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Stock cargo ship

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Here is something I have been working on lately. It's a long distance cargo ship ( that kinda looks like a crab boat from deadliest catch ).:confused:



It has a blistering white knuckle top speed of about 15 ms! Lol


Has plenty of room for cargo ( or pots)


I will get the link posted as soon as get Dropbox to work

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Wow, that looks great! Really nice aesthetic but seems quite functional with the doubled Mk2 cargo bays. If I could make a suggestion, could you put docking ports spaced along the bottom of the cargo bay so cargo containers can lock in?

Wonder how it compares size-wise to this... :)


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10 minutes ago, KerBlitz Kerman said:

I would try for a drill in the bow to refuel with land.

And it can be done. Though 1.3.x is a lot more picky when it comes to where you mount the drill. Something about collider interaction. I've seen my yacht explode lots of times before I was able to solve the issue.

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