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Newbie help with a contract


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Can anyone help me with this contract?  What should I use for the ship?  Any other advice?  Just got game and trying to figure things out.


Edited by jonpfl
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I don't know what parts you have access to, but I made this as an example and flew your mission with it. 


Since you only need to test that upper stage, I took most of the fuel out before the flight to make it lighter. With careful use of the throttle, that ship can then be coaxed up to the right altitude and speed to ignite the solid rocket stage for the contract. 


My example ship has a heat shield just in case, but it wasn't needed for this flight. 

And welcome to the forum. :D

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Ok, I will try that tonight when I get home.

Could you briefly go over the stages so I can understand?  I know '0' is the capsule with the parachute, that makes sense.  

1) I know '1' is a coupler so I assume when you are done with the mission, you just drop everything so the capsule (with parachute) can get home?

2) I think '2' is the RT-10 "Hammer", correct?

3) What is '3'?  I assume it is some kind of liquid fuel rocket.  Not sure I have that yet but I assume I can just use those fuel rings and add a bunch of them and get the same effect.

4) In regards to '2', what are the blue buttons (ie Aim Camera, Autostrut: Disabled and Activate Engine)?  Why would you NOT want to activate the engine?  Do I need to concern myself with the parameters above that (ie Fuel flow, thrust, specific impulse, etc)

Sorry for so many questions, just trying to learn.


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8 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

I don't know what parts you have access to, but I made this as an example and flew your mission with it. 


Since you only need to test that upper stage, I took most of the fuel out before the flight to make it lighter. With careful use of the throttle, that ship can then be coaxed up to the right altitude and speed to ignite the solid rocket stage for the contract. 


My example ship has a heat shield just in case, but it wasn't needed for this flight. 

And welcome to the forum. :D

Also, why in pic 1, stage 2 has a rocket and a coupler but in pic 2, stage 2 only has a rocket?


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2 hours ago, jonpfl said:

Also, why in pic 1, stage 2 has a rocket and a coupler but in pic 2, stage 2 only has a rocket?


Because the decoupler got decoupled. The same reason you don't see the engine in stage 3 on the second picture. Hope this helps!

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It seems the other have given you what you need to complete the contract. As another ntoe, you can use F1 to take screenshots of the game, which will appear under screenshots in the main KSP folder.

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I left a lot of details out because I didn't know if you already knew them, or perhaps wanted to find them out for yourself. :)

#3 (to use your numbering) is two parts: an engine and a tank to provide fuel for it. 

As for the buttons near #2, I have right-clicked on the solid fuel rocket part to show that I took most of the fuel out (also by right-clicking, but in the assembly building before launch), so you're seeing the detail menu that comes up when r-clicking on something. 

The rocket I showed takes off and flies up to the test altitude, but would be too heavy to try to land intact, so that #3 stage is intended to be ejected. After that you can ignite the Hammer for the purpose of performing the test (there's another way to test but I don't want to confuse you so I'm just doing it this way). However, you're already up high, and if you burned the whole fuel load of a full Hammer, you would go up so much farther that over-heating could be a danger on the way back down. (The higher you go, the hotter and faster you fall.) So I took most of the fuel out of it because 1) it's not needed and 2) it can actually add danger to the flight. 

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8 hours ago, Vanamonde said:

I left a lot of details out because I didn't know if you already knew them, or perhaps wanted to find them out for yourself. :)

#3 (to use your numbering) is two parts: an engine and a tank to provide fuel for it. 

As for the buttons near #2, I have right-clicked on the solid fuel rocket part to show that I took most of the fuel out (also by right-clicking, but in the assembly building before launch), so you're seeing the detail menu that comes up when r-clicking on something. 

The rocket I showed takes off and flies up to the test altitude, but would be too heavy to try to land intact, so that #3 stage is intended to be ejected. After that you can ignite the Hammer for the purpose of performing the test (there's another way to test but I don't want to confuse you so I'm just doing it this way). However, you're already up high, and if you burned the whole fuel load of a full Hammer, you would go up so much farther that over-heating could be a danger on the way back down. (The higher you go, the hotter and faster you fall.) So I took most of the fuel out of it because 1) it's not needed and 2) it can actually add danger to the flight. 

Thanks for all the help!!  I have been an avid gamer since the mid 80s and I have never encountered such a helpful group of people on a forum.

Most times you will get snarky comments about "Go do a search" and similar responses.

Thx guys!

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I feel really dumb.  I got a simple (I thought) contract that says "Take a crew report in flight below 16,700m near Zone 8Z-7LT" but am clueless how to complete it!

Use liquid or solid fuel?  I found it on the map and clicked it but when I took off and tried to fly to it, I lost control and crashed.



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Just now, jonpfl said:


I feel really dumb.  I got a simple (I thought) contract that says "Take a crew report in flight below 16,700m near Zone 8Z-7LT" but am clueless how to complete it!

Use liquid or solid fuel?  I found it on the map and clicked it but when I took off and tried to fly to it, I lost control and crashed.



Try an airplane.

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Yeah, you don't have to do every contract that comes your way (unless you want to). I skip some cause I'd lose money, but I skip most because they're boring.


Also, welcome aboard!

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