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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] Fox Defense Contracts - Tank Turrets (BDArmory Plus) Update 2.2 Legacy Hardware Updates


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On 12/25/2017 at 8:21 AM, lancefoxcia said:

The oerlikon cannon is a 30mm cannon. for sure the T-34-85 turret is going to be bigger.
The IS turret was pretty much the T-34-85's turret in real life.

i compared both



BT-7 is ok, but the T-34/85 looks kinda oversized, even A little bit smaller than NAS naval guns




Edited by [INDO]dimas_1502
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44 minutes ago, [INDO]dimas_1502 said:

oh wait NAS seems oversized too

NAS is using real world values, it's some BDAc parts which are smaller than real weapons.

EDIT: All right not all of them, but quite a number of guns are scaled down.

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3 minutes ago, Acea said:

NAS is using real world values, it's some BDAc parts which are smaller than real weapons.

Fixed that for you. While BDAc sizes are a bit all over the place, a lot of weapons in there like the missiles and bombs are close enough to real world values as far as sizes to be considered accurate.

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5 hours ago, [INDO]dimas_1502 said:

so "not-so" kerbal sized?
i see
just hope tweakscale can rescale these

Tweakscale will cause sorts of problems with Bdac content. I'd suggest going into the cfg files for the weapons and look at the rescale_weapons part and scale to your liking.


Another thing to point out is that there' no universal scaling for the weapons we make so we just try to either eyeball it or use our own way. Some weapons may be bigger then others but it' something that might take a long time to fix since it'l have to be all the bdac creators to work together to create a scale for the weapons


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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Nice updates you have made to the mod. A question. Im still using 1.2.2, and I am using the modpack provided by BeardyPenguin. Can I use the latest version of your mod with my game, plus keeping the values and turrets modified by Beardy? Plus having your new turrets(russians) as well?

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15 minutes ago, HunHarcos said:

Nice updates you have made to the mod. A question. Im still using 1.2.2, and I am using the modpack provided by BeardyPenguin. Can I use the latest version of your mod with my game, plus keeping the values and turrets modified by Beardy? Plus having your new turrets(russians) as well?

Well this version of FDC uses the new version of BDAc 1.0
However I can simply get the weapons ready for 1.2.2 for you. Won't take long and I'll post here with the download for you.


On 2/3/2018 at 10:07 AM, Kerbal Nerd123 said:

Still waiting for that Bumbar....


It's coming. College is the main reason i'm not able to add in more stuff.  

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
25 minutes ago, Murican_Jeb said:

Note that your bullet system is outdated. BDA has a new way of making bullets :)


I mention that the beta is the one to use as it has the newer bullet config. I haven't updated the page to reflect all the changes since college took over my time.

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8 hours ago, Sidestrafe2462 said:


can you make the non-beta version 1.4 compatible too?

The non-beta is just made for BDAc 1.0 which is no longer a thing as 1.1-1.2 took over. I'm fixing the mod description up right now.

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On 12/27/2017 at 3:00 AM, lancefoxcia said:

Another thing to point out is that there' no universal scaling for the weapons we make so we just try to either eyeball it or use our own way. Some weapons may be bigger then others but it' something that might take a long time to fix since it'l have to be all the bdac creators to work together to create a scale for the weapons


long time no see lul
just rescale the model in unity maybe? 
also it seems that the stock BDAc's abrams turret is kerbal sized

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