console log goes insane? I remember, one time ,where I had left the game open overnight while I had the ship I was working on loaded in the VAB with an NRAP as the payload. After waking up I decided I was gonna clean my PC since the HDD was basically overflowing. After using some tools to get a visual representation of how much space is taken up on a drive, I noticed KSP's directory was abnormally large.

Once I started looking for anything that looked out of the ordinary, I noticed the log file was vary large... I mean very, very large for just a text file. IIRC, the log file was over 600mb.

Due to that bug, I had to stop using this mod; which was a shame as I really, really like it. Now, the only option I have is a custom Proc Part plus a dumbbell resource definition to have a suitable mass simulator. 

So, I have to ask, has this bug been fixed? Because if it is, you've just made me a very happy man!


Without knowing what's in the log file, I can't say.  But it doesn't get large for me.

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 4 months later...

I'm having a trouble getting the second NRAP window to display in the VAB. As a result, I can only tweak the monopropellent. 

NRAP v1.5.6.0 / v1.5.1.1

Full Mod List

[LOG 09:19:55.819] [ModuleManager] compiling list of loaded mods...
Mod DLLs found:
    Assembly-CSharp v0.0.0.0                         SHA256 e39e79699b32686ad0a05836e380d10230e68d15925ffa72bbe7319cfb4dd48d
    ModuleManager.2.8.1 v2.8.1.0                     SHA256 20eed99a6c3ec8fdb8376852648bc135110842adb491bdafa1df4eaeebef1ec3
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.2                                 SHA256 9ee10c46cb6f86417f005046ae72fedda156e1d47c92febcb84c68f50e03f08a
    aaa_Toolbar v1.7.14.0                            SHA256 b5457cfdfa4e6ead21f1d7e94b0ab799010266d4a6870ee34f050f32bf931836
    ContractConfigurator v1.0.0.0 / v1.23.2          SHA256 f7711ae870d655dcd04de081c76fd4f9e31a8585dbb73463e197cfc7eda5cd7a
    EasyVesselSwitch v1.5.6471.31118 / v1.5-pre for KSP v1.3 SHA256 8091d8d4422993fe247bba48abb342c97dddf6825495e01f655a03a13b4e356a
    KSPDev_Utils.0.28 v0.28.6465.41979 / v0.28 for KSP v1.3 SHA256 737d427770b64f80eb1993310a9c0548ed547766e0e26c190aa7aec844c26795
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.0                                 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
    KAS v0.6.3.0 / v0.6.3 for KSP 1.3                SHA256 307ee46eed3d75bde3817f057e58e484c791ca15a7319609c5a9319be1e29083
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.1                                 SHA256 6b3cc0606f225afbab50a8e49e409ccd21c7d9c746805de7b47091d2c74ab4be
    KIS v1.7.6468.41490 / v1.7 for KSP 1.3           SHA256 1edc45b84befc41512b2003cbd0fccc49966de3cfc1f842d76b3d8085693360f
    KSPDev_Utils.0.28 v0.28.6465.41979 / v0.28 for KSP v1.3 SHA256 737d427770b64f80eb1993310a9c0548ed547766e0e26c190aa7aec844c26795
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.0                                 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
    HyperEdit v1.5.4.0                               SHA256 d08fe9fd4874895e16681de712f6657f66655982349837ea41db298dffe9bb7f
    MechJeb2 v2.5.1.0 / v / v2.6.1.0                 SHA256 9ab6ee8a9b3b478992d92383f3540cf1972870a6a82fbaebf2d92643dc05e6dc
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.0                                 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
    NRAP v1.5.6.0 / v1.5.1.1                         SHA256 f42c6d1a268050016aef448a1a1ae4e25ad3d8a9fa56cefcbccf671c095ed52b
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.2                                 SHA256 9ee10c46cb6f86417f005046ae72fedda156e1d47c92febcb84c68f50e03f08a
    PreciseNode v1.2.5.0 / v1.2.4.0                  SHA256 5a58a6a1e9bc46c5d068a7f5afb30c47c6637e469f1e282379a5800fc7a6af86
    SCANsat v1.8.0.0 / vv18.0                        SHA256 225f178877f33af4d2f918799c037def250f96d168712a2673052473068ec06a
    SCANmechjeb v1.8.0.0 / vv18.0                    SHA256 0af9f0084dd65531ba09dbe8d11e3225e6f22192e533d778036cbdc1f840a4d1
    SCANsat.Unity v1.8.0.0                           SHA256 a0f8b1080ff4e0ab0bea54c602efa385bd2eee135a3884a07e39bbe0757a90c8
    KSPSteamCtrlr v0.0.1.35                          SHA256 70c884b63b0d5d913dff497fa8246934b21f13327934494966e6b0a5c15556e7
    Steamworks.NET v9.0.0.0 / v9.0.0                 SHA256 8d80c44126c0e241077bc384fd22fd8ee9cd709c2b166dc4947fda839930c46e
    StationScience v1.0.0.0                          SHA256 88e24c4326d1884f639b85624d1346c2478eeea8921b0a6d2e2a177bd388a036
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.0                                 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
    TacFuelBalancer v2.13.6355.38682                 SHA256 0d828dba5c4cf15a9ec4e94fd65f294466f4b88b065b203f0908f7750ae5991e
    KerbalAlarmClock v3.8.5.0                        SHA256 a07f2c156fa089f6ea765d59d7dd34926204d2b824a64c06be7c1f0ce3d43b46
    WaypointManager v1.0.0.0 / v2.6.2                SHA256 7382cdadb0cc94925826ce367fdf5487fd73d4cbae49382b0a3b8a8f7eea945a
Non-DLL mods added (:FOR[xxx]):
Mods by directory (sub directories of GameData):


