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[UNOFFICIAL/FANMADE] 0.17 Discussion thread


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  Shadownailshot said:
There's already a planet with oceans, they don't need to add another one to demonstrate it. Plus, you can build boats with the current stock parts.


can't remember the name of the post but there is a sub mod.

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It's a mod made with the old flight pack, basically some of the structural pieces are rcs tanks that become very heavy if they empty, and there are rcs thrusters that use up rcs for diving down and regenerate rcs for coming up again.

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  Kreuzung said:
It's a mod made with the old flight pack, basically some of the structural pieces are rcs tanks that become very heavy if they empty, and there are rcs thrusters that use up rcs for diving down and regenerate rcs for coming up again.

Very neat. So you kind of could do it stock, just need a really heavy bottom, and light pontoons on top? You just wouldn't be able to surface.

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  Spoot Knight said:
Minmus wants a word with you, it's trying to figure out how it has frozen methane everywhere despite its incredibly low melting/boiling points.

So, maybe minmus was made from warm ice creams ;p ?


  Khrissetti said:

It wasn't normal gas giants, but hot Jupiters -enormous gas giants rbiting very closely to their stairs ...so close, it will made their stars to wobble (they was discovered because of that). And they didn't green anyway :).


I like green color BTW. Simply, I like more plausibility (not mistake with realism) of ksp too :P.

Edited by karolus10
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The prebuilt ships shouldn't be great ships. They should be good enough for the new players to get started but not so capable as to disuade people from creating their own ships, what I would say is the core feature of this game. A competition to create these ships would make them far to efficient for this. Ideas like crossfeeding improve payload-to-orbit, but these should be slowly introduced after the player has learnt basic controls, orbital mechanics and staging.

As always, these are just my opinions and I defer to the devs if they have their own views.

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Jettisoning the spent fuel tanks from the top of my lander. I think I put way too many separation motors on them.

Apoapsis was 23km. Low atmosphere density and gravity certainly didn't try to slow it down.

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Edited by NovaSilisko
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  Randox said:
I think for IVA's what they are aiming for is the basic internal view, much like how we got all the basic mechanics for EVA last time. For EVA, the most basic step was full mobility, since the kerbals are just little space ships that move funny and look goofy, and they are simply spawned and unspawned. The cockpit doesn't actually exist inside the command pod part, so the most basic step would be rendering the internal space with kerbals in it, and presumably being able to see out the windows and fly the ship from some sort of cockpit view. After that, it might be safe to guess that 0.18 will be when we can expect to be able to move around inside the ship, since this would still be pretty basic IVA stuff (in terms of features, not in terms of complexity or anything), and it seems like what they are doing is building all the basic features first so that they can build it all up from there, which makes sense. A lot of this stuff impacts on the way everything else is coded, as revealed in the blogs, so once you have all the foundation going, building that stuff up like giving us stuff to do while on EVA will interfere less with the rest of the code. I expect IVA's will have to span two versions to get us the real basic foundation, though I might be plesently surprised. After that, I sincerely hope docking finds its way back onto the list for 0.19, or .20 at the latest. In my ideal world while trying to keep it realistic, perhaps rudimentary docking in 0.19, and the orbital hanger for 0.20 though I hope that ultimately we are able to choose between the space hanger for simplicity and speed, and manual construction by putting things in orbit ourselves for the cool factor.

i think your right, IVA's will start simple and expand to be more complex possibly before docking is implemented, to kind of build a good foundation for space station/ base building where you can float inside.

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Neat! So you jettisoned a fuel tank you had on top of some of your lander fuel tanks (which still appear to be attached to your ship), into the atmosphere. How did you ensure that the jettisoned tank didn't simply smash back down onto your lander? Would the atmosphere and general instability of the jettison booster be enough for that?

Also, will we be able to use cameras in the manner you did when jettisoning those tanks? :)

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That are oddly shaped tanks u jettisoned.. They must make the ship unmanageable..

Are you playing with our minds, those are just 3 small SRBs.. Stuck to a decoupler.. Possibly a FL-T200 in the middle..

Nice touch with the fuel lines..


Keep up the good work.. Edited by Atimed
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