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World War K (Conclusion: "The Return": An introduction to The Final Stand, and The Authors Note)


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Oh my gosh I am pumping out these chapters! I guess it's because I've got so much free time... Anyways, no pics again; I think pic chapters will only be really special ones because school's beating me up. Anyways, congrats to @adsii1970! Lucky dude.. Enjoy the 2k chapter!


Chapter 8


Time: 11:56am (11:56 Hours), 5 days later

Location: 3rd Army Mobile Headquarters; Kursk, Kruola


    Dewey slowly blinked, and saw wood above him, and a blinding light on a chord. There wasn’t much noise, but there was definitely some activity going on. He heard a couple voices off to his… right? Yeah. That side’s right. He tried to turn his head, but his neck was having none of it, and sent a searing, stabbing pain up his spinal chord. “Ooh ow,” He groaned. Then, the voices stopped, and he heard someone walking over. The figure blocked out the light, and Dewey’s eyes couldn’t make out the figure.

    “How you doing, boss?” The figure asked. “Hey Sanson,” Dewey answered, his eyesight clearing. “I asked, how are you?” Dewey gave a weak smile. “Good. Where am I?” He asked, looking around. “A tiny house in Kursk. The citizen who owns this place let us convert it into a temporary hospital. Good guy..” Sanson looked over his shoulder and motioned with his hand. About 5 seconds later, Vanessa walked over, her arm in a sling and her shoulder bandaged up.

    “What the heck happened to you?” Dewey asked, making Vanessa smile. “Glad to see you too,” She replied, sitting down on the bed next to him. Dewey looked around (As much as he could) and realized one member of the group was missing. “Sherm. Where’s Shepcas?” The other two’s faces fell. “Dew..” Sanson muttered.

    “Where. Is. He?” Dewey pressed. Vanessa sighed. “He.. He didn’t make it. He was gone before the doctors got him to OR. I’m sorry.” Dewey fell back into the pillow. Shepcas. He remembered every moment… The time they met back in grade school. Their high-school football team with the legendary Jebediah Kerman as their QB. The decision to go into the Army. Joining the Tank Corps. Fighting in the Great War, and everything in between. Their promotions. Being allowed to join the fighting.

    “What even happened?” Dewey asked. “Well, as soon as you called the advance, everything kicked off. At least 100 aircraft came in to help us out, and the USS Tigershark launched 5 Cruise Missiles. However, the enemy sent in aircraft as well, and there was a huge battle on both our side and the sky. When they finally retreated back to Valley’s Guard, at least a hundred thousand of their guys were either wounded or dead. We lost about 56 thousand; Air and Ground combined,” Sanson replied, before Vanessa cut in. “The infantry did amazing, boss. Your plan was perfect all the way. However.. We did lose a lot of good guys; Around 40 or 50 thousand.”

    “The enemy did manage to break through the wall of forces, but fortunately our artillery managed to 

    “I…….. I ca…….” Dewey struggled to find words. “However, there is some good that’s come out of this,” Sanson said, pulling out a very official-looking paper out of his pocket. “This is for you.” Dewey opened it up, and began reading. “Colonel.. Due to recent events…. Blah blah blah…” Dewey read. “Oh my god. Discharge?” Dewey asked. “Came in yesterday,” Vanessa smiled. “Sanson won the coin toss to tell you.”

    “I’m being discharged?” Dewey asked, an incredulous look on his face. “Yup. You’ll be on the first plane out of Osiris once you’re allowed to leave here,” Sanson smiled. “You’re going home! I wish I was that lucky..” Dewey stared at the paper. “I’m… I’m going home..” A single tear fell out of his eye, and he quickly wiped his face with his sleeve. “All my life.. All I’ve wanted to do was be in the Army…. I just…” Dewey read the paper again and again. “I mean don’t get me wrong.. This is great… But I can’t leave Sherm behind.” Sanson waved. “Don’t worry. We explained the situation to the medical units CO. He'll be flying home with you.” A single thought kept on racing around in Dewey’s mind. Going home. I’m going home.




Time: 1:25pm (1350 Hours), 1 Week later

Location: KSC


    By now, winter had fully set in on the coast-side base. A blizzard the night before had completely blanketed the ground, and now it was lightly snowing. While the guys were playing football behind the admin building, Val, Haydi, Maxxy, and Meg were all playing cards in the SPH on an old engine crate.

    “Flush!” Haydi smiled, laying down the cards with an evil smile. “HOW?!” Maxxy demanded, staring at the cards like a hawk while Val and Meg laid their cards down. While Meg and Haydi were arguing about the validity of the game-winning move, a small passenger plane maneuvered its way to the open door.

    It was a small, propeller-driven plane with a large wing on top. On the door, it had the words “PRESS” in big bold letters. Then, the door opened, and a familiar voice called out “Home sweet home!” Christina got out of the small vessel, waving to the pilots. Immediately, the 4 ran over and gave Christina a massive group-hug.

    “Oh gosh it’s cold!” Val said, retreating as soon as a wall of cold air hit her. “Should I shut down everything?” The pilot asked from the open door. “Sure John,” Christina said, walking to the heater. “I think we’re going to be here a while.” John closed the door, and maneuvered the plane to an open space before turning off the engine. “Personal pilot?” Meg asked as they walked to the lounge. “You could say that,” Christina smiled. When they got in, Val got cups. “Kinda cute,” Haydi smiled, making Christina blush a bit. “Never really thought of that,” She replied, trying to hide the red cheeks.

    “So what brings you out here?” Val asked when they got the drinks. “Well-“ Christina started, before Tarkin walked in. “Hey wh-“ He said, before seeing Christina. “C!” He exclaimed, running over and giving her a big hug. “Oh my gosh I missed you so much!” She whispered. “Well this is new..” Val muttered, making a couple patches of red show up on the two’s cheeks. “About that..” Christina gave an embarrassed grin.

