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[1.2.2] Space 1999 Eagle Transporter 3 Pack v1.03


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MajorTom69, here's a peek at a couple of my "grunts"...

Eagle-"O" model ore miner at work....


...and landing right in front of the VAB, minus the mining package....


Eagle Model "LS", for long-range exploration...


Inside the pod are five of the 2x mounts from Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, all with TAC life support components.  It can sustain 3 Kerbals for 6+ years in a pinch.


Hope you like 'em.  After a few more contract bucks, I'm going to tackle the ISV Santorini.  Maybe I'm being too ambitious here :)


Oh, and if anyone likes editing their soundtrack files, I found the motherlode:


Edited by hiram13pm
Bit of an issue adding pics... I figured it out eventually, lol
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1 hour ago, hiram13pm said:

MajorTom69, here's a peek at a couple of my "grunts"...

I was about to tell you to post some screenshots :o 
Good work hiram13pm, I m glad you are enjoying the mod.
I love the "O" model, looks like some kind of prehistoric bug...
Keep them coming!

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What a great mod! Having a really difficult time with VTOL, though - still wants to pitch me forward even when trying to counter it with RCS (nuke engines not activated, of course!). Tried using the thrust limiter on the aft turbojets (85-90% instead of 100%), which got me some more altitude before it pitched me forward. Becomes laterally unstable at higher vertical velocity, too. You really have to fly this baby delicately - I'm sure it gets easier in a no-atmosphere environment like the Mun.

If anyone has any helpful hints, I'd love to hear them...and does anyone know how Mechjeb interacts with this?

Edited by OscarJade
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11 hours ago, OscarJade said:

What a great mod! Having a really difficult time with VTOL, though - still wants to pitch me forward even when trying to counter it with RCS (nuke engines not activated, of course!). Tried using the thrust limiter on the aft turbojets (85-90% instead of 100%), which got me some more altitude before it pitched me forward. Becomes laterally unstable at higher vertical velocity, too. You really have to fly this baby delicately - I'm sure it gets easier in a no-atmosphere environment like the Mun.

If anyone has any helpful hints, I'd love to hear them...and does anyone know how Mechjeb interacts with this?

Hi OscarJade, don't use full throttle and you will be fine (1/2-2/3). Check the video-tutorial on the main post, it may help.

Or use TCA (Throttle Controlled Avionics), which I haven't tested, but seems to work very well.

Good luck!


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I'm experiencing a rapid burn-through of Tritium as soon as I activate my RCS on the runway before takeoff(?). Anyone else have this problem?

Consumption rate of Tritium for side pod is listed as '452.3695/sec. Max'

Edited by OscarJade
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/7/2017 at 6:37 PM, OscarJade said:

I'm experiencing a rapid burn-through of Tritium as soon as I activate my RCS on the runway before takeoff(?). Anyone else have this problem?

Consumption rate of Tritium for side pod is listed as '452.3695/sec. Max'

Yeah, it's not perfect.  I had to monkey with the files a bit... changed the fuels and did a few other things, nothing too major.  Well worth the effort.

Hey, MajorTom... here's some recent shots!

Sent a trio of ships to Duna; here's Eagle O-002 [ore mining ship] docked with the KSCS [Kerbal Space Commission Ship] "LaBelle" in orbit of Ike.  "LaBelle" is a science & refining vessel for support of inner system exploration.



On return, I sent up a transport Eagle to retrieve the crew.  Here it is coming in to dock with LaBelle:



Hope you like :)

Requests:  Maybe some some Moonbase-Alpha-esque structural parts?  like simple frames, in the style of the Eagle's main support frame?  I'd love to be able to build other ships in the Alpha style.  Oh, and more attachment points inside the Rescue module (like on the inner walls)... or maybe a 'generic' module for carrying payloads, like the freighter/winch version from the series.

This mod is definitely a permanent addition to my game.  But then I was born in '66, so Space:1999 was one of those shows that made my eyes bug out during the "formative years", lol.  Loving the mod!  Keep it alive, don't let this die again :wink:


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On ‎08‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 2:37 AM, OscarJade said:

I'm experiencing a rapid burn-through of Tritium as soon as I activate my RCS on the runway before takeoff(?). Anyone else have this problem?

Consumption rate of Tritium for side pod is listed as '452.3695/sec. Max'

It's the Community Resource Pack that is making that happen.


https://www.dropbox.com/sh/vd1puxf87zg02xh/AAAAx4pbjGea3kh10QnMtKiGa?dl=0    some screenshots

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi everyone
Version 1.03 is up!
I added 3 new parts:

  •  Eagle Cargo Pod: with retractable legs, built-in generator and 15 attachment nodes.
  •  MA-2500 ISRU: with built-in radiator and Ore container, can be used for mining (drills not included) or ore processing.
  •  Nuclear canister: a dockable container for nuclear fuel (lqdDeuterium, lqdTritium).

