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Can I re-create KSP part models for distribution with my app?

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I recently asked a similar question regarding generation of WebGL models from a KSP installation for use in my "KSP Craft Scanner" app. While the consensus indicated this is probably OK in regards to Squad's IP; in practice I've found that converting and displaying a large amount of KSP's models on-the-fly within a HTML5 app is not entirely feasible.

So, to remedy this I figured I could simply re-build my own low-polygon version of all Squad's parts. There's only 300 (more-or-less) of them, after all! I've spent literally minutes making four already;


My question is; am I allowed to distribute my own low-poly versions of Squad's part models with my app?

Many thanks.


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12 hours ago, whoshotdk said:

My concern is that I'm doing a direct "freehand" copy of Squad's existing models, rather than making new models that look like Squad's models.

Define "freehand"? Are you just copying something by eye and recreating it in KSP or are you using Squad/KSP assets to make something within an external program? 


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I would think this would be OK (not a lawyer) but is edging into the gray area - Can't hurt to try and get in touch with Squad and get a reading from them directly. In fact , being paranoid, if I got the OK I would develop the app and run the final product by them to make sure we were still on the same page and there were no misunderstandings as to what the app did. But as I said - I'm a bit paranoid about this kind of stuff.

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