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Flames/smoke FX occurring in VAB and while engines unlit on pad

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Hey fellow kerbonauts,


I've had a bug for awhile now and I don't honestly know what could be the cause. The problem almost always (unless using a completely unmodified craft [i.e. premade FASA ships, etc]) occurs on the launch pad. The moment the vessel unpacks smoke (as if every engine in every stage is lit on my rocket) begins emitting. This also occurs when dragging and deleting some pieces in the VAB (where I will get flame effects on the side of the screen where I dropped the piece off). I play with Smoke Screen (as well as all the extras like Real Plume, etc.), however i have tried launching without SS and the problem still persists. It seems to be the most prevalent when using Procedural Fairings from that mod. The strange thing is that the vessel will begin its launch and around ~10Km the flames act as intended and even real plume works as I reach the Karman Line. I also play with Tweakscale and Tweakable everything. I have not tried taking these mods out and starting a test sandbox to see if this solves the issue (some older forums I found with this issue seemed to point to TweakScale as the cause), so I will attempt that after a few missions (don't feel like going through another 20 minute restart at the moment, but I usually get a few hours before I crash, so after that I'll try removing both Tweak mods and see what the results are).


The latest forum post I saw with this issue was from 2015 so that's why I'm asking here if any knowledge players/modders may be able to help figure out the issue. The in-game debug log gives no indication as to the cause and searching through the logs didn't show anything obvious, though I admittedly am not too experienced reading through it to diagnose things besides startup CTDs on other installations and fixing MM patches I've made.


I'll post a screenshot here shortly of one of my vehicles on the pad to give a better visual representation of what I'm seeing and I'll wait until after a crash to post my log; however in the meantime if anyone knows what I'm talking about and has a suggestion or solution I'd greatly appreciate any help I can get



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Sorry about the late response, but I'm finally here with a pic (see below) to show what's going on. I started a sandbox and took the Falcon Heavy from the Space X lifters pack and put it on the pad and every decoupling joint smokes. I have not used any tweakables at all, this is fresh from loading the base craft and I have no idea why it occurs, but it always seems to be at decoupler joints (it's even worse with a procedural fairing base attached, in which case flames can be seen). Any ideas? I will be starting without TweakScale and Tweakable Everything on my next restart and will set up this same rocket and see if that happens to be the cause.





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On 9/11/2017 at 9:31 AM, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Mod list? KSP version? Zipped copy of your KSP.log?  I have a suspicion i know whats causing your problem but without the info mentioned it's impossible to tell.

I can't get pastebin to not freeze while pasting my KSP.log, so I'll throw them on my dropbox. Requested information below.

Thanks so much for taking the time to help!.


Mod ListMod list screenshot on Imgur

KSP Version1.2.2.1622 - Windows x64 version [for memory purposes])with -force-d3d11 exception tag on launch (not sure if it really does anything though tbh)

Zip of KSP.log (as well as a crash error.log that was caused from an eventually loss of memory, though may provide additional information:  KSP.log (uncompressed)  - error.log (from a recent crash)  -  Zipped KSP.log and error.log


Edited by shoe7ess
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15 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi the fix for this is quite simple remove Destruction FX, the 122 version of which has trouble with separators, decouplers and is known in that version to produce unwanted FX from all over the place.

You're kidding me. I tried almost everything else. Wow. Thanks man, you are a god, a gentleman, and a scholar :D

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6 hours ago, shoe7ess said:

You're kidding me. I tried almost everything else. Wow. Thanks man, you are a god, a gentleman, and a scholar :D

No worries and i do have the benefit of some inside knowledge of how DFX works,  it's proved very tricky to get it to behave in recent versions of KSP, partly due i believe to the way ships not in focus are being removed and replaced, this function leads all the joints in a craft to be remade and DFX can't tell the difference between a node being created and a node being destroyed.

Anyway hope that does fix all your problems, i know only too well how irritating it gets when everything you launch bursts into flames and black smoke.

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