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lack of vab vessels

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I wanted to break the world record for most satellites deployed from one launch of 108 by launching 256 satellites in one launch. it was really laggy when I launched the vessel and about 10 seconds in the game crashed. I went back in and when I tried to load the vessel. the vab vessel selector had NOTHING there. I went to the craft files and got rid of the crafts and it then loaded all the stock vessels just fine. I put back all the vessels and when I checked. it was all gone again. not the sph but just the vab. while I was moving all the vab vessel out of the folder I saw that the one I was working on was 3 megabytes. all the others where 10-20 kilobytes and there was a 200 kilobyte craft there as well. (the base launcher, which I used for launching the satellites) so could someone please explain how that weird stuff happened? I'll give you the crash log of you tell me how.

Edited by rockets-don't-make-toast
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