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There're two ways:

1. You'll have to go into the part's .cfg file edit the lines
            key = 0 320
            key = 1 280
            key = 6 0.001
higher numbers are better ISP

2. build a module manager patch... somehow.

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9 hours ago, steuben said:

2. build a module manager patch... somehow.

Yeah, floatcurve editing via Module Manager is a bit of an arcane art :D Conveniently, I dove into the nitty-gritty details before, so I can give you and @horace an example.

The following patch will find all parts that are engines of any kind, and will modify any and all engine submodules, in order to multiply any and all atmosphereCurve keys by a fixed number:

			@key,*[1, ] *= 1.0     // change this multiplier to your liking

That is one crazy amount of wildcarding going on :P Of course, you can always narrow the number of affected parts, for example by writing the part IDs explicitly in the brackets after @PART as you would usually do. The really important line is the one inside atmosphereCurve, and yes, it has to look exactly like that in order to target specifically the second value of every floatcurve key it can find. Replace 1.0 with 1.5, and the specific impulse of all affected engines will increase by 50% across all pressure regimes.


Edited by Streetwind
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