    “We didn’t tell you because you-“ Tarkin tried to explain, before Val shushed him. “I’m cool with it. Jeb and I had to keep our relationship quiet for forever before we got the guts to tell Gene.” The two sighed. “Well if I’d known that..” Christina muttered. Then, after a couple of laughs, Christina finally answered Val’s question.

    “So, everyone, I’ve got big news. I, a UKAF dropout, just got hired.. By 3 international news companies.” The group cheered, and toasted to Christina’s success. “How’d it happen?” Tarkin asked, sipping on his own glass. “Well, I started up a blog, and before I knew it I was being called by like 5 different companies begging for my pen to touch their paper. I got picked up by Bahmuto Daily, Osiris Chronicle, and.. Union Press? My main office is in Bahmuto City- that’s where I got the plane- but my articles appear in all 3. Good thing though; it pays an absolute fortune; I’ve gotten like.. 500? 600 a week?” Val whistled. “What’ve you done with the money?” She asked. “Well because I type up the articles on my laptop, I don’t really have to pay gas money or anything. I’ve gotten an apartment penthouse in Bahmuto, and I’m saving up for one of the 77l’s. Maybe a Lowell?” The pilots immediately made a face similar to tasting lemon juice for the first time. “Go with either the Lambo or an Amsterdam GT. The Maribor is in my opinion, not something you want to drive up in at a company party,” Haydi said, getting nods from the rest.

    “I’ll keep that in mind. There’s a factory nearby.. Some car company called ‘OTech’? They’re developing some new cars; from what I’ve heard they’re developing a sports sedan and a supercar. And from what I’ve heard on the test track, it sounds amazing. So 77l might not even by my pick.” Christina laughed, and just then, Jim, Paddy, Bryson, Thompberry, and Hans. Thompberry had a makeshift sling, and Bryson was using a crutch.

    “What the heck happened to you?” Val asked, looking at their snow- (and in some cases scrape) covered faces. “Well, we were playing,” Jim started. “Then Thompberry tripped.” Gene. “I had nowhere to go.” Bryson. “And Buck tripped over him.” Hans. “And Bryson’s foot broke Thompberry’s arm,” Paddy finished.

    “Congratulations,” Haydi slowly and sarcastically clapped, trying to hold back from laughing. “Alright. You two idiots get to the infirmary. You 3 get cleaned up. I’ll check to see how long you’re going to be out.” Val walked out with the two, and everyone else scattered. After a second, there was only Tarkin and Christina in the Lounge. “So..” Tarkin sighed. “So.” Christina repeated, tapping her toes on the floor. Without warning, Tarkin leaped out of his chair, grabbed a package out of his coat pocket, and kneeled down. “What are you..” Christina asked, before breathing, “Oh. Oh. Oh my…”

    “Christina-” Tarkin began, before Christina blurted out “YES!” Without even waiting. “Please; I worked like a week on this,” Tarkin laughed, carrying on. “You’ve been the love of my life, and I can’t even begin to think of spending my life without you.” He opened the box, and the ring glinted in the light.

    “C,” He extended the box. “Will you marry me?” Christina, who was by now crying (For joy of course) nodded, and said “Yes!” Through the tears. Tarkin grinned, and leaped up to give Christina a hug. Then, Val walked in. “Hey, wh-“ She tried to ask, before she saw the ring. “Wh.. Y… Yo….. Oh my gosh!!” Val ran over to Christina and gave her a big hug. “When’s the date?” She asked, staring at the ring and subconsciously comparing it to her own. A little smaller.. Thinner band.. “Ah no need for a ceremony,” Christina waved. Tarkin walked over. “Yeah. We’ve been married emotionally for like.. months now. This just makes it official.” Christina gave him a hug, and began feeling the ring as if it was an asteroid.

    “Well, you know wha this means, don’t ya?” Val asked, grinning. “Vacation!! I’ll allow you to take like.. 2 weeks off for a honeymoon. But be back soon, okay?” Tarkin’s mouth dropped. “But- Bu- I ca-“ He stammered, trying to say no. “Oh I insist. It’ll be fun! I promise I’ll fill you in on what happens when you get back. Now go!” Val waved, and the two newlyweds stared at each other in pure amazement.

    “I’ll get my stuff!” Tarkin said, and the two ran off; Tarkin to his room, and Christina to the plane to alert John of a schedule change. About 15 minutes later, the entire pilot crew was gathered in the hangar. “Lucky son-of-a-gun!” Paddy laughed, giving Tarkin a high-five, while Haydi, Maxxy, and Meg were all fussing over Christina’s hair. “Easy with the iron!” Christina yelped as the hot side narrowly touched the back of her neck. “Sorry!” Haydi apologized, before furiously going back to work. Meanwhile, Gene and Val were “talking” (i.e. Shouting with a volume loud enough to get the point across but not attract attention) to the pilot about possible destinations.

    “Jeb and I went to Slavisnia,” Val pointed out. “It was the most beautiful place ev-“ Gene cut her off. “We’re at war, remember? Slavisnia’s 1) On their side, and 2) All the way across Submarine-infested waters with PAC missiles. They’d get maybe as far as TAPE before getting shot down.” The pilot frowned. “So that’s a no,” He said, looking back at a map. “Penguinia?” He suggested.

    “No-one but penguins want to spend a honeymoon in the arctic. Next,” Val said. “Here looks good,” Gene pointed to a small green blob shaped kind of like a bird. Dystrios. “It’s perfect! Intel says that there’s not any form of attack forming for the next month or so, it’s warm enough to be considered tropical, it’s a wonderfully beautiful place, and the people are wonderful.” Paddy walked over. “Dystrios? My homeland? Whatcha talking about?” He looked at the map, and Val said “Planning a vacation.” Paddy’s eyes lit up. “Can I come with you? Pleasepleaseplease?! I can give you a tour! You can stay in my place; I won’t mind!” Val held her hand up in the universal “Stop now or I’m gonna punch your face in,” motion. 

