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[UNOFFICIAL/FANMADE] 0.17 Discussion Thread 2


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  dragonfree97 said:

Haha! Nice avatar on there! Romantically Apocalyptic is awesome.

Back on topic we go!

With the planets really close to the sun, or moons really close to each other or their planets, would it be possible to get an orbit in a figure of eight going round them both?

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  Paprika said:
Haha! Nice avatar on there! Romantically Apocalyptic is awesome.

Back on topic we go!

With the planets really close to the sun, or moons really close to each other or their planets, would it be possible to get an orbit in a figure of eight going round them both?

No because the moon is moving relative to the planet, and the planet is moving relative to the sun, and your ship is moving relative to all three. You would have to make constant course corrections.

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  Shadownailshot said:
No because the moon is moving relative to the planet, and the planet is moving relative to the sun, and your ship is moving relative to all three. You would have to make constant course corrections.

You can, however, put three equal-mass objects into a stable Figure-Eight Orbit, and even put that figure-eight in orbit around a star.

Wouldn't work in the KSP physics simulation, of course.

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  Cykyrios said:
Nova said that for the time being, it's a normal planet, but if you go into its surface, bad things happen.

Navigating in its surroundings will prove to be both challenging and fun, as the moons seem quite close to each other (or are they all just really big?).

I think the planet should just be atmosphere. you just descend into thicker and thicker atmosphere until your ship can't handle the pressure and explodes

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I think that was what Nova said. It doesn't have an actual surface in the actual sense, but there's an auto-kill zone where if you go to a certain depth of the atmosphere, it kills you because of the pressure.

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  vexx32 said:
I think that was what Nova said. It doesn't have an actual surface in the actual sense, but there's an auto-kill zone where if you go to a certain depth of the atmosphere, it kills you because of the pressure.

I think it would be cool if the space kraken was in the middle of the gas giant.

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Scaled space objects are no longer just spheres. The transition is now basically seamless between scaled space and actual terrain


  Master said:
An ion engine would be useless in game. You cant accelerate time when you are accelerating from an engine burn. (most of the time you cant even with SAS on). An ion engine would give you so little thrust you would have to leave it on for days on end to see any acceleration. So it would be useless in game.

If all goes well, we'll have possibly up to 10x physics-enabled timewarp in this update, which would make ion engines a lot more feasible.

Edited by NovaSilisko
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R.I.P Kraken, despite all the troubles you have caused us, deep down inside our hearts, you will be missed.

Let us have a moment of silence.


Anyway, Im gonna build a interplanetary ship with 4 landers, and land on all of the gas giants moons within a small time frame >=3

First target: the icy moon, since the moon Europa is my favorite moon ever.

There should be a volcanic moon like lo orbiting it too ;(

Also, I don't understand what that means nova, but then again i am kinda slow at times.

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it means that the body starts out as a ball, then as you get closer

only THEN do mountains and craters start to form.

what he's saying is that this no longer happens, and instead of the bodies starting out as spheres, they just spawn with mountains.

It's the difference between starting out as a grape, and starting out as a raisin.

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  NovaSilisko said:
Scaled space objects are no longer just spheres. The transition is now basically seamless between scaled space and actual terrain


If all goes well, we'll have possibly up to 10x physics-enabled timewarp in this update, which would make ion engines a lot more feasible.

Is that Eve's Munlet

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  NovaSilisko said:
No. That is Bop*, the smallest moon orbiting the gas planet.

*Thank you Winston for providing the best name for any small moon ever

That's one hella' bop.

Hale bop?




Loving the look of that tiny moonlet there, looks like it'll be fun to try and ramp off some of those hills into an escape trajectory... :D

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  ElJugador said:
"Anyway, Im gonna build a interplanetary ship with 4 landers, and land on all of the gas giants moons within a small time frame >=3"

God now I really wish we could have separate parasite craft in this update

You can any debris with mechjeb on them is controllable

Also Nova that is looking really nice I can't wait to see charr

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  nhnifong said:
Nova, Got any rocket building advice for getting out to the gas giant's moons? Can we see what your rocket's look like on the pad before you fly them out there?

He doesn't fly them out there, I don't think. He uses debug tools to do it (basically a box with options such as 'orbit which body', 'what sma', 'what eccentricity', etc.) so he doesn't have to spend ages designing rockets to test a tiny change to a moon's gravitational pull or something

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  Dontfistme said:
well im sure hes flew to the gas giant...if my memory recalls correctly, it took him around 120-129 days to get there he said (some where in that range for sure).

I don't think he would have needed to fly there to figure that out.

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