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[1.9.x - 1.12.x] Fox Defense Contracts - Tank Turrets (BDArmory Plus) Update 2.2 Legacy Hardware Updates


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Hi, I'm looking at this for a CKAN thing, and I think there is a problem with the ZIP: The FoxDefenseContracts folder in GameData contains another FoxDefenseContracts folder, but the part configs seem to assume there will be only one; this will not load if the current structure in the ZIP is copied to GameData:

	fireSoundPath = FoxDefenseContracts/Sounds/105mm

There is also a .git folder in the ZIP, which users probably should not install.


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23 minutes ago, HebaruSan said:

Hi, I'm looking at this for a CKAN thing, and I think there is a problem with the ZIP: The FoxDefenseContracts folder in GameData contains another FoxDefenseContracts folder, but the part configs seem to assume there will be only one; this will not load if the current structure in the ZIP is copied to GameData:

	fireSoundPath = FoxDefenseContracts/Sounds/105mm

There is also a .git folder in the ZIP, which users probably should not install.


Looks like ckan is pulling from my github page, and seems that the upload is off.
I don't use Ckan at all and it's better off to download directly, but let me see if I can fix it real quick.


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So I just had a quick test with the new update and the part are great and very varied. I already have many ideas for builds using the new parts and the the new way of handling the ammo makes it a lot simpler and easier.

I am also very happy to see my suggestion of using the fox defense armor camos for the bd modular armors.

But there are also some problems I found, starting from the least significant:

Some of the new parts textures look a bit oversaturated, at least to me (the R3 turret and the M109)

The type-87 Anti Air seems to have its fire rate cut in half. In the mod it has a salvo fire rate (combined fire rate of the 2 guns) of 550 but I believe the fire rate should be 550 per gun

Finally my biggest gripe with the update is that the radars on the new spaa turrets are OP as hell. Most of them being more than 4x more powerful than the normal BDarmorys TWS locking radar and their max range being set to 100km is a bit silly also. I think they would be fine you just copied the radar attributes of the goalkeeper radar or the jernas missile turret radar to them which would make them more inline with the normal BDarmory power level.


ps. I dont think m163 should have a radar as it only has a ranging radar irl, but I guess you could just make it a weak scan-only radar with like a 2-5 km range.

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8 hours ago, total said:

So I just had a quick test with the new update and the part are great and very varied. I already have many ideas for builds using the new parts and the the new way of handling the ammo makes it a lot simpler and easier.

I am also very happy to see my suggestion of using the fox defense armor camos for the bd modular armors.

But there are also some problems I found, starting from the least significant:

Some of the new parts textures look a bit oversaturated, at least to me (the R3 turret and the M109)

The type-87 Anti Air seems to have its fire rate cut in half. In the mod it has a salvo fire rate (combined fire rate of the 2 guns) of 550 but I believe the fire rate should be 550 per gun

Finally my biggest gripe with the update is that the radars on the new spaa turrets are OP as hell. Most of them being more than 4x more powerful than the normal BDarmorys TWS locking radar and their max range being set to 100km is a bit silly also. I think they would be fine you just copied the radar attributes of the goalkeeper radar or the jernas missile turret radar to them which would make them more inline with the normal BDarmory power level.


ps. I dont think m163 should have a radar as it only has a ranging radar irl, but I guess you could just make it a weak scan-only radar with like a 2-5 km range.

I think they do look a lil saturated, and may be due to monitor? but this could be caused by the Ambient occlusion that i added to the new turrets. I can revert them to just diffuse and normal maps at a later update.

Seems like that was an oversight on my end. I didn't read the wikipedia on them correctly (Blame 4am working on the mod moods!)
So I'll put in a quick change to the part via github later tonight.

Radars, far as they could see would be about 55km, I think reducing them to 30km max might be much better, but absolute detection would be set to where they can see irl. Though, that just might be too much. playing with rcs and range is finicky at best. But they should just be only 55km at max with very big rcs like over 60rcs.

M163 only has scanning and cannot lock. Has limited range too from what i know. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 7/23/2022 at 3:41 AM, mmamh2008 said:

i can't manage to build tanks , are there any tutorials for noobs like me in bd armory ?