    “For Tarkin and Christina.” Paddy’s face fell, but before anyone could even blink he seemed to teleport over to the two, and began begging to them. 15 minutes later, they were saying goodbye. “Remember, not a moment over 2 weeks,” Val pointed in a stern tone. “Yes ma’am,” Tarkin saluted, a smile on his face. “Don’t worry; I’ll bring him back in time,” Christina said getting in the plane and preparing for the flight to the Land of Green. Tarkin, not wanting to be left behind, leaped into the small plane. “See you guys in 2 weeks!” He waved, before closing the door.

    The plane maneuvered it’s way to the runway, and warmed up the engine. Then, as the engine reached its peak amount of power (and subsequent noise), the brakes released, shooting the craft forward and up, up, up into the grey sky above.

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  On 8/28/2017 at 7:16 PM, MiffedStarfish said:

You know what would be the most twisty twist? If the plane got shot down...


Hahahahaha. I'm not that cruel....... YET. Plus, if I shot the plane down, I'd have a load of re-writing to do. As in like half the book would be rendered obsolete. That's all for now :wink:

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  On 8/28/2017 at 5:18 PM, DarkOwl57 said:

Oh my gosh I am pumping out these chapters! I guess it's because I've got so much free time... Anyways, no pics again; I think pic chapters will only be really special ones because school's beating me up. Anyways, congrats to @adsii1970! Lucky dude.. Enjoy the 2k chapter!


Um, what am I being congratulated for? I have no idea...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty, so I may have hit a minor wall... Writers Block. The dreaded block. But it's not what you expect... I've got tons of ideas for what's going to happen in the later chapters.. Just not in the one I'm doing. So I just threw us back when the 2 newly-weds get back home. Enjoy this short but sweet chapter.


Chapter 9
The Promise

Time: 8:00am, 2 Weeks later
Location: KSC

    “Flight, you are 25km out from the KSC; be advised that a squadron of F/A-18’s will escort you onto the runway.” Christina craned her neck to look out the window. “Don’t worry, honey,” Tarkin said, also trying to get a look out the window. “It’s just a security precaution.” Within minutes, 2 of the brand new Hornets had made their way onto the wings of the light propeller plane, which was by now desperately trying to hold pace with the twin turbine engines.
    The 3 planes shot over the choppy water, and the cloudy skies looked like a mixture of the underworld descending on the planet and a winter storm. 
    “They’re here!” Val whispered as she heard the low buzzing of a propeller aircraft. The plane bounced down the runway, narrowly pulling into the entrance lane to get into the SPH. The plane wheeled into the hangar, and the other pilots came in to welcome Tarkin home. Christina was first out, followed by Tarkin.
    “Hold up! Hold up!” Tarkin held his hands in the air, signaling for quiet. “I have brought gifts. Immediately, everyone began mobbing him in an attempt to get their presents, and Tarkin sprinted away. The hangar got quiet, and it was only Christina and Val left.
    “Have a good trip?” Val asked, sitting down on a box. “Yeah. We had the greatest hotel suite. Thanks for everything.” Christina gave her a hug. As she pulled away, Val could have sworn Christina whispered something.
    “Huh?” Val asked. Christina mumbled something. “What?” Val asked. Christina’s lips moved, but no sound came out. “What’s that?” Val asked again. Christina looked back and forth, and back again. “Keep him safe,” She whispered in a hushed tone. “Keep Tarkin safe. Please.” Val frowned. “I-“ She started. “No. Listen. You must look out for him. Please.” Val attempted a protest.
    “This a war zone Christina! Kerbals die every day! I can’t stop that! Neither can you!” Cristina prepared her counterattack. “I know! Look. I just need you to watch out for him. Make sure that no-one can get on his tail, and if they do, shoot them down. I.. I don’t know what I’d do without him.” Val sighed. “I can’t risk the lives of other pilots just to save Tarkin,” Val said.
    “I’m not asking you to. I only want you to help him. And if possible, keep him safe,” Christina replied. “Tarkin can take care of himself,” Val argued. “He didn’t get into the Air Force without good reason.”
    “I know that! But if he were to get shot down..” Christina trailed off. “I’d never be able to live with myself. Please.” Val sighed. “I’ll do my best. I can’t watch out for him every second, but… I’ll do what I can.” Christina smiled. “Promise. Please. I’m not leaving until you do.”
    “I……. I promise. I’ll watch out for him.” Christina grinned, and gave Val a massive hug. “Thank you. Thank you so much.” Val felt her stomach twist around and felt like she had just made a bad mistake. This can’t be a bad choice.. It can’t be.. I won’t let it be..

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Ah I forgot to upload Chapter 10! Sorry! Life has been really crazy, and now that Alpha Force is going to take up some of my time as well, expect a bit slower updates than before. Also, I've written up something of a chapter outline, and if everything goes to plan, I'll have around... 32 chapters, which is going to make this one of my longest books ever! 

Short chapter today; hope everyone enjoys!


