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Eve Rocks Challenge [1.2.x][Rebooted]

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May Someone In The Community Volunteer To Create The Badges Please! Thanks!

Hello everyone!

I'm Rebooting the old Eve's Rock Challenge.

If you want to see the original thread, Click HERE

jfk said:
I believe that this nation should commit itself to achieving the goal, before this decade is out, of landing a man on the moon and returning him safely to the earth. No single space project in this period will be more impressive to mankind, or more important for the long-range exploration of space; and none will be so difficult or expensive to accomplish.

Landing on Eve is simple. Landing a Kerbal on Eve and returning him safely back to Kerbin, however, is the closest you can get to the challenges NASA was facing in the real-world Moon landings. Your rocket need not only be big (though it necessarily will be), but it has to be well-designed to boot: you need to strike the right balance between enough thrust and enough fuel. The surface of Eve is littered with the debris of launchers that were almost good enough. Trying to include any kind of safety margin will quickly inflate the project to ridiculous levels -- and keep in mind that you somehow need to get your lander up from Kerbin and to Eve in the first place, and put it down in Eve's high gravity without creating a debris field then and there. There will be no scoring system and no leaderboard because really, returning from Eve is quite a feat of itself. However, there will be a badge for you to keep once you have completed the challenge.


(Badge in Process)


And to spice things up a little, there will be several levels of achievement:

Level 1, I can do this: retrieve a soil sample from Eve and return it safely back to Kerbin.

Level 2, Let's get serious: return a sample from Eve's oceans as well.

Level 3, Going all the way: land at (and launch from) an altitude of less than 500m.

Jebediah's Level: all of the above, without parachutes, wings, or control surfaces.

For Science!: ignore all of the above, but strip-mine at least three biomes for their science and return the results to Kerbin -- in duplicate!

Rules & Restrictions:

- stock physics

- no glitch exploits (do I even have to say this?)

- only stock parts, except where I don't care (see below).

- part clipping: be conservative.

- there have to be pods/hitchhikers for all Kerbals involved. No seat-only lifters.

-Multiple Launches are allowed (Please show pictures of every single launch)

There will be 2 modes. A stock one and a Modded one. The aerodynamics on Eve has changed quite alot since the old thread, I will enable Part Mods(Info Mods such as Mechjeb/KER counts as stock. I should be able to access your craft file without installing any mods). You MUST Clearly State What Parts Mod You Are Using. Mining on Gilly will be alright, but ramscoops will be not. Mining on Eve itself is not OK.

Talking about refueling: in LKO, I will be content if you showcase your solution once. After that, you may resort to magic. No need to actually fly a dozen boring milk runs. However, I do want to see a solution that seems halfways adequate. Don't tell me you'd deliver the fuel a spoonful at a time.

About the "For Science!" level: Basically, you have to return two command pods full of experimental results (science containers are explicitly forbidden for this one). Overachievers may also land at sea level without parachutes, but there's no extra points for that: this level isn't about the biggest baddest lander, it's about making a sensible mission.

Submission Guidelines:

I want to see a well-lit money shot of every vessel involved (ideally, one should be able to recreate your craft from screenshots), and enough material to give me a good impression of what your mission looked like and how it played out. I don't need to see every single maneuver node and all of your twenty asparagus stages in action, but you should provide one picture every thirty seconds or so. Leave the altimeter, navball and resource panel open during ascents, and if you use MechJeb/KER, also keep the delta-V and orbital info stuff on the screen. Launches from Kerbin need not be as detailed, but I want to see that you launched and didn't just teleport into orbit. I reserve the right to request stockified craft files of your vessel as it is awaiting liftoff on Kerbin and/or Eve before accepting your entry.

If you use rovers / planes / whatever, please don't go over the top with pictures of your vehicle in action. Of course I want to see how it works (especially how it reaches the ground, and any specialties like entering the water or sumsuch), but for purposes of what you did, a single map view with a few annotations easily beats one hundred pics of a rover between dunes.

Please be kind to other people's bandwidth: use a gallery if possible. If you absolutely have to spam a dozen pics in a forum post, have the decency to convert them to JPEG. Short videos of key events may be helpful, but the emphasis is on "short": seconds, not minutes.

Provide the following data:

- weight and part count of the vessel on the launchpad

- weight and part count awaiting liftoff on Eve

- the approximate price tag of your entire mission, if at all possible

- game version

- mods used (Please include info mods such as Mechjeb)

- tell me how you found your landing site. "I tried until I got lucky" is perfectly alright, but inquiring minds want to know.

- if there's anything that your are especially proud of, be sure to point it out (provide a direct link to a picture if applicable).

- please also mention the things that didn't work out so well / required a lot of saveloading / you would do different next time.





Edited by TheGuyNamedAlan
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So, to clarify, the modded category doesn't fall under the original restriction of "craft will function the same if all modded parts are removed", right? If so, I'll be doing this at some point (probably relatively soon, and possibly using Kerbalism to familiarize myself with it for the much more ambitious Permanent Outpost Mission Architecture Challenge that I'm in the middle of developing).

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1 hour ago, eloquentJane said:

So, to clarify, the modded category doesn't fall under the original restriction of "craft will function the same if all modded parts are removed", right? If so, I'll be doing this at some point (probably relatively soon, and possibly using Kerbalism to familiarize myself with it for the much more ambitious Permanent Outpost Mission Architecture Challenge that I'm in the middle of developing).

Yes, since i do realise that it is now much more harder to complete this challenge stock than it was in 0.90



I also want to give players who is not as good in ksp to have a chance of completing the challenge

Edited by TheGuyNamedAlan
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Just now, TheGuyNamedAlan said:

Yes, since i do realise that it is now much more harder to complete this challenge stock than it was in 0.90

Excellent. I've already begun vehicle design actually (though I'm skipping Kerbalism for now, I'll use that when I do the Eve version of my Permanent Outpost Mission Architecture). I hope you'll find my attempt interesting...

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3 minutes ago, TheGuyNamedAlan said:

Very well, Good luck :wink: 


Actually, on-topic, how do you feel about mods that add moons to Eve? Since I'm visiting the Eve system with my first crewed mission there in quite a while, I figured I might as well go all out and also visit all four moons (Aden and Neith from Xen's Planet Collection, Faz from Kerbol Origins, and of course Gilly), assuming the modded ones are permitted.

Also now that I think about it, does it need to be a single launch?

Edited by eloquentJane
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1 minute ago, eloquentJane said:


Actually, on-topic, how do you feel about mods that add moons to Eve? Since I'm visiting the Eve system with my first crewed mission there in quite a while, I figured I might as well go all out and also visit all four moons (Aden and Neith from Xen's Planet Collection, Faz from Kerbol Origins, and of course Gilly), assuming the modded ones are permitted.

as long as you state them, it will be ok. it would still go under modded though since it is not a info mod. 

Alan :D

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