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Hi Baker, seeing as you are new I'll tell you straight, 0.17 will be out when it's ready, no one knows when that will be and questions of this mature can quickly get out of hand as people get overexcited.

When the lead developers decide their work is ready for release, it'll be ready, until then it is best not to ask this question.

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When it's done is all anyone knows. One could likely say the devs aren't sure of release either - they have deadlines only they know about, but they can often be pushed back based on the course of development. Also, try not to ask about release dates, it's prohibited by the forum rules. Speaking of which, probably the most important thing you can read as a new member: http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/15254-Forum-Rules I'm not a moderator but I still think this is a good read for newcomers. Wouldn't want to get on a mod's bad side within your first few days!

Hope you enjoy the forums.

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