Chapter 10
Veloxia’s Freedom

Time: 4:35pm (1635), 4 months later
Location: Velox City, Veloxia

    “This street’s clear- Next,” Sansy nodded, checking off a line on his map. So far his group (Daisy, Matson, Jones, and him) had covered about 80% of the town. He looked around the seemingly deserted city, and listened for possible enemies who were lurking behind corners. The once thriving and bustling paradise of art and culture was silent as the grave. The group walked past a smoldering tank- an obvious victim of a devastating aerial battle. The UKAF had been mercilessly pounding the city in an attempt to drive out the remaining Klathuians, and so far, it looked like it had worked.
    It wasn’t easy though. Even though the Allies had some of the hardest-fighting nations on their side (It consisted of the UK, USK, Veloxia, Kruola, the Jesalian Empire, Dystrios, and Penguinia), the other side (which consisted of Klathu, Petlof, Kerthenia, the Agonarch Imperium, TAPE, and Slavisnia) was determined and refusing to give in. It had taken almost a year to get this far. The Eastern Continent was a mess and a half.
    “Got any jerky?” Matson asked, kicking a rusted-out soup can into a deserted alleyway. “Here,” Daisy threw over the pack, and Matson began chewing. Just then, a plane shot out from behind a skyscraper, looking like it was in the middle of a race. “Ours,” Daisy noted, waving at the pilot. Seconds later, another plane blazed overhead in hot pursuit. “Theirs!” Matson shouted, dropping to the ground as fast as possible. The plane fired from it’s guns, and destroyed their jeep in a blaze of fire and smoke, before, as if satisfied with the job it had accomplished, sped off to intercept the fighter.
    “Well there goes our ride,” Jones sighed, picking up a charred oil filter. “Anyone got a toolkit?” Sansy joked. Seconds later, a single gunshot whizzed over their heads. “Sniper!” They scurried behind cover, whipping their rifles out. The air was quiet and still, the sniper waiting for the group to pop out. Daisy exhaled, and then sprinted across the road.
    Bullets whizzed past, throwing up dust as they hit ground. She made it across, and taunted, “You aim like a stormtrooper!”as loud as she could, before resting her arms on her knees and panting for air. Matson immediately popped around and fired off 3 shots.
    “Got him!” He shouted in glee as a dull thump was heard. The 4 ran over. “Ah.. Ah dear,” Matson frowned s he saw the crumpled body of the sniper. “Gah.. This kid couldn’t have been more than 14,” Daisy said, looking at him. “What could have driven him to do this?” Jones asked, picking up the rifle. “Starvation.. Fear.. He probably saw us coming and thought we were the Klathuians..”
    Seconds later, a trash can fell over in an alleyway, a huge clanging noise sounding off the walls. The 4 whipped around, pointing their rifles at the noise. “AAAAHHH!!!!” A kid’s voice shouted. He ran, but tripped over a soup can and fell right into another step trash can. It flipped right over, top-down, and the kid stayed in the can. As the 4 walked over, the can began to shiver in fear. Sansy lifted the can up, and the kid lifted his hands up.
    “Don’t shoot!” He exclaimed. “Why the heck would we shoot you?” Matson asked. The kid’s eyes glanced back and forth. “Are.. Are you guys with the Resistance?” The 4 glanced at each other. “Uh.. We’re no-“ Jones started, before Daisy kicked him in the shin and said “Oh yeah! We’re like the most important Resistance fighters ever.” The kids eyes shined. This was gonna be a great day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for taking this long! It's taken forever, but that's because.. I've literally had too much on my mind. I swear to you, I went through about 5 or 6 variations for this chapter alone. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy.


Chapter 11
Lighting Up

Time: 9:00pm, 1 Week later
Location: Velox City, Veloxia

    Val quietly hummed Für Elise as her plane gently kissed the barrier of Mach speed. Ludwig Van Kerman, you deserve a medal, Val thought to herself as the shimmering lights of Velox City slowly began to peek over the horizon. Of course, this Elise must have been one special kerbal. By now the city was fully visible. Lights shimmered and shined, boats twinkled on the water, an absolutely ginormous Ferris wheel was turning, and, from the pod-mounted camera, Val saw some kerbals dancing in the streets.
    “Must be a Liberation party,” Val smiled back, before realizing she was all alone in the 2-kerb cockpit. “Aall by myyyseeelf,” She sang, chuckling to herself. Val flicked on her nav lights, and looked down at the city below. Even though they’d been liberated for a week, the Veloxians were out in full force. Turning from the ground, Val saw nothing but an ink-black curtain, and the stars twinkled happily. There was one huge band that seemed to light up the entire sky, one of the items on almost everyone’s bucket list; see the StarBand.
    “Jeb, if you’re up there, just know that I’m not angry,” Val whispered, giving a sad smile up at the sky through her oxygen mask. A star seemed to shimmer in response.
    Right as the star finished shining, a huge yellow explosion went off just inches from the front of the plane. “Aah!” Val wrenched the stick, but before she could see what happened, the plane had passed through the explosion. What in the..? Right then, another explosion went off a few feet away, this one white. Fireworks!
    Val punched the nav lights on max brightness, hoping someone on the ground would know they were inadvertently damaging and coming close to shooting down the most advanced (and by process of elimination, the most expensive) fighter in UK history. “Hey, hey!” Val shouted into the radio, trying to contact ground control. “Hold your celebrations!” The fireworks seized for about a second, and Val exhaled in relief.
    “Thank-“ She began, before a flurry of festive explosions burst around the plane, blocking out everything but color outside of the cockpit. Grand Finale. It was the end of the show… Was it also the end...... of Val?


