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Claw in Cargo Bay with clipping attached probe

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To start with before posting this report, I am unsure about the exact definitions of 'unmodded' and 'modded' install, and whether or not this means mod related problems or whether or not mods are installed. I'll post this here because I have Kerbal Engineer and TAC Fuel Balancer, although I do not think it is at all related to these mods. Please move this if it is in the wrong place.

I do not have video, and I cannot seem to reproduce my steps. All I have is two screenshots of the effects that happened. Even then, I did not get much, and I hope the log file will be of more use.

This happened when I tried to use a claw to get a probe into my SSTO's cargo bay. I do not have any pictures of these steps, as I did not know that this would happen. I had a small probe with the claw and a docking port on the rear end. The claw was attached to another long probe made of Oscar B tanks, which I will refer to as the probe. Since the probe that was grabbed with the claw would not fit into the cargo bay, I set the claw to free pivot, and managed to dock with the SSTO. I then disabled the free pivot, but it didn't help, the probe still waved wildly. It began to clip through the cargo bay, at which point I tried to stabilize it by entering time warp. As soon as I hit the timewarp button, I heard many explosions, and everything vanished. The rest of what happened is described in the Imgur with the two pictures I have.

I can't actually figure out how to put the log file on here, it is too big for Pastebin and I cannot access my Google account to use Dropbox. I can't seem to access File2web either.

Sorry for lack of a better description, but it is all I have for now. I will try to reproduce it to get many more pictures, as I cannot record either.

I know this is an absolutely terrible bug report, sorry about that. I thought I might as well make a bad bug report instead of none.

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I managed to reproduce the bug, with slightly different effects but still the same bug. This time, the planet's orbits did not change to become square, but nearly everything else happened apart from the crash when trying to launch a vessel. It seems to occur when timewarping while a clawed object is clipping through the object that is clawing it.

However, now, the camera misalignment bug shown in Imgur is happening on my save no matter how far back I load a quicksave. It's fine to deal with, but it's really annoying.

I'm still wondering if this is in the right forum, unmodded or modded.

I also still don't know where to upload the log. Help?

Edited by digger1213
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