With these guys you can convert your Eagle into

 a freighter :


 a miner:



or a processing plant to convert Ore into nuclear fuel:


Check the new craft files included with this pack!


  •  Added two access hatches to the Command Module, one at the back door and another at the bottom (emergency exit).
  •  Changed Tritium to LqdTritium, using Community Resource Pack definition and adjusted Isp accordingly. The fuel rate of the RCS thrusters should be 0.06 L/s.
  •  Adjusted the Main Engine fuel rate (LqdDeuterium) to 7.0 L/s and the VTOL Engine (LiquidFuel+Oxidizer) to 7.353 L/s.
  •  Increased RCS thrust power and RW torque on the Command Module, for stability purposes.
  •  Fixed antenna range on the Service Module and removed built-in antenna on the Moonbuggy, so you can attach one of your choice.


Hope you enjoy!



Edited by MajorTom69
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Hello Major Tom,


congratulations to your last add-on. I was searching for some method to carry some freight with the eagles. The new cargo pod is perfect for this.

But I would like to ask a favor. Would it be possible to add a ramp on both sides, so one could load a rover on this pod. I tried some of my own but I failed. One try was a part from the heisenberg airship. A gondola which look quite well. I use it to let my kerbals walk on and off, but it is too small for the feline rover. My next try would be some parts of magic smoke's infernal robotics. I hope to build some ramp or some kind of crane to load and unload my rovers.


Thank you in advance,

- Isabelle 

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Hey major, just a little bug report. Latest update with new cargo pod is missing a VTOL engine attachment point. Only seems to have three, whereas the other pods all have 4. 


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On 3/7/2017 at 6:40 AM, Isabelle.V.Fuchs said:

congratulations to your last add-on. I was searching for some method to carry some freight with the eagles. The new cargo pod is perfect for this.

But I would like to ask a favor. Would it be possible to add a ramp on both sides, so one could load a rover on this pod. I tried some of my own but I failed. One try was a part from the heisenberg airship. A gondola which look quite well. I use it to let my kerbals walk on and off, but it is too small for the feline rover. My next try would be some parts of magic smoke's infernal robotics. I hope to build some ramp or some kind of crane to load and unload my rovers.

Thanks Isabelle, Im glad you're enjoying the mod.

A ramp on the cargo pod... :rolleyes: not a bad idea... maybe in a future release, we'll see...

21 hours ago, Andejx said:

Hey major, just a little bug report. Latest update with new cargo pod is missing a VTOL engine attachment point. Only seems to have three, whereas the other pods all have 4. 

Hi Andejx, thanks for the feedback...but, this isn't happening in my game, as you can see in the image. Maybe a KSP bug? Anyone knows what could be the problem?



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That is really odd, the rear left (from the front of the ship) attachment point is completely missing for me.

It must be another mod playing havok.

I'll try and find some time to sort through and figure out which one is doing it.

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I really do enjoy your mod. Working with TCA is a charm. Going to and from orbit, hovering and landing. I have an old Eagle-landing platform from the Version KSP 0.21 that works great with your transporter.


I tried a ramp using procedural wings and there the ailerons. But they were too thik so my rover wasn't able to enter the ramp. Sad. Now I follow another concept. I use three KAS-winches. One 'docked' in the center to lift the rover up to the main pylon and two '
undocked' in the front and in the rear to line up the rover. Then I use KAS struts to fix the rover. It lloks quite well. So I was able to transport one feline rover to the moon, It is not perfect, but it has potential.


@Andejx: Try re-download and reinstall of the mod. Maybe it helps.

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Very cool mod. Thanks for your work in bringing it to us. I notice in order to make it Kerbin launch capable it becomes a bit overpowered. So... I took advantage of it. I have landed on Tylo a few times with stock. It is pretty difficult. The Eagle makes landing and back to orbit a piece of cake. I need to return and find the cave. 


I have landed and launched from Eve with stock a few times. It is extremely difficult. With the Eagle it is, uhmm, still extremely difficult. I have not been able to land yet without cheating by using ignore maximum heat (F12). Ignoring heat, it handles landing with ease.


Going back to orbit is possible but took some work. I ran out of VTOL fuel at about 40k (should have taken drills and refilled tanks before launch). Switched to Nuke engines but with a TWR and SLT of 1.18 it was a slow touch and go ascent, but eventually success!


For those having trouble with flipping in atmosphere, I set the thrust limit to 95 on the 4 bottom rear engines and set throttle to about 40%. When the ship starts to flip, lower the throttle until it recovers then ease it up as the air thins. I still flip sometimes. The RCS helps roll the ship back into position. 

Edited by Red Shirt
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