Time: 9:10pm
Location: Velox City, Veloxia

    “Stop! Stop please!” Val shouted with all her might over the radio, but it was no use. Then, she remembered something. She was in the Raptor. The F-22! A plane that had a faster climb rate than the Jool V rocket! Val engaged the afterburner, retracted the exterior antennae and punched the throttle up to max, letting out a whoop of joy as she felt her spine momentarily compress from over 7G. As she felt she was in the clear, a massive thud resonated through the entire plane, making the cockpit shake and a sharp, high-pitched alert siren ring.
    Frantically searching around, Val saw EC dropping. Fast. “Velox City, this is Colonel Valentina Kerman of the UK Air Force. I’ve been damaged by your fireworks and am leaking fuel. Advise, over.” The radio was silent for a bit, but then a reply crackled back. “Copy Colonel; Emergency landing cleared, Runway 2N. Repeat, Emergency Landing cleared, Runway 2N.” Val frantically searched for the airport. There. She flipped over, and dove down, getting ready to line up. The plane dropped. 2 thousand. 175. 15. 125. Val pulled out of the dive at 750 meters, and lined up. “Come on.. Come on!” The EC was into it’s final 15%.
    The plane was over the runway now. Just a little bit…. COME- Right then, the dash shut off, and the plane lost all upward velocity. It dropped like a rock, and slammed straight into the ground, sending up white tire smoke as Val slammed the brakes. A loud clunk! sounded from the rear, and Val lost all control the electrical motors, gismos, and gadgets that controlled most of the essentials. Only the ejection, life support, and air conditioning (thank Kraken) were on their own backup stores. When the plane rolled to a humiliating stop, Val opened up the cockpit. She pressed the button to activate the ladder, but then remembered that there was a temporary power outage.
    “Want something done right..” She muttered, throwing open the top of the ladder container. She tossed the ladder out, and it fell into position. A pushback truck rolled up, and a couple kerbals stepped out. “Push? Could you give me a push?” Val asked, taking off the oxygen mask and her helmet. The kerbals stared blankly at her. “Push.” She made a motion with her hands. Nothing. Them and their stupid langu- Right then, another car drove up; this one a small car that everyone dubbed the “Beetle.” Another kerbal stepped out, and walked over to Val. He looked to be about Haydi’s age. Light hair, muscular build. Athletic-looking. Haydi and Maxxy would have fainted.
    “Hello there, Madame Valentina,” He said, shaking Val’s hand. “My name is Jean le Kerman, Facilitator of the airport.” He pronounced his “J” like you would when saying “Jaques,” an effect of the accent. “I apologize for my fellow citizens; when they celebrate, they tend to go a little bit.. eh…. Overboard you could say.” He gave an embarrassed chuckle. “So what brings you here?” Val looked up at the fireworks. “Ah, I see. I apologize, Colonel. I’ll get the crews to take your plane to the hangar.” Jean turned, and said “Poussée,” to the crew.         They were a flurry of action, and just a couple of minutes later, Val had a flashlight in hand, investigating the battery hatch. Right where the main EC Generator was supposed to be was a charred, steaming black hole. There was a battery that looked like it and a curling iron had a disagreement, while the other battery had a hole the size of a watch in it. The third battery was missing. While Val was muttering curses under her breath, a member of the ground crew came up and muttered something in Jean’s ear. “Vraiment? A quel point est-ce mauvais? L'as-tu avec toi?” The exchange continued for some time, before Jean pulled Val over to the truck.
    There, in the bed, were pieces of debris, and a large, charred-black chunk of plastic. “I think we found your third battery,” Jean said, staring down at the chunk. “Yeah,” Val dejectedly replied. “Could you fix it?” Jean smiled. “Commençons! Trois piles et un générateur.” The crew scurried off, running to get parts.
    “Do you want a tour of our city while you wait?” Jean asked, motioning to the abundance of lights on the horizon. “Um.. Sure!” Val replied, smiling.

    “Tower, this is N1B, requesting takeoff clearance from runway F2; clearance 1235. Mission: Attack Osiris City, Kruola.” The reply came back, acknowledging takeoff clearance. “It’s showtime,” Burbous said, turning up the throttle. “Just be careful on takeoff; I can think of better ways to go than in a fiery nuclear explosion on the runway.” The plane sped up, and eventually lifted up, straight into the cool, ink-black sky. 

    “This is so cool!” Val said, spinning around on the sidewalk as they walked. There was a huge celebration going on, and there were kerbals everywhere. “Ah yes. Do you want to visit the park?” Val nodded, and they rushed off. Out by the park, it was quiet. Street lights illuminated the road, and then, as quickly as they had seen it, they were inside.
    “Wow… This is beautiful,” Val whispered. Fireworks popped way off in the distance, muffled by the thick trees. They both sat down on an old, almost ancient bench, and Jean sighed. “Yes.. When I was a young kerbal- years and years ago by now- My dad would tell me stories about his experiences in the Civil War.. We used to spend hours just sitting here, talking.” He looked up, smiling. “He told me that there was a war before.. When even he was not yet born.” Then, he began humming a song, occasionally muttering a word or two of the lyrics. At the very end, Jean sighed and wiped a tear from his eye.
    “That was wonderful. What’s it’s name?” Val asked, feeling a little emotion herself. “Katyusha. My father learned it during the war. Every night he would-“ Jean was about to explain, but a loud, wailing alarm rang out throughout the city. “Air Raid?!” Jean exclaimed in surprise, trying to look up through the thick canopy of trees. He grabbed Val’s hand, and went out of the park. Around the city, everyone was staring up at the sky, trying to see this raid. Then, a cool, calm voice came on through the speakers.
    “Citizens of Velox. An international event has happened. Please return to your homes as soon as possible, and remain there until instructed otherwise.” Everyone began running, and Jean took Val to his house, almost sprinting. An international event? Val thought as Jean almost slammed the door closed. What kind of event? Frantically, he switched on the TV, and a news station was on.
    “If you’re just joining us tonight, we have breaking news from the North. Only 10 minutes ago, the nation of Klathu announced that they had tested- and successfully detonated- a 340 kiloton nuclear bomb in the city of Osiris in Kruola. The bomb was dropped by a Klathuian bomber, and there are an unknown amount of civilian casualties. This is the first ever nuclear bomb to be dropped since the bombing of Jesalia City during the Second Great War over 25 years ago. This bombing is also in direct violation of the International Nuclear Disarmament Act, which was signed by all nations- also after the Second Great War. The nations of the Alliance will be meeting later tonight in Bahmuto City to discuss these actions and how to strike back. For more on this, please stay tuned in to your radios, and this station. Velox City-” Val abruptly stood up.
    “I have to go. Now.” Jean nodded, stood up, and turned off the TV. “I’ll drive you to the airport.”


