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Eeloo, Dres and Moho

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For Moho in particular, you aim for PE, which is also a node, and don't worry about arriving at the right time.  Adjust your arrival time next orbit at your first PE, and enjoy major fuel savings.

For Eeloo, does flight time or delta-v needed matter more?

For Dres ... why are you going there anyway?

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My question wasn't precise enough and is mostly about Moho

I want to encounter Moho as we do a orbital rendezvous. Si I want to aim at a convenient location to handle that encounter. If I think AN and DN are on AP and PE so if we manage to encounter Moho there, there is no need to match plains (or it can be fully done at escape burn). As I'm at AP or PE, I only have to get an encounter at next orbit at the same time by burning retrograde.

Capture burn should then be very minimal.

My question was ; should I target a rendezvous at AP or at PE as Moho has a quiet great eccentricity ?

Escape burn to AP should costs than  burn to PE, but slowdown at AP may be more costly than slowdown at PE.

Or maybe the difference is marginal ?



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The difference is fairly large, you'll spend more escaping to intersect Moho's PE, but will more than make up for that with the capture burn.  That's how I usually work a trip to Moho, though I usually use an Eve slingshot on the way back.

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2 hours ago, Warzouz said:

very minimal.

Nothing about Moho is "very minimal" except maybe when discussing it's orbit around Sun relative to the other planets.

No matter where you meet Moho, expect to toss away a few thousand m/s of propellant before you reach orbit.

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