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[1.2.2] Trappist Visions - Explore Trappist-1


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With the recent discovery of the Trappist-1 system and its seven planets, the internet is abuzz with news and theories on the system. The planets and star of Trappist-1 are all sized to their real life counterparts. All of the bodies are known to exist in reality, a great deal of artistic license has been used to design and create a beautiful and massive system. The entire system is stable in N-body simulations upwards of 1500 Earth years.

Similarly to my mod Centauri Dreams: This is a real scale system that places you into the system directly instead of adding it to the stock systems.

This mod requires Kopernicus.


Where's Kerbin?

Gone. This mod is much like RSS in that it replaces the stock system with one a lot closer to reality.

Do I need Realism Overhaul?
Short Answer: Yes. 
Long Answer: This mod will function without it, but for the sake of your sanity you will want a mod to adjust fuels and engines to a realistic scale as stock engines are severely under powered in real scale. See the suggested mods section for more info on those.

Will updating this mod break my saves?

More than likely, yes. It is always best to stick with one version of a mod instead of updating it in between game sessions.

Spacedock: Download 

Visual Overhaul on Spacedock: Download


Required Mods:


Suggested Mods:

Realism Overhaul or SMURFF

Kerbal Engineer
Realistic Progression 


Edited by hikoriyami
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This is amazing, but, the size is a lot. Um, can you make it kerbin size? I know it's a lot to ask and beggars aren't choosers, I really want to do a youtube series on this, also realism overhaul isn't compatible with kerbalism as far as I know, if you could make this mod compatible with it, it'd really help me, love the mod, it's my number 1 choice to do a series on it. If you could make an optional kerbin size version as well as keeping this version, that would really be beneficial to people

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This is amazing! Finally, a trappist-1 system. Now someone just needs to make a mod that puts Sol system away from trappist, and kerbals can be aliens visiting Earth. :D


P.S, I know NASA didn't find any moons, but are you planning on adding some? I imagine they'd be quite a bit smaller than the real moon, as the planets are smaller.  

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  On 4/3/2017 at 2:37 AM, The-Doctor said:

This is amazing, but, the size is a lot. Um, can you make it kerbin size? I know it's a lot to ask and beggars aren't choosers, I really want to do a youtube series on this, also realism overhaul isn't compatible with kerbalism as far as I know, if you could make this mod compatible with it, it'd really help me, love the mod, it's my number 1 choice to do a series on it. If you could make an optional kerbin size version as well as keeping this version, that would really be beneficial to people


I didn't like your post that was someone else... but I did like it :P 
It takes a lot of work to resize a system and my planets are not compatible with Sigma Dimensions due to the PQS mods not resizing. While that is not completely off the table, it is more work than I wish to do currently. Have you looked into SMURFF? It "resizes" resources to work with a real scaled system and keeps the difficulty about the same without breaking any mods like kerbalism AFAIK.

  On 4/3/2017 at 6:52 PM, Rainbowd4sh said:

This is amazing! Finally, a trappist-1 system. Now someone just needs to make a mod that puts Sol system away from trappist, and kerbals can be aliens visiting Earth. :D



Placing the Sun the correct distance of 39ly is actually really easy to accomplish, I have not tested this file, but it should work.

	// Sun
		name = Sun
		cacheFile = RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus/Cache/Sun.bin
			name = Sun
			removeProgressTree = false
			referenceBody = Trappist 1
			semiMajorAxis = 368960608000000000
			eccentricity = 0.006810339650842032
			inclination = 2.463
			meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 311.2459947553124
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 7.981603378781639
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 123.7121294282329
			color = 1,1,1,1
			useTheInName = True
			description = The Sun, a G2V main sequence yellow dwarf.
			radius = 696342000
			gravParameter = 1.32712E+20

			solarLightColor = 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0

Download and install both RSS and Trappist Visions and then replace the Sun.cfg file in RSS with the above code.

  On 4/3/2017 at 6:52 PM, Rainbowd4sh said:


P.S, I know NASA didn't find any moons, but are you planning on adding some? I imagine they'd be quite a bit smaller than the real moon, as the planets are smaller.  


I wanted moons :( 
However, doing the math told me pretty quickly that none of the planets could support a moon for longer than a few orbits, or the moon would turn into dust by the Rosch limit or be pulled into another planets orbit. 

The original paper findings did theorize of a planet "X" further out that could support a moon, but they did not find evidence for its existence as with the others.

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@hikoriyami I've played with SMURF before, it does very little actually

  On 4/3/2017 at 1:44 PM, TheRagingIrishman said:

You could use Sigma Dimensions to resize the planets yourself. 


I don't know how to

@hikoriyami is the KSC on one of those planets? I'd like to play only with this mod, if, it includes the kerbal system, than I understand and I'd try using KSC switcher to move the KSC.

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  On 4/4/2017 at 2:16 AM, The-Doctor said:

@hikoriyami I've played with SMURF before, it does very little actually

I don't know how to

@hikoriyami is the KSC on one of those planets? I'd like to play only with this mod, if, it includes the kerbal system, than I understand and I'd try using KSC switcher to move the KSC.