    “This was really amazing, Jean,” Val said as she got ready to get into the Raptor. “Will you ever be back?” He asked, leaning on the front landing gear. “Maybe some time after the war.” Jean gave a sad smile, and nodded. “Stay safe.” Val climbed up the ladder. “Goodbye, Jean.” The canopy slid shut, and Val readied the cockpit for takeoff.
    As the engine warmed up, Jean waved. He looks so much like Jeb.. Val began cycling the telemetry, and switching on the main flight computers. “Telemetry, Check. Data, Check. Engines.. Check. Weapons.. Hopefully Check. Computer…… Computer?” Val tapped the dashboard, but the computer refused to warm up.
    “Come on you stupid-“ The computer brightened up, and Val checked off the box. “Tower, this is Colonel Valentina Kerman of the UK Air Force. Requesting takeoff clearance.” The reply came back moments later, and Val drove out to the airport. I’m going home…

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So first of 3 chapters coming up. So this one is just after the bombing. World Kouncil, part #2. Added a bit of character to the worlds leaders, kinda based off people at my school :P Hope y'all enjoy. And be prepared. There's going to be a ton of turbulence in the next 3... Just.. Be prepared for this to go 0-60 reeeeal fast. And really dark.


Chapter 12


Time: 8:00am
Location: World Kouncil Building, Bahmuto City

    As the sun rose, painting the skies beautiful shades of red, orange, and yellow, Val slammed the door, and sprinted up to the building’s steps. She had made an all-out dash from the KSC to Bahmuto, speeding down the highway at over 70m/s and probably breaking every single law known to the country. Gene is gonna kill me when he sees what the Raptor looks like… She began taking the steps 3 at a time, leaping up to the building as if her life depended on it. There, at the top, a familiar figure stood, shaking the hand of a guard before walking through. Then, the guard turned to Val.
    “Colonel-” The guard said as he tried to block her way, but Val just pushed through. “Valentina Kerman,” the President said, just walking through the door herself. “Madame President,” Val breathed, softly wheezing from the run she had to make. “I’m here… F….. For the meeting.” She coughed, trying to catch her breath.
    “Ah, Valentina. Welcome back. I suppose you-“ The president began, before Val nodded. “Saw it.. On the news. Came as fast as I could.” She put her hands on her head and stood up, employing a trick she learned in track during high school. “Well good. I had feared my military advisor wouldn’t show, and sure enough.. Do you want to fill in?” The two began walking towards the Chamber, where they would be meeting.
    “It’s why I came,” Val replied as they opened the door. Immediately, a wave of angry shouting hit them square in the face, as the other delegates were arguing at max volume. “I say that we strike back as hard as we can!” The Kruola delegate demanded, slamming his fist down onto the table. “No! If we do that then we’ll drive ourselves to world ruin!” The Penguinian delegate cried, waving his arms in a “This is a bad idea” gesture. Meanwhile, USK and Veloxian delegates sat still, looking bored and tapping their thumbs on the table- their eyes looking tired and bored as if they hadn’t slept in over a week. The USK delegate got on his phone out and dully checked his Snaptogram, still looking as if he would prefer to be anywhere but World Kouncil. Off in a corner, the Jesalian and Dystrios delegates played chess. From Val’s vantage point, it looked like a close game.
    The president rushed off, trying to stop the two squabbling delegates from going into a fistfight. All alone, Val went over to the match. It was Dystrios’s move, and he looked a mix of angry, anxious, and nervous; his brow furrowed as he planned his next move. “Queen,” Val said, surveying the scene. “What?” Dystrios asked, looking up at her with a confused face.
    “I’d move the Queen. Instant checkmate.” Val waved her finger up and down to indicate the move. The delegate looked at the board, then back to Val, and back to the board. Then, he made the move, taking down a pawn in the process. “Checkmate,” He smugly smirked, and Jesalia’s delegate sighed. “Da. You would’ve won anyways,” She said in a thick accent, getting up from the table and going to her seat. By now, the President had managed to calm down the two delegates, and they were finally ready for the meeting.
    “Everyone, to your seats please,” She said. The other delegates went into action, getting ready for the meeting. Veloxia’s delegate was prodded awake by Dystrios’s delegate, as he had fallen asleep. How someone could fall asleep in the middle of a shouting match was beyond Val.
    About 5 minutes into the meeting, Val felt the same as she had almost a year ago now: Immense, unending boredom. The shouting match resumed, and no-one seemed too keen on stopping the yelling. “How do you get things done?” Val whispered in a half-surprised tone to the Dystrios delegate during the argument. “To be honest, I’m not sure,” The delegate whispered back with a chuckle. “One second we’re arguing and then poof! Decision made.” Val snickered, and then the President called her name.
    “Val? What’re your opinions on this whole thing?” She asked in an exasperated tone, tired of the arguing going on on either side of her. The shouting abruptly stopped, and all eyes turned to Val. Just like the teacher who singled out the one who wasn’t paying any attention at all, the President had chosen probably the most embarrassing moment to call on Val. And just like the student, Val had no idea what was going on.
    “Uh.. What was the question?” Val asked, a bit of color rushing to her cheeks as she blushed. A couple delegates snickered, but the President repeated herself. “What are your opinions on this? What do you think we should do in other words.” Val nodded, and thought it over for a bit. Then, without paying attention to the other delegates staring at her, she replied.
    “Bomb em back. But don’t bomb the citizens. Rural factories, Troop emplacements, High-value targets. If they hit us, hit them with double the force. Hit them so many times, they fear using it against us. But hit only the country that hit us. If Agonarch hits us, hit them back. TAPE hits us, hit them. Don’t hit someone who did nothing to us.” The room went silent, and Val sat back in her chair. “That’s my idea at least.” The President nodded, and then looked around.
    “Anyone have objections to that?” She asked. A couple said “no,” and almost everyone shook their heads. “Well I think we’ve finally come to an agreement. I officially call this meeting of the World Kouncil to rest!” She slammed her gavel on the table, and everyone got up. 