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  On 10/2/2017 at 5:11 PM, robotmonkeys said:

I'm having a trouble getting the second NRAP window to display in the VAB. As a result, I can only tweak the monopropellent. 

NRAP v1.5.6.0 / v1.5.1.1

Full Mod List

[LOG 09:19:55.819] [ModuleManager] compiling list of loaded mods...
Mod DLLs found:
    Assembly-CSharp v0.0.0.0                         SHA256 e39e79699b32686ad0a05836e380d10230e68d15925ffa72bbe7319cfb4dd48d
    ModuleManager.2.8.1 v2.8.1.0                     SHA256 20eed99a6c3ec8fdb8376852648bc135110842adb491bdafa1df4eaeebef1ec3
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.2                                 SHA256 9ee10c46cb6f86417f005046ae72fedda156e1d47c92febcb84c68f50e03f08a
    aaa_Toolbar v1.7.14.0                            SHA256 b5457cfdfa4e6ead21f1d7e94b0ab799010266d4a6870ee34f050f32bf931836
    ContractConfigurator v1.0.0.0 / v1.23.2          SHA256 f7711ae870d655dcd04de081c76fd4f9e31a8585dbb73463e197cfc7eda5cd7a
    EasyVesselSwitch v1.5.6471.31118 / v1.5-pre for KSP v1.3 SHA256 8091d8d4422993fe247bba48abb342c97dddf6825495e01f655a03a13b4e356a
    KSPDev_Utils.0.28 v0.28.6465.41979 / v0.28 for KSP v1.3 SHA256 737d427770b64f80eb1993310a9c0548ed547766e0e26c190aa7aec844c26795
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.0                                 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
    KAS v0.6.3.0 / v0.6.3 for KSP 1.3                SHA256 307ee46eed3d75bde3817f057e58e484c791ca15a7319609c5a9319be1e29083
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.1                                 SHA256 6b3cc0606f225afbab50a8e49e409ccd21c7d9c746805de7b47091d2c74ab4be
    KIS v1.7.6468.41490 / v1.7 for KSP 1.3           SHA256 1edc45b84befc41512b2003cbd0fccc49966de3cfc1f842d76b3d8085693360f
    KSPDev_Utils.0.28 v0.28.6465.41979 / v0.28 for KSP v1.3 SHA256 737d427770b64f80eb1993310a9c0548ed547766e0e26c190aa7aec844c26795
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.0                                 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
    HyperEdit v1.5.4.0                               SHA256 d08fe9fd4874895e16681de712f6657f66655982349837ea41db298dffe9bb7f
    MechJeb2 v2.5.1.0 / v / v2.6.1.0                 SHA256 9ab6ee8a9b3b478992d92383f3540cf1972870a6a82fbaebf2d92643dc05e6dc
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.0                                 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
    NRAP v1.5.6.0 / v1.5.1.1                         SHA256 f42c6d1a268050016aef448a1a1ae4e25ad3d8a9fa56cefcbccf671c095ed52b