I believe there are.

also, how about a turret for the FCS series of tanks, including the ARV and a missile turret for the NLOS-LS? of course, add the missiles, but if there are mods with these, please show me them.

one more thing. ADATS. please. I can't tell you how long I've waited for someone to add this in a mod, and I feel like this mod is my best bet. again, if I somehow missed there are mods with this, please show me.

oh, a turret for the MPF, M8 AGS/LOSAT, M901 MTV, XM2001 Crusader and Block III tank  would be nice as well as a turret for the M6 Linebacker and a Bradley turret with TOW launchers.

sorry if this is a bit much and/or demanding

Edited by Kerbal410
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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/23/2022 at 11:41 AM, mmamh2008 said:

i can't manage to build tanks , are there any tutorials for noobs like me in bd armory ?


On 7/23/2022 at 6:16 PM, Kerbal410 said:

I believe there are.

There are not any proper tutorials on the internet unfortunately unlike what Kerbal410 said.

What I do is look through old Fall of Kerbin (youtube war series) livestreams and watch how they build the tanks step by step.  Such as this video: 


In the video they use an old version of BDarmory from 1.2 but most of the building techniques will still work today. 

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On 8/3/2022 at 10:55 AM, brokenbolt said:


There are not any proper tutorials on the internet unfortunately unlike what Kerbal410 said.

What I do is look through old Fall of Kerbin (youtube war series) livestreams and watch how they build the tanks step by step.  Such as this video: 


In the video they use an old version of BDarmory from 1.2 but most of the building techniques will still work today. 

better than nothing ... thanks :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

for some reason, there are a lot of error messages I'm getting on the loading screen with this mod. there are some missing texture messages, some unknown error messages, duplicate bullet issues, and a whole lot more. it gets to a point that the game crashes (sometimes right when it starts loading) and removing this mod fixes everything. problem with that is, all my craft use it. please help.

I only have this mod along with its dependencies if that helps. (along with scatterer, world stabilizer, firespitter, and AP+)

edit: never mind.

Edited by Kerbal410
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now that I think of it, can you please add a M136 volcano mine dispensing system? as well as a plow for mine-sweeping? I know there is a mod out there with mines and mine flails, but those don't really do it for me, mostly because that mod is outdated.

again, sorry if this is too much and/or demanding.

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A note: as of BDA+, simple post-penetration explosive fuzes and a simplified (experimental prerelease) calculation of subcalilber munition behavior (erosion, dispersion through spacing) and such are now implemented, along with a change in formulae for armor effectiveness.

If you want to take a look into updating your shell configs to support this it should be a simple change in their CFGs for post-pen, (kinetic shells should work better on their own) otherwise everything is reverse compatible. Just for your consideration.

Edited by Sidestrafe2462
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2 hours ago, Sidestrafe2462 said:

A note: as of BDA+, simple post-penetration explosive fuzes and a simplified (experimental prerelease) calculation of subcalilber munition behavior (erosion, dispersion through spacing) and such are now implemented, along with a change in formulae for armor effectiveness.

If you want to take a look into updating your shell configs to support this it should be a simple change in their CFGs for post-pen, (kinetic shells should work better on their own) otherwise everything is reverse compatible. Just for your consideration.

no wonder I was having trouble earlier loading KSP.

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  • 2 months later...

please Israeli MBT turrets like those in the merkava family, the pereh missile carrier, and the namer IFV variant's turret? the Brazilan X1A, EE-T1? or even the Jordanian falcon turret, or at least a recolored NED falcon turret to a more tan color, and if need be, resized.

sorry, again, if this is too much. I just haven't seen that many Israeli turrets, Brazilian or Jordanian turrets for that matter. also, for the sake of realism, please consider adding, if not editing the Bradly turret to have a pair of TOW launchers. 

M2/M3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle | Weapons and Warfare


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 11/19/2022 at 8:31 PM, BronzeShoe20968 said:

ive been searching for a tank treadand hull  mod for ages now and this is the best i got, but it dont got no treads nor hulls:unsure:

Kerbal foundries has treads, I don’t know where you’d find hulls.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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