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Build a coal-powered aircraft

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Oh, I think I do understand and I see the point. It makes sense what you are saying but I'm just unsure if it's right.

I've found drag to be king with KSP aircraft and rockets but at those kinds of speed then, as you say, maybe mass is more important. I'll have a play sometime and find out. 

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Well, as you can see here at speed a bit higher than that one it creates really little drag, at something around 50m/s I couldn't even see that drag thing but that could be because of my angle with camera then

Edited by Numerlor
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The mass issue though is far more noticeable with regards to the ore than any other part.  Ore weighs a rather large amount, especially if you try using the large ore container (try placing one, look at your mass, then fill the container up, and look at your mass again).  Main source of drag in that case is then all the wings you slap on it to get it to actually get into the air. 

By comparison, I might normally just go with a standard cockpit or capsule, simply for the built-in bit of SAS it has.

High mass also just means you accelerate more slowly, which given the need for a weak, efficient engine already, means you may be in a bit of a race to get enough speed such that you can actually stay in the air upon reaching the end of the runway. 


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2 hours ago, Rath said:

Wait, can you move with drill in the ground, and if so, do they still function?

Perhaps we can get infinite very low alt flight on jets?

Probably too hard to fly because you would need to turn on ocean and drills aren't very aerodynamic but that would need them to mine when moving which is not possible I think

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  • 1 month later...

This is a nice challenge!

I believe i've created the first plane capable of supercruising (though it does use an engineer).


Instead of solar panels or fuel cells, it uses a bunch of nukes for power. Heavy, but much more reliable. Travelled 150km with 350 units of ore, so it should have respectable range.

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