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.2                                 SHA256 9ee10c46cb6f86417f005046ae72fedda156e1d47c92febcb84c68f50e03f08a
    PreciseNode v1.2.5.0 / v1.2.4.0                  SHA256 5a58a6a1e9bc46c5d068a7f5afb30c47c6637e469f1e282379a5800fc7a6af86
    SCANsat v1.8.0.0 / vv18.0                        SHA256 225f178877f33af4d2f918799c037def250f96d168712a2673052473068ec06a
    SCANmechjeb v1.8.0.0 / vv18.0                    SHA256 0af9f0084dd65531ba09dbe8d11e3225e6f22192e533d778036cbdc1f840a4d1
    SCANsat.Unity v1.8.0.0                           SHA256 a0f8b1080ff4e0ab0bea54c602efa385bd2eee135a3884a07e39bbe0757a90c8
    KSPSteamCtrlr v0.0.1.35                          SHA256 70c884b63b0d5d913dff497fa8246934b21f13327934494966e6b0a5c15556e7
    Steamworks.NET v9.0.0.0 / v9.0.0                 SHA256 8d80c44126c0e241077bc384fd22fd8ee9cd709c2b166dc4947fda839930c46e
    StationScience v1.0.0.0                          SHA256 88e24c4326d1884f639b85624d1346c2478eeea8921b0a6d2e2a177bd388a036
    MiniAVC v1.0.3.0                                 SHA256 3a74237363b4c9739208c0420ecc04ead93f10bed39e82acad822317ffe04cc3
    TacFuelBalancer v2.13.6355.38682                 SHA256 0d828dba5c4cf15a9ec4e94fd65f294466f4b88b065b203f0908f7750ae5991e
    KerbalAlarmClock v3.8.5.0                        SHA256 a07f2c156fa089f6ea765d59d7dd34926204d2b824a64c06be7c1f0ce3d43b46
    WaypointManager v1.0.0.0 / v2.6.2                SHA256 7382cdadb0cc94925826ce367fdf5487fd73d4cbae49382b0a3b8a8f7eea945a
Non-DLL mods added (:FOR[xxx]):
Mods by directory (sub directories of GameData):




Please post a link to the full log, a modlist is useless by itself.



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  On 10/9/2017 at 4:26 PM, MrBidl0 said:

I think there was an update for KSP recently and the NRAP mod is causing my game to crash before the main menu.


This is a known issue with 1.3.1 and mods that add custom pages to the game's difficulty settings window (which NRAP does).  I believe all that's needed to fix it is a recompile.

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  On 10/9/2017 at 6:48 PM, Wyzard said:

This is a known issue with 1.3.1 and mods that add custom pages to the game's difficulty settings window (which NRAP does).  I believe all that's needed to fix it is a recompile.


Thanks for the info.


Don't mean to sound like an idiot - but what is recompiling? Is that something I can do? A quick google search hasn't helped.

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