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What features in a DLC would you happily pay for?

Rocket Farmer

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Personally I have a laundry list of things I would really love in the game and would happily pay for in a DLC (I bought May 14, 2013 so I'm on the hook which is fine.

Also I don't use mods.  I just haven't found them balanced enough for my tastes.

1. Specialty parts including

A. An electric propeller.  Something that would allow plane exploration of Duna and Eve.  Both of these planets have atmospheres but you can hardly scratch the surface of them with rockets and wheels.  Also make it work in water.  Different sizes would be fine too.

B. A hose reel with 50 feet of hose.  For delivery of fuel or electricity.  Make it so only an engineer can operate it.  So badly needed.

C. Folding wings.  A crane with a swivel.  More options for space station parts or landed buildings.  Space base infrastructure.  

2. Another gas giant.  Something with rings, or a storm etc.  With planets including:

a. A oxygen atmosphere but with mountains that extend out of the atmosphere.  Maybe a lopsided planet to cause this to occur.

b. A Gilly or slightly larger planet just outside the gas giants atmosphere.  Imagine sitting on a moon with a planet filling the entire sky.

c. A rock garden cluster of small moonlets (at least 6-8 ) all clustered together with little space in between.  They could even be gravityless as long as you designed a harpoon or anchor for holding a ship down.

D. An elevator planet.  A planet with an atmosphere that has a really elliptical orbit meaning you could enter its orbit close to the gas giant and then ride it up to the outer edge of the gas giant to hop off and get into orbit of another planet or vice versa with little delta V use either way.

E. a planet orbiting backwards or with a orbit out of the plane of Kerbol (like 75 degrees out).

F. A water world that would require floating bases and ships to land on it (that or channeling our inner Elon Musk and pre-dropping floating platforms).

3.  Upgradeable kerbals

a. Upgradeable EVA suits.  More thrust, carry more fuel etc.  Or specialized suits for science, exploration, or survival each with their own pros and cons.  

B. Have More actions than just flags.  Maybe go golfing, sit down, eat some snacks, wave, etc)

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  On 6/17/2017 at 4:57 AM, Rocket Farmer said:

3.  Upgradeable kerbals

a. Upgradeable EVA suits.  More thrust, carry more fuel etc.  Or specialized suits for science, exploration, or survival each with their own pros and cons.


I know it's not really relevant to this thread but you gave me a great idea for a mod

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If you think mods in general aren't balanced, then you haven't yet looked at the right mods. There are plenty of them that actually increase the difficulty of the game.

But back on topic: I'd happily pay for a different progression system. One that's still challenging, but doesn't require the player to do the same task over and over again ("grinding") to get funds.

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  On 6/17/2017 at 12:36 PM, GoSlash27 said:

 I'm not a cheapskate and would be more than happy to buy DLC, *but*...

 I keep my installation bone- stock in order to have maximum commonality with other players.



I'm the reverse (ain't opinions great?!). DLC practically is stock, or at least "officially endorsed™ mods."

Using a 2-kerbal capsule? “Some will prefer the Zynox XL, others the Adiabitnics SLRPR mod. But hey, we can all agree on the Gemini one from Squad!”

My main "issue" with part mods is that the author has lost interest (perhaps due to all the “1.x has been out for 45 minutes, when are you going to release an upgrade to your mod, you lazy sod?” encouragements posted on the forums here) and it breaks my save (despite me starting a new save with every new release, hahaha). I have the illusion that DLC mods will not suffer from such effects, time will tell. With that in mind I regard DLC parts “as good as stock.”

And that reminds me to put up a suggestion for one particular mod, but I digress.

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  On 6/17/2017 at 3:09 PM, Just Jim said:

Bigger, heavier, asteroid claw!!!

Seriously, I would gladly pay for an entire DLC, no matter what it actually is, if it included that one part!


Yes. So would half of the KSP fan base!

I'd pay for a bigger variety of landing gear and lander legs and ladders...

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  On 6/17/2017 at 5:03 AM, TheRagingIrishman said:

I know it's not really relevant to this thread but you gave me a great idea for a mod


I've been waiting for a different EVA suit mod for sooooo long...

I would pay for the suits- maybe different suit levels at different Astronaut Complex levels

1. Once you upgrade the complex to get EVA, you would start with Gemini or Voskhod Suits, with 50m tethers to the hatch, no capability of walking on the ground or performing planetary science

2. A7L/A7LB suits- versatile, but no manoeuvring pack, can perform planetary science and walk on the ground

3. A7L/A7LB and EMU units for each Kerbal- EMU unable to perform planetary science or walk, but has manoeuvring unit and lights

4. The regular suit- can do all functions and sit in a seat

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  On 6/17/2017 at 5:30 PM, Kosmonaut said:

I've been waiting for a different EVA suit mod for sooooo long...

I would pay for the suits- maybe different suit levels at different Astronaut Complex levels

1. Once you upgrade the complex to get EVA, you would start with Gemini or Voskhod Suits, with 50m tethers to the hatch, no capability of walking on the ground or performing planetary science

2. A7L/A7LB suits- versatile, but no manoeuvring pack, can perform planetary science and walk on the ground

3. A7L/A7LB and EMU units for each Kerbal- EMU unable to perform planetary science or walk, but has manoeuvring unit and lights

4. The regular suit- can do all functions and sit in a seat


Writing these down for later. I have already written a super basic version of this for GPP (change max temp based on AC level) but I'm definitely interested in expanding it to a more comprehensive thing.

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  On 6/17/2017 at 6:52 PM, memes in space said:

Lucky people who got in on it early. I don't think Take2 cares about Squad's promise of free dlc


Nope that's false. Squad made a binding agreement to provide it free (for people who bought it before the cut off date) and PR have confirmed multiple times since the acquisition that their promise will stand.

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  On 6/17/2017 at 6:58 PM, memes in space said:

Squad made the agreement. Not TakeNoobs.



Bear with me here.

Just for a second. This won't take long.

Maybe, just maybe, corporations like Take Two are not out to kick puppies, ruin your game, destroy promises, and twirl their moustaches.

And consider, just for a moment, the possibility that the number of people for whom this promise actually applies is miniscule relative to the PR backlash they stand to face if they go back on the word of the original owner of their IP, not to mention irritating said original IP owner. I find it entirely possible that Squad required Take Two to honor that promise in the contract transferring ownership of the KSP IP.

Also, if this derail goes on much farther, it should probably be taken to the appropriate thread.


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  On 6/17/2017 at 7:06 PM, Starman4308 said:

Maybe, just maybe, corporations like Take Two are not out to kick puppies, ruin your game, destroy promises, and twirl their moustaches.


1. They might have kicked puppies, but I don't know tbh

2. They are out to ruin games, did you even see the whole GTA V modding thing?

3. TECHNICALLY they never promised to let people have fun with GTA V so you're correct

4. I mean they might have mustaches

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