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Spaceplane Testing

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Hello all together,

I am currently testing SSTO designs for my upcoming Jool 5 mission, and experienced a strange bug: my SSTO is capable to get to LKO. But if I revert to launch or load a quicksave, I made on the runway, it becomes impossible. I am unable to get beyond 400m/s after the quickload/revert.

I created a bugreport: http://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/15664

Unfortunately I have no Windows and don't want to spend the money on a Windows key (running Linux).

In order to get my mission going I would like to know if the bug is related only to Linux or even my specific system. Can somebody please try to reproduce the bug on Windows and possibly Linux (the .craft file is attached toe the bugreport).

If this bug does not appear on Windows please tell me whether the vessel is capable to get to LKO on Windows. Either way, it would be unfair, and i would see if I can hack a Windows key.

Thank you very much in advance.


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Well, If is already in the bugtracker there is not much else for us, forum dwellers' do in that regard. Notice that, fair or not, often bug only occur for some system (an specific OS, processor, etc)


What we can do is offer some help in designing a spaceplane that can perform as required. If you may provide a picture* of your current vessel, and a brief description of the objectives (e.g. payload in LKO, deltaV left on LKO), people can try to figure out how to improve it.


*pictures are often better than craft file, since people unable to log into KSP can still give advice based on their experience. And cases where a slight improvement solves the issue are not rare.

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16 minutes ago, Spricigo said:

What we can do is offer some help in designing a spaceplane that can perform as required.

I specifically didn't ask for improvements to the vessel itself, as I experienced the bug with several designs and think the problem is more fundamental.

My objective with this question is not to improve my Spaceplane. I want to know if the bug is present for other operating systems as well. I might consider to setup a dual boot if the bug is related to Linux or my specific system.

If the bug is not present on other systems I want to know which is the "correct" performance of my Spaceplane.

If the Spaceplane is capable of orbit on a not affected system I will assume the Performance direct after launch is "correct".
This unfortunately means that I have to do do the Laythe testing on a other system.

On the other hand, If the Spaceplane is not capable of orbit. I will consider to ask for advice how to improve my design.

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2 minutes ago, jonny said:


Fair enough.

Personally I (in my limited experience) never noticed any discrepancies in performance between [launched from VAB/SPH], [reverted to launch] and [loaded from quicksave].

Testing other people vessel its something I rarely do and am unable to do at the present time. Wish you luck with that.


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...for me, when I try to follow your link it wants a squad bug checker login.  So, guess I'm out...  not gonna create a login just to see if someone's craft flies on Windows 10.  If you want to put the .craft file somewhere accessible (like KerbalX) lemme know.


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For me, it struggles right there at the sound barrier 330-350 range...  and does not maintain acceleration on a 10° trajectory. 

So no, it wouldn't make the cut for an SSTO that I would fly. 

Doesn't necessarily mean that someone else with more patience couldn't finesse it into orbit.

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23 minutes ago, XLjedi said:

For me, it struggles right there at the sound barrier 330-350 range... 

Thank you very much for your effort. I want to know if you did try to reload a quicksave made on the Runway and see if there is a performance difference between the initial launch and the Quickload. For me the vessel gets to 370 m/s at sea level at the initial launch, and 330m/s if i load a quicksave on the runway. I am able to get very consistent results (373m/s or 329m/s) as long as I try to keep the altitude between 0m and 200m.

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On initial load, I get 370 m/s ASL

Revert to launch, it drops to like 310 m/s ASL

Revert to SPH and reload to runway, and it's back up to 370 m/s ASL

So yeah, it seems odd.  ...and I'm using Win 10 64-bit, so something magical about the wax they apply in the SPH before takeoff.   ...and not your Linux install.

Edit:  note to self, never revert to takeoff again!

Edited by XLjedi
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