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[video] A Curiosity style lander and Krazy Kerbal rover


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Hi, first time posting on this Forum, hope its ok to post here about our Krazy Kerbal constructions!

Using a mixture of mod packs I\'ve built a Rover and JetPack Lander inspired by 'Mars Curiosity', it does not have a crane but I think it works pretty well. Check out my vid of it;

(clearly I\'m a noob and don\'t know how to embed a you-tube vid here!)

Thanks for tips guys!

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Hi, first time posting on this Forum, hope its ok to post here about our Krazy Kerbal constructions!

Using a mixture of mod packs I\'ve built a Rover and JetPack Lander inspired by 'Mars Curiosity', it does not have a crane but I think it works pretty well. Check out my vid of it;

<iframe width='480' height='360' src='http://www.youtube.com/embed/iRRcypNMsUA' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen></iframe>

(clearly I\'m a noob and don\'t know how to embed a you-tube vid here!)

like this

inert hyperlink it just next to insert image.

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Thanks for comments guys! :) :) Had fun building it!! Only a few days before the real Curiosity lands (hopefully)!!

The Rover is pretty fun, but not without issue. With its legs straight the wheels work best, but its prone to face-plants when going fast. So at speed it crouches down with legs at an angle. Prob with that is the wheels change their behaviour, making it very hard to turn. Also with the rear engine on, there is too much power and its ass tries to overtake its head, it ok, I just have to not drive like a derp!

Got a couple other vids of it to put up. Have you seen the arch on Mun? Did a mission with it to check that out. Also one vid showing it landing on Kerbin, but that is, well, not quite right. Might put those up later if I have time (ie; if I can leave my current KSP project for 2 seconds).

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What area of the Mun is that? The terrain looks pretty interesting...

It was near the southern pole. Not right at the pole (but that looks quite interesting too). Attached a pic of the ruff landing site. image taken looking directly up at the south pole.

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