The KSC is on Trappist-1 E 

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When I load the game, even when I time warp, day doesn't appear, the craft also are sometimes buried in the planet, this is just me testing it btw, not criticizing. In my opinion, not all the planets should be red, from the artist depiction of it, some were blue 

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  On 4/3/2017 at 11:10 PM, hikoriyami said:

I didn't like your post that was someone else... but I did like it :P 
It takes a lot of work to resize a system and my planets are not compatible with Sigma Dimensions due to the PQS mods not resizing. While that is not completely off the table, it is more work than I wish to do currently. Have you looked into SMURFF? It "resizes" resources to work with a real scaled system and keeps the difficulty about the same without breaking any mods like kerbalism AFAIK.

Placing the Sun the correct distance of 39ly is actually really easy to accomplish, I have not tested this file, but it should work.

	// Sun
		name = Sun
		cacheFile = RealSolarSystem/RSSKopernicus/Cache/Sun.bin
			name = Sun
			removeProgressTree = false
			referenceBody = Trappist 1
			semiMajorAxis = 368960608000000000
			eccentricity = 0.006810339650842032
			inclination = 2.463
			meanAnomalyAtEpochD = 311.2459947553124
			longitudeOfAscendingNode = 7.981603378781639
			argumentOfPeriapsis = 123.7121294282329
			color = 1,1,1,1
			useTheInName = True
			description = The Sun, a G2V main sequence yellow dwarf.
			radius = 696342000
			gravParameter = 1.32712E+20

			solarLightColor = 1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0

Download and install both RSS and Trappist Visions and then replace the Sun.cfg file in RSS with the above code.

I wanted moons :( 
However, doing the math told me pretty quickly that none of the planets could support a moon for longer than a few orbits, or the moon would turn into dust by the Rosch limit or be pulled into another planets orbit. 

The original paper findings did theorize of a planet "X" further out that could support a moon, but they did not find evidence for its existence as with the others.


hmm. I wonder... A great mod for KSP would be to have KSC at Trappist, and the actual KSC (Kennedy) on Earth. I don't know if KSP's code allows for that, as I am not a modder, but it would be really cool for a story-driven series. Maybe even have little humans on Earth and keep kerbals on Trappist!


I'll try out the RSS thing later, thanks for the code. 


Too bad for the moons, but it's more realistic! *slowly increases asteroid spawn* 

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  On 4/3/2017 at 11:10 PM, hikoriyami said:

my planets are not compatible with Sigma Dimensions due to the PQS mods not resizing


which PQS mods is SD failing to resize?



I haven't looked at your configs, but you don't have any dll which means you can only use PQS mods that Kopernicus knows.

which also means SD should be able to resize the system with no issues

Edited by Sigma88
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  On 4/4/2017 at 5:01 AM, Rainbowd4sh said:

hmm. I wonder... A great mod for KSP would be to have KSC at Trappist, and the actual KSC (Kennedy) on Earth. I don't know if KSP's code allows for that, as I am not a modder, but it would be really cool for a story-driven series. Maybe even have little humans on Earth and keep kerbals on Trappist!


KSC switcher can't do that, I just checked.
You could switch the config files around for Earth and (lets say) Trappist-1E (really needs a name). You would need to close KSP and switch the config files between sessions, but all of your ships would stay put around the correct body. I did this in the early days of Centauri Dreams when I wasn't sure where I wanted Elcano to be. I moved it from Alpha B to Alpha A and the moved another planet where it once was and all the ships stayed in place. I could write the config file if your interested.

  On 4/4/2017 at 10:33 AM, Sigma88 said:

which PQS mods is SD failing to resize?


I haven't looked at your configs, but you don't have any dll which means you can only use PQS mods that Kopernicus knows.

which also means SD should be able to resize the system with no issues


Oh! I didn't realize you could now resize PQSs. Maybe it was just my doing, but last time I looked it wasn't able to resize PQS mods on mod bodies, just the stock system. I will have to look into this.

Edited by hikoriyami
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  On 4/4/2017 at 10:54 PM, hikoriyami said:

Oh! I didn't realize you could now resize PQSs. Maybe it was just my doing, but last time I looked it wasn't able to resize PQS mods on mod bodies, just the stock system. I will have to look into this.


SD has been able to do that since ages ago :D

possibly more than 1 year, I lost track :)

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  On 4/4/2017 at 10:54 PM, hikoriyami said:

KSC switcher can't do that, I just checked.
You could switch the config files around for Earth and (lets say) Trappist-1E (really needs a name). You would need to close KSP and switch the config files between sessions, but all of your ships would stay put around the correct body. I did this in the early days of Centauri Dreams when I wasn't sure where I wanted Elcano to be. I moved it from Alpha B to Alpha A and the moved another planet where it once was and all the ships stayed in place. I could write the config file if your interested.



Nah, no worry. Just an idea if any of the KSP story tellers wanna do somethin like that. 

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