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Requesting Help For Game Development


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Me and a friend of mine (specifically @SparkyFox) have decided to finally put our abilities together and make a game. I am creative and also an intrinsic puzzle solver however I lack knowledge on much game development aspects, however Sparky knows how to code which is a huge advantage however we still need help finding a person who can make the models, help code. texture, sound and more.

I'm planning on learning how to 3D model and texture since those two things seem the most my speed.

It's just the two of us and we're wanting some help getting this project done. So please let me know if you or someone you know could help us.

Game Concept:

Strategic shooter with slightly horror ambiance. Not jumpscary, just tense and shocking when you find an enemy. With multi-squadron control. Throwback to gameplay from the original Ghost Recon on PS2, GC and PC.

Edited by ZooNamedGames
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it's always complicated with young project, sharing the concept ... ... ... also ... ... ... (btw feel free to pm whenever zoo, of course i may give weird answer time to time ^^ can't be of much more than that here due to irl and messy neurons ...)

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  On 4/16/2017 at 5:26 AM, Shpaget said:

So why not provide more details in op?

What kind of game? What engine? What artistic style? 

You can't hope to find serious help without providing those.


Because I don't want an idea I intend to sell to be publicly seen. If your seriously interested I'll share it after you sign an NDA.  

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  On 4/17/2017 at 2:05 AM, Exclipse said:

This is your first mistake :-/


I'm not a game designer. I'm an artist. This is why I struggle with game development, but despite the struggle I still percervere through and force myself to learn.

If I can teach my stubborn self how to learn, someone can sign an NDA. 

Ideas, are a limited commodity. Game designers are not.

If you want something to work on, you'll ask. If your looking for a quick idea, you'll read this thread and work on it yourself. 

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Well, a basic premise might be okay. Nothing specific, of course. But, if it takes place in space, you'll likely want someone who's very skilled with modeling spaceships. If it's underwater, you'll want someone who's very skilled with marine life, and so on. And you'll probably want a decent writer, unless it's an arcade-ish game, because so few games have writers.

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the dalek are the friend of leto 2 the ixien the son of paul, paul wich ended like a blind homeless after the first movies by lorentis, meanwhile saint seya gone vahalalala with odin on the second opus ...

speaking for myself but the sole thing i feel very skilled is being totally brainsick, then i should do like naruto shippuden transition ... naruto did the stuff he was the worst able to do [aka ninjustsu and tralala biju kage bushin according to the script] ... then he become good at that stuff, then naruto remain dumb whatever, then come boruto, naruto is so busy being okage it's son gone wild ...

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  On 4/17/2017 at 3:33 AM, Bill Phil said:

Well, a basic premise might be okay. Nothing specific, of course. But, if it takes place in space, you'll likely want someone who's very skilled with modeling spaceships. If it's underwater, you'll want someone who's very skilled with marine life, and so on. And you'll probably want a decent writer, unless it's an arcade-ish game, because so few games have writers.


I'm a writer. The game development aspect is what's foreign. It's a single project. If your work isn't good, at least it's work. Better than nothing and we can improve as we go. 

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as said feel free to pm zoo but well shooter remind me the five finger death punch clip ... with the woman and little girl the criees and the photo, with the men in the arcade, with the mens near the end, it also remind me the scene from stop loss where one take a child as shiled and one shoot .. then one dig a hole in it's garden and sleep ... etc ... i no longer play shooter game, but when teen and younger i used to play them and weel feeding and stomach remain a shooter game ... now most kids know everithing about gun just playing game ... and 3d printing ...

and across the net and various project it's often about, we want multiplayer we want gun just because ... also wondered around a few project the last 5 6 years ... often with moderating issue ... just for words

now my question tend to remain, insert number of alphabet, insert number of languages, insert whose copyright all languages belong , insert born somwhere + rng ? i barely attempt to use/learn a few and my neurons aging and decaying and it tend to be totally messed up

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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  On 4/16/2017 at 4:42 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

Because I don't want an idea I intend to sell to be publicly seen. If your seriously interested I'll share it after you sign an NDA.  


