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Multiple engine specific impulse math

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The standard dV formula is 9.8 * Isp * Ln(Massfull/Massempty).


For a single engine, that's simple- just plug in the Isp of the engine for the formula.

For multiple engines, it's not quite as complicated as you think. You need to take the average of all the different engine Isp's you'll be using in a given stage, and plug that in for the standard Isp.

In math form:

9.8 * ((Isp1+Isp2+Isp3+Isp4...IspN)/N) * Ln(Massfull/Massempty), where N is the total number of engines being used at one time.

Repeat that step once for each stage, then add the totals together to get the overall dV of your ship. Be sure to include all the mass above the stage in the calculations!


Hope that helps! :D

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Ah, you're welcome! Happy to help.


That's a little more complicated, and there's probably many ways to solve that. Here's mine.

I treat the SRB's in one stage, so I'd run the numbers twice.

Step 1: time how long the SRB's burn.

Step 2: calculate how much mass your other engines use in that time, and add that to the empty weight of the SRBs.

Step 3: subtract the total in step 2 from the mass of the rocket with the SRBs at the beginning of the burn. We'll refer to this as Massmiddle.

Step 4: count the SRB's Isp's in the average you did above, and use Massfull/Massmiddle.

Step 5: calculate the Isp without the SRBs, and run that with Massmiddle/Massempty.

Step 6: Add the results of Steps 4 and 5 to find the Delta-V.

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I just want to nitpick over something @Dman979 said on the Isp average: yes, the rocket equation formula works for clusters of engines, and yes, the total Isp is an average of the engines' Isps... however, it's not the simple average (sum(...)/N) but a weighted average (TL;DR math: the formula for the entire ship is Isp = sum(Ti) / sum(Ti/Ispi), where Ti and Isp i are the thrust and Isp of each individual engine).

If you're using just many engines of the same type, it makes no difference (total Isp equals engine Isp), and if your engines are consuming roughly the same amount of fuel each, then the math doesn't make much difference, either. But, since the Kraken is in the details:

To get there, you have to first use another formula, which defines Isp: Isp = T / (m' * g0), where T is the total thrust (in N), m' is the propellant mass flow (in kg/s), g0 is the surface gravity (in m/s2), and Isp is in s (or you can use kilonewtons and metric tons instead of newtons and kilograms, which are the units the game shows you). That equation applies to either a single engine, or the entire ship. Figuring out the ship's total thrust is easy, just sum the thrust for each engine; the propellant mass flow is also just the sum for each engine, however, that value isn't shown in game. But, Isp is, so you can calculate the engine's mass flow using the same equation: m' = T / (Isp * g0).

So, to for the entire ship, T = sum(Ti); m' = sum(m'i) = sum(Ti / (Ispi * g0)) = sum(Ti/Ispi) / g0; and therefore Isp = T / (m' * g0) = sum(Ti) / sum(Ti/Ispi)

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Monstah thank you you have explained it perfectly and that what I was missing /having a hard time understanding. It clicked now I think I'll try the math when I get home on a rocket and see what I get. If you don't mind I'll post my results and se if I'm right.... (the only math background I have is 20 years of being a carpenter)

I know I am a very small minority being i want to learn the math and use no mods but it's way more enjoyable to me to plan out a mission calculate the math and burns like we did when space exploration still meant some thing

Again thank you all very much

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Sorry for being off-topic, but the average has a name: (weighted) harmonic mean. Don't know why such a thing has 'harmonic' in the name. (Probably pythagorian?)


Personally, I prefer to use inverse of ISP. It makes many calculations easier. (Including the average - still weighted tho) I think it also has the better meaning: consumption rate for certain dv. (Rocketry Inertia)

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ok so if i use this formula T/(m'*g0(9.81) on say a LV-t45 single engine stage it looks like this 167969/((6.166+7.536)*9.81)=1249.61481697725... should it not be 250? the only way i can get it to equal 250 is like this 167696/((6.166+7.536)*49)=250.177 986 827 485

This works for any Engine i have so far in career i have tried it on so far T30,T45,RE-15 they all work with 49 im really confused 


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3 minutes ago, Esoteric106 said:

ok so if i use this formula T/(m'*g0(9.81) on say a LV-t45 single engine stage it looks like this 167969/((6.166+7.536)*9.81)=1249.61481697725... should it not be 250? the only way i can get it to equal 250 is like this 167696/((6.166+7.536)*49)=250.177 986 827 485

This works for any Engine i have so far in career i have tried it on so far T30,T45,RE-15 they all work with 49 im really confused 


You almost got the math! You got one mistake: unit is not mass. 1 unit of liquid fuel or oxidizer weighs 5kg. That'll fix it.

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ok another question....(sorry so slow) say i have a stage with 3 LV-T30 and 4 LV-T45s and 77.595/22.595Mass...  the formula for this would be ((167969*4)+(205161*3)/((45.979+56.196)*9.81*5)*ln(77.595/22.595)= 672027.519? 

Is this correct it seems stupid high


or do i just use one set of numbers for each engine ?


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6 hours ago, Esoteric106 said:

I figured it out.. one set of numbers per engine type my isp for this would be isp of 257.941 (258) witch gives me a dv of around 3200 


I got ISP of 256.9~257 with the configuration, how do you calculate it? 1 second is a bit big for calculation error.

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No, I calculated on 3 LV-T30 and 4 LV-T45. In the case you should weight thrust & fuel consumption with the number to get the sum.

LV-T30 consumes 15.77/s while LV-T45 does 13.68/s.

So (167969*4+205161*3)/((13.68*4+15.77*3)*9.81*5)=257.2

Though you're right if you are using one of each.

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