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[UNOFFICIAL/FANMADE] 0.17 Discussion Thread 2


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is some kind of mapping/surveying going to be implemented. Otherwise whats the point of a planet we can't land on (lava)

I doubt that the lava planet will be entirely made of lava, actually if I remember correctly it's actually going to be tidally locked to Kerbol so that one side is going to be mostly molten while the other is in darkness, and thus much cooler.

As for mapping modules, it's not in the update features list so I wouldn't count on it.

However there is a great mod that does just that, the ISA mapsat mod. I'm too lazy to provide a link to it, so just type ISA mapsat into the searchbar and you'll find it.

(Though I'm not discounting the fact that mapping would be a great addition to the stock game, that's just not what this topic is about.

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I'm not sure if you'll respond Nova, but I just have a few quick questions regarding the new planets.

First of all, I'm just wondering about the planets closest to the sun. What will it be like there?

Secondly, will there only be 1 gas giant in the Kerbol System? (Sorry if this has already been answered)

Lastly, can you splash down in the ocean-looking portions of Eve like you can on Kerbin?

Thanks for all the work you've done!

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I'm not sure if you'll respond Nova, but I just have a few quick questions regarding the new planets.

First of all, I'm just wondering about the planets closest to the sun. What will it be like there?

Secondly, will there only be 1 gas giant in the Kerbol System? (Sorry if this has already been answered)

Lastly, can you splash down in the ocean-looking portions of Eve like you can on Kerbin?

Thanks for all the work you've done!

1) The order goes lava planet(charr), eve, kerbin, etc. as Nova has said charr is tidally locked to Kerbol so 1 side is molten lava the other is hardened lava that can be landed on safely

2) In this update yes but Nova posted that he plans to add a total of four ( The solar system in the game is roughly based on ours)

3) As of now I do not know though I would go with yes as in you make a "splash" but no since it looks like they are molten metal and your poor kerbals would die.

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Edit: also, in the thread in the development bit, Harvester keeps updating it as to how far all the individual bits are coming along.

I've seen that he's been updating the post, but I can't really tell what the updates might be. The same bits remain green as before, and it never reads any differently to me. Maybe I'm not reading closely enough.

Not that it's his job to give us minute-by-minute updates...it'll be ready when it's ready, and I'm really really grateful to have 0.16 to play with in the meantime...but that particular post makes the waiting worse (quite unlike the frequent teases we get in this thread from NovaSilisko, which give the impression of progress and help pass the time).

Eh, it'll be better once the devblog thingies are up and running on the new boards I'm sure.

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Is discussing that picture Nova gave us off topic? People discussed it for ages and no one told them to stop.

I do not feel that it is given that it has to do with .17

Now just to get a teaser with the lava planet(charr?) but so far this update looks like it will be a lot of fun with all the new planets/moons I'd also like to get a preview of the new COG the most I love the idea :)

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Damion: Lava planet is named Charr, as was told on live stream:)

wait what? if i remember correctly in the starcraft lore char is the zerg planet. and it looks like a lava planet. how did it get to kerbol? will it be infected by the swarm? xP … seriously if its a reference , well ok, but i think it should be diferent name so when people google char planet they get ksp and not starcraft

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Well, I was going to PM Nova about this, but it would appear that I can't PM him. Makes sense.

Anyway, he dropped this lovely "grainy photo" in the ksp 0.17 discussion. Anyone have any thoughts as to what it is?


My thoughts:

This was bugging me, and one part of it looked oddly familiar, so I figured I'd give it a go. I rotated and cropped the relevant section, "I see a little silhouetto of a man..."

Someone might have some better luck with this than I as it was super hasty.


Other thoughts:

- Comet (white section is trail)

- White object is some form of new part. Maybe a solar panel or transmitter of some kind?

- Picture of a large celestial body (maybe the one tidally locked with Charr?) on the horizon (difficult shot to get, btw) and the white object is some form of lander...