Time: 3:00pm, 1 Day later
Location: High in the Agonarch Mountains, Agonarch Imperium

    Vanessa sighed and watched as her breath made tiny little crystals, dancing in the frigid mountain air. Her piercing blue eyes surveyed the ground below; a snow-covered valley with a large infantry post down below. She wiped some fog off her sniper’s scope, and peered through it. “Where are you..” She muttered, sweeping the camp for any sign of her target.
    “There you are.” She smirked, and watched as the target went over to a fire, warming his hands while he talked to a couple of soldiers. Danburry Kerman. Leader of the 18th National Regiment and the head strategist for the AI’s Army.
    “Alpha Team, do you have a sight?” She asked, keeping herself flat to the ground. “Affirmative. We’re-…… LOOK OUT!” A loud, un-ending barrage of gunfire began going off, echoing around the mountains. Vanessa looked down at the target, who was running towards cover. She fired off a load of gunshots, one of which hit Danburry in the arm. However, before she could get the shot straight at his head, Danburry had gotten into his armored truck, and it peeled out of the compound; spitting up gravel, dirt, and muddy snow into the air as it went.
    The gunfire ceased, and Vanessa’s radio crackled. “Colonel, are you there?” A new voice asked. “Copy Lugas. Everyone okay?” Vanessa asked, getting up and hiding behind a ridge, even though the compound was clear. Lugas coughed a bit, filling the channel with a bunch of loud, abrupt silence. “They came from behind. A lot of guys are dead.. Robby’s gone. There’s about 5 of us left by now, but there are a couple more guys with some bad wounds. Further orders?”
    “Get to the choppers. Bring as many as you can; carry the injured or dead on your backs if you’ve got to. I’ll notify the pilots and HQ. Omega out.” Vanessa put the radio in her pocket and sat down, leaning against a tree. I failed…


Time: 6:00pm
Location: Blue Coast City, UK

    "A covert ops team attempted to assassinate the Agonarch Imperium’s Head of Army earlier today, but reportedly failed after an ambush. Major Vanessa Kerman, leader of the operation-“ Dewey’s head popped up from his magazine as he laid on the couch. Vanessa? What’s she doing out there? He grabbed the remote and turned up the volume.
    “The operation was high up in the Agonarch’s mountains, and under the cover of snow and darkness, Alpha Team went into the forests above an infantry compound that the leader was supposedly staying at. Just before the team was scheduled to invade the compound and capture the officer, a division ambushed Alpha Team, killing 23 and wounding 4, 3 of which died of their injuries moments later. The leader fled the compound, and no-one knows where he may be at this time. Freddon Kerman, UKTV News.
    Dewey turned down the volume as the station went on to report about the weather. Vanessa… I hope she’s okay.. Dewey picked up his phone, and his thumb hovered over the “Call” button. “She can handle herself,” He muttered, putting the phone down. He felt confident about the decision. But why did he feel so nervous?


Time: 6:15
Location: National City, Agonarch Imperium

    “Glad to see you’re alright, General.” The President smiled as Danburry got out of his shot-up truck. “Me too. We had to go into the forests at least 5 times to avoid UK Cherokee helicopters. I still can’t believe they tried something so foolish..” The President nodded solemnly. “Plan of attack?” He asked.
    “Activate Failsafe Archangel.”


Edited by DarkOwl57
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So Chapter 13. Remember how I said it's going to go 0-100? Time to kick it off. Oh and that "Blaze of Glory" thing @adsii1970 wanted? Time to go. But next chapter... That's gonna go 100-1000... Stay tuned..


Chapter 13

The Meaning of Sacrifice

Time: 7:00pm, 1 Week later
Location: KSC

    Val gently hummed as she listened to the radio in her room. The KSC was quiet; clear skies, clean radar, not a cloud, plane, or missile in the sky. Around the KSC, everyone was just hanging out. Over by the SPH, Haydi was tuning up Four (The drone she and Jeb had accidentally adopted during the Second Great War), and Bryson was in the same garage tuning up his personal off-roader. In the Admin Building, Gene was talking on the phone with some buddies. Meg, who was off on the beach, was painting the bay with the Old Island Airfield in the background with the orange sunset illuminating the entire sky. Maxxy was participating in a multiplayer sim tournament against Triop, Ben, and Paddy. Meanwhile, in the R&D complex, Hans and Wernher were chatting over a cup of tea. Jim and Thompberry were in the lounge, discussing what they should do for their next episode of Emiko Station. Over in the housing complex, Tarkin and Christina were face-chatting.
    “How’s this sound?” Tarkin strummed a few notes on his guitar, and sang the song he’d been working on for only 30 minutes. “Wow..” Christina grinned. “How long have you been working on this?! It sounds amazing!” Tarkin shrugged his shoulders. “About 45 minutes. I think the chorus sounds a bit flat though..” Tarkin re-played the notes, but shook his head. “I’ll get it eventually. I’ve got another song here, but I'm saving it for when I come up there. Whenever that is…”
    “Are you sure you can’t ask Gene or the Colonel for at least a single days pass?” She asked Tarkin from her apartment in Bahmuto City. “It’s not that I don’t think they’ll say yes; it’s just that we’ve received intel that the Agonarch are planning an attack within the next couple days. They want to make sure they won’t send away their MVP and a battle shows up,” Tarkin smiled, making Christina snicker. “You are not the MVP,” She laughed, before pointing to herself. “I am.” They both laughed, and Christina looked up with a nervous expression. “Something up?” Tarkin asked while Christina continued to look around.
    “Hang on… Something’s.. up.. What the…” She whispered some confused questions to herself, before looking outside. “Okay, so apparently the EAARS system picked up an unidentified blob about 20km East of Veloxia.. Checking the website now..” Christina muttered as she checked. “Whoah. That thing’s tiny! Probably a lost T-100. But why did it set off EAARS?”
    “The system picks up everything; planes, large birds. The occasional blimp or two. I bet it’s just a -100. Still though, be safe, okay?” Christina smiled. “No problem. Who knows; if it’s heading this way I might have a good story or two in it for the Column.” Right then, alert horns went off around the KSC. “Ah, I bet I have to go deal with that. I’ll see you in a few hours?” Tarkin looked outside and saw everyone running to Mission Control.
    “Sure thing. Be safe superhero.” Tarkin smiled, and closed the computer.


