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Durr?! Zombie Kerbals! (Well; they're already green...)


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Running a quick and easy science mission to the Mun; what with my  new fancy-dancy Gravioli Detector I could pick up a few hundred science bits in LMO and one of the craters.

Young Linfrid hadn't gone up there yet, so with her brand-new science degree still drying on the wall she got stuffed into a Mk-1 mini-lander with a GD duct-taped to the door, and blasted off for her date with destiny.

It was a superb mission overall; she did 3 orbits, collecting good gravioli info before dropping into the Northwest Crater to plant a flag - Gene thought we didn't have enough of the bloody things up there, I guess.

Linfrid's trip back went well; right up until re-entry. She realized the last bit of data was still in the Gravioli Detector and, at an altitude of 60K climbed out to grab it.

It was her idea; I had nothing to do with it (whistles innocently).

Poor girl spaghettified and burned up instantly; popped like a grape in a blast furnace. I was shocked; the pod hadn't even started to glow yet.

The empty pod continued into the atmosphere and completed a perfect, if morose, splashdown right by KSC; she'd barely have gotten her little feet wet. :(

BUT... upon recovery, I got the successful mission, about 300 science and...Linfrid got her first Experience star! WHU? I saw her buy it; the pod entered empty of personnel but there she was, standing by her craft with no memory of what happened.


Ahem - 'scuse me. Well; I'm certainly grateful, I haven't lost a Kerbal yet (in this game) and I'm glad she's OK. I just hope she doesn't start lurching through the Complex at night going "Bwainssss...bwaaaaains! "


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Well, Linfrid doesn't impress me like the most intellectual, spiritual or creative derived name.

It's some kind of living demonic derived green doll name for a spooky incompetent character that creeps behind your back when your not watching.

Shes probably made by Wernher von Frankenstein in the VAB basement to replace living souls with dead ones to operate the vessels and machines to circumvent the deliberate Kerbal sacrifice otherwise practiced.



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Kerbal with 5-star Science and zero Stupidity can hack their way outside and take control over your computer.

Check your credit cards balance.

In case of Kerbal zombies you can use stakes and hammer from Extraplanetary Launchpads + Kerbal Inventory Systems.

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