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wait what? if i remember correctly in the starcraft lore char is the zerg planet. and it looks like a lava planet. how did it get to kerbol? will it be infected by the swarm? xP … seriously if its a reference , well ok, but i think it should be diferent name so when people google char planet they get ksp and not starcraft

I hate to be the dork to point this out, but the planet Chaar was used in the Transformers TV show a decade+ before starcraft. It was where the decepticons hid from the autobots. If I remember correctly, the planet had been populated or something and then was destroyed by some kind of disaster that ended with the planet being covered in lava and whatnot. I grew up watching that cartoon so, uh, yeah.

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Clouds? Doubt it.

>The top looks like a lander.

>The bottom two objects look like two detached rockets with smoke trails behind them.

>The middle is a part of a rocket, and the top and bottom part, foreground and background of the center piece, are attached by ropes/wire or something.

>The bottom "smoke trail" could be the sunrise/set of a side of a planet, as well as the other light marks being multiple celestial bodies behind each other, but they seem too big/close together for that to be realistic.

>"Stripes" in a gas giant.

>Two objects attached to a parachute, possibly boosters showing that they won't disappear in the atmosphere anymore.

But my best idea is this:

If you rotate the image 180 degrees, you will see a lander with a two-layer parachute, and that curve behind it is another planet/moon in the background. That has to be it, I'm sure.

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Well, I was going to PM Nova about this, but it would appear that I can't PM him. Makes sense.

I was trying PM him recently as well. A link on his sig is out-of-date.

Anyhow, on-topic. I have NFI what that is. Apart from most likely being new planet terrain with something new on it.

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I'm not sure what altitude Charr will orbit at, but if it's below about 4 billion meters I'll be very surprised if anyone will be able to land, let alone return with just stock parts and no hacks...

1) First you have to hit it's SoI. I'm guessing it will probably be about half Kerbin's size, so half Kerbin's SoI. Not too tricky, it's quite possible to get into orbit around Kerbol and then return to Kerbin in this version.

2) The real problem is, once you reach it's SoI you will be travelling about 4 times faster than it...At 2.5 billion meters I was going about 26km/s. At that speed, I'd say you'll need at least 10km/s Delta V just to slow down get into orbit around Charr, plus you need about 8km/s to get there. 18km/s...you gonna need a big rocket...

I'm skeptical, but I'm sure someone will impress me.

So Nova, could you show us if you can get there, and tell us what altitude it's at?

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nice one Ziff, well i guess starcraft makes reference on transformers, and probably ksp too, so to be fair, if you search, Chaar, Char and Charr, you will find what you looking for, but how many more chars can sience fiction have :P

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(My opinion)

It's none of these things, it's a squished square, with a bigger top than bottom, the part you see to the left is the side of this shape lying in the shadow, it's a form of some sort, a spaceship part, a building, i do not know, but i believe it's a single object with a half faced away from the sun, with some sort of device on top.

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I'm not sure what altitude Charr will orbit at, but if it's below about 4 billion meters I'll be very surprised if anyone will be able to land, let alone return with just stock parts and no hacks...

1) First you have to hit it's SoI. I'm guessing it will probably be about half Kerbin's size, so half Kerbin's SoI. Not too tricky, it's quite possible to get into orbit around Kerbol and then return to Kerbin in this version.

2) The real problem is, once you reach it's SoI you will be travelling about 4 times faster than it...At 2.5 billion meters I was going about 26km/s. At that speed, I'd say you'll need at least 10km/s Delta V just to slow down get into orbit around Charr, plus you need about 8km/s to get there. 18km/s...you gonna need a big rocket...

I'm skeptical, but I'm sure someone will impress me.

So Nova, could you show us if you can get there, and tell us what altitude it's at?

As a question, would it be more feasible to get your apoapsis to 2.5 million kilometers and circularise? Would you then catch up with or have the planet catch up to you?

And the rest of the solar system (Juni, Mandrake, Rutherford, etc.) are coming in 0.18, no?

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There's definitely some form of round shape in the bottom half of the picture, over (under) what appears to be a horizon. One thought I had is that maybe this is one of the new planets that is tidally locked. Any of the photoshop gurus wanna take a stab at it and see if they can clean it up?

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