No thanks.

  On 4/17/2017 at 2:45 AM, ZooNamedGames said:

Ideas, are a limited commodity. Game designers are not.


Judging by the past threads on this and other forums, I always had an impression that it was the other way around. The idea guys are abundant, while programers, especially those willing to work on an extended project for free, are particularly scarce.

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what is coding in the orgin a very basic syntax with a few operand ... well in the origin post wolrd war 1 & 2 it was that ... so what i m personnally dubitative regarding learning computer languages ... now ... sector 3 surpopulation 1700 1900 ? a little may be ... while it contributed to some stuff the downside come as well

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also what do you expect if you offer a nda to a black hole .... well the black hole just gonna eat the nda like everithing else ... that's by design it seem ... black holes just sink everithing in direct proximity as far as we know now, why do they do that , how ... well , have fun investigating & cya ya in 150000 00000 years

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
vhs ... what's vhs ... a yup a 30 50 years story ...dvd blue ray even shorter, now the cloud ... and energetic earth signature ...
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I'd look in the forums on game development and 3d-modellign for help. For example Blender, Godot game engine, PyGame, etc. pp. These usually have an own section for bringing idea guys and programmers/designers together.

But be prepared that they want to know more about your plans (without signing anything, that's step 3 or so) and need more substantial descriptions about what you expect from them. So better have an outline and sketches ready to clearly state what you want to avoid misunderstandings and to get ready to go asap. After all time is what everyone lacks more than anything else ... :-)

Edited by Green Baron
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  On 4/16/2017 at 4:42 PM, ZooNamedGames said:

If your seriously interested I'll share it after you sign an NDA.

  On 4/17/2017 at 2:45 AM, ZooNamedGames said:

Ideas, are a limited commodity. Game designers are not.


Those two comments would be enough for me: Zero interest.
So you're asking for hackers to help you, and in the same breath saying that these skills are common (and by extension worth little). That's nice.

As game designers are so common, I guess you can just say "I has Idea", and wait for all those bored souls to flock to you... or not.


  On 4/17/2017 at 2:45 AM, ZooNamedGames said:

If you want something to work on, you'll ask.


How inclined someone is to look for work depends on what it's paying.
If you want someone to work for you for free I'd suggest that you ask, and be nice about it.
The more detail you can provide, and the more work you have to show, the more likely you are to find volunteers.

For myself "I have an idea, but I won't tell you what it is, because it's worth more than your time" catches no fish at all.

The déjà vu is strong with this one.

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well i m pretty interested in the 50' 2000' woman right and marriage broke law descision in favor or one or the other // media pressure // pulbic opinion

let's say from a semantic geo politico socio psycho story telling pov ... (( ... ))

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  On 4/17/2017 at 5:29 AM, Shpaget said:

No thanks.

Judging by the past threads on this and other forums, I always had an impression that it was the other way around. The idea guys are abundant, while programers, especially those willing to work on an extended project for free, are particularly scarce.



  On 4/17/2017 at 8:40 AM, steve_v said:

Those two comments would be enough for me: Zero interest.
So you're asking for hackers to help you, and in the same breath saying that these skills are common (and by extension worth little). That's nice.

As game designers are so common, I guess you can just say "I has Idea", and wait for all those bored souls to flock to you... or not.


How inclined someone is to look for work depends on what it's paying.
If you want someone to work for you for free I'd suggest that you ask, and be nice about it.
The more detail you can provide, and the more you have to show, the more likely you are to find volunteers.

For myself "I have an idea, but I won't tell you what it is, because it's worth more than your time" catches no fish at all.


You both seem to know everything so why don't one of you just go and ask for me. Can't seem to say anything right anyway according to you.

Meanwhile I guess because I'm "an idea guy" I'll go sit in the corner since I'm common, abundant and worthless and that's from your own mouths. 

People are quick to poke holes. Few are willing to help fix them. And no, what you've provided is not solutions to anything but one problem you see. 

I give up trying on this idea.

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