Time: 6:10pm
Location: Mission Control; KSC

    “Alright guys, this one is going to be an easy one. Only 7 pilots on this one. 5 Max. In fact. Yeah; just five.” Gene briefed everyone in the Mission Control room as they watched the tiny dot on the EAARS link. “I’ll go,” Val said, raising her hand. “Two.” Jim raised his hand. “Numbah 3.” Triop. “4.” Thompberry. “Ah what the hay. Might as well.” Tarkin.
    “Good. From what we’re seeing, this thing is going to be hitting near, or at, Bahmuto City. We’re thinking it’s a lone bomber. The USS Kingdom found the two of them and shot down one of them about an hour ago over the sea north of Kruola. Simple mission; Raptors go in, shoot down the plane, get home before midnight. Now get out of here and get a sticker on your cockpit. Everyone else, enjoy your night.”


Time: 9:00pm
Location: Bahmuto City, UK

    By now, the air raid sirens had begun ringing out, even though the plane was 50km away. While everyone else was shivering and cowering in their homes, Christina was up on her penthouse patio, pen and paper in hand. It reminded her of an old legend. Kerbals heading into the most dangerous, deadly storms just to snap a few photos or, on rare occasion, collect data and maybe a video or two. Christina was a Storm Chaser. Now time to watch the show.


Time: 9:30pm
Location: Bahmuto City, UK

    “He’s 10 out from Bahmuto,” Jim said as they approached the bomber. “How far out are we from him?” Tarkin asked. “Around 5 or 6. Nearing missile range now.” Within seconds, however, the planes had caught up. The bomber was only 2km out, with the city right below them. “Let’s do this!” Val said, angling the plane up to attack the bomber. “Got him.” Thompberry fired off an AMRAAM, which blew off the right wing. Jim saw something fall.
    “NO YOU DON’T!!!” He roared, diving down to intercept the thing. Seconds later, for no explainable reason at all, he leveled out. “What the heck was that?!” Thompberry demanded. “Uh.. guys? Could you form up on me please?” Jim asked, nervously licking his lips. “Uh… sure,” Val replied, leading the group over. A minute later, they were all on him.
    “So.. uh… Not sure how to say this.. Buuuuuut……… Uh….. Weeeeeeeeelllll… Um.. I may or may not have just caught a highly volatile 340 kiloton nuclear bomb with my left wing. And I think it’s armed.” As expected, the announcement went over like a lead brick. “Holy sh-“ Val started, before Thompberry shouted “WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT?!” At the top of his lungs.
    “Look. You guys get out of here. I’m going to fly it out to the coast, and I’m going down with this thing. That way I’ll kill no-one but myself. Maybe get a couple coast-dwellers sick, but I won’t kill everyone.” Jim began the turn, activating the inside airbrakes to keep the bomb in place. “No way,” Thompberry replied. “You’re not sacrificing yourself for us.”
    “Give me the bomb,” Tarkin demanded in a start tone that made him sound about 25 years older than he was. “What? No; you’ve got a wi-“ Jim started before Tarkin interrupted. “Jim, I swear to kraken stop being a selfless idiot and give me the bomb.” Jim continued to protest. “NO! YOU’RE NOT GOING TO DIE BECAUSE-“
    “Triop?” Tarkin asked for support. Immediately, Triop slammed his wing into Jim’s, tilting it so Jim’s left wing was on Tarkin’s right. The bomb rolled onto Tarkin’s plane and he activated the brakes. “Thanks,” he exhaled, obviously relieved that they hadn’t gone up in a huge, deadly explosion of doom. “You’re insane!” Val screamed at him, watching them all from behind. “Son, you’d better give me that bomb now or so help me I’ll find you in the afterlife and hunt you down,” Jim commanded. Tarkin engaged the Raptor’s afterburner, and shot ahead of the group. As they neared the coastline, Tarkin began his descent.
    “See you guys later. Just remember; I’ll miss every single one of y’all, and I’ll make sure to send you guys a postcard from the afterlife. Tell Christina I love her.” Then, sadly, they watched as the plane slammed into the water, and exploded in a blinding, white-hot ball of smoke and flame.

Time: 11:05pm

Location: KSC

    Val fell out of her plane, crying so hard she couldn’t hardly see. The entire flight back was a sad occasion, where Val and Thompberry led an almost hour-long prayer session. I can’t believe he’s gone.. The other pilots were equally distressed, with Jim faring the worst. By now, everyone else had come up.
    “What happened?” Haydi asked, seeing only 4 planes. “Tarkin…” Val tried to explain, but couldn’t. “I killed him. I killed Tarkin,” Jim said, staring down at his feet. “There’s nothing you could have done!” Thompberry protested. “I should have stopped him. I… I SHOULD HAVE DONE SOMETHING!” He threw his helmet at the wall as hard as he could, breaking off a visor and a radio cable and making a loud clanging noise. Jim ran out. “Leave him,” Gene said, speaking to Thompberry, who was about to go after Jim. “Trust me; it won’t help. After I thought Hans died, I couldn’t live with myself. He needs time.” They all looked at the door Jim had run through.

Edited by DarkOwl57
For some reason the forums derped out on my italicizing. Time to fix everything :/
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