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ships disappeared from VAB list

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I was trying to launch a big ship, something like 400 parts and 4kton.
the game crashed several times and now when I try to load one of my saved ships, I can no longer see them in the VAB list,

only SPH, not VAB


edit: tried repair and redownload all files with steam. nothing.
Do I proceed with delete the main directory, saving the saves folder only, or can I try something else first?

Edited by antipro
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4 hours ago, antipro said:

or can I try something else first?

Yes!, before deleting everything I can tell you the issue, one craft in the VAB folder is corrupted, it could be the craft you were using or the autosaved ship, move either of those to another folder and try again, this should work while KSP is running, you just need to reopen the vessel load window.

Also, moving to tech support.

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