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Chinese Space Program (CNSA) & Ch. commercial launch and discussion


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  On 1/3/2019 at 4:17 AM, Ho Lam Kerman said:

Link anywhere pretty please? :D

Woohoo! 2019 is already AWESOME!


It just a brief introduction released by CCTV and I have no idea how to record and upload it. But I can share some screenshots from weibo with you!YKRYbSh.jpgls6OsKj.jpg


BTW,  the first photo captured by Chang'e-4 and relayed by Queqiao has received. Waiting for release.

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  On 1/3/2019 at 4:17 AM, Ho Lam Kerman said:

Link anywhere pretty please? :D

Woohoo! 2019 is already AWESOME!


Apparently it was first announced live on TV. This is the most official article I can find in 5 minutes, but there are others with more detail: https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d3d414f33597a4e31457a6333566d54/share.html


But seriously! I just can't believe that it's only been 2019 for 2 DAYS and we've already seen 2 historic firsts! Today has been just too much for me, lol. This is INSANE!

Hopefully we'll get footage of the landing like Chang'e 3. Also can't wait for the rover- can't wait for all the cool pictures (assuming it works better than the last one did, that is)!

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More Screenshots from CCTV!r1r7gmo.jpg

This picture showed the Relay Path and the Halo orbit of Relay Satellite Queqiao. 


Video captured by landing camera, the signal strength looks pretty good even on the far side of the moon.b1ICFS1.jpg

Expected landing area and the actual position of chang'e-4. In a word, Bullseye!:D

It mentioned that the rover will be released in 6 hours. 

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  On 1/3/2019 at 7:04 AM, Xd the great said:

Is it just me or is that Mars soil on the Moon?


The Chang'e 3 images had this same reddish tint, so I'm assuming it's because China is full of damn Red Commies probably the filters they have on the cameras.


Picture above is of the Chang'e 3 lander taken by the Yutu rover. Note the reddish tint on the lunar regolith. It is especially noticeable at the top right of the image.

Chang'e 3 and 4 are nearly identical, so expect the lander of Chang'e 4 to look similar, if not identical to this image.

I wish that CNSA would post more detailed information and more pictures. Xinhua (China's state run media) isn't very good at providing detailed information on Chinese space missions. Plus their State-run nature may make them a bit biased, similar to how Soviet media was with their space program.

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  On 1/3/2019 at 7:10 AM, hieywiey said:

Xinhua (China's state run media) isn't very good at providing detailed information on Chinese space missions. Plus their State-run nature may make them a bit biased, similar to how Soviet media was with their space program.


China Space Agency runs like a Militarily Department. Launch Site and Mission Detail are highly protected, especially after the failure of second LM5. So I think it may take a while for them to get out of this kind of "sensitive" state and provide more infomation.

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  On 1/3/2019 at 4:33 AM, ThatGuyWithALongUsername said:

I just can't believe that it's only been 2019 for 2 DAYS and we've already seen 2 historic firsts!



  On 1/3/2019 at 5:03 AM, Ho Lam Kerman said:

For us here in China it's been 2019 for 3 days, but who cares?


It has been 3 for us as well...

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It seems like 2019 will be "The Year of The Moon". The first lunar far-side landing (Chang'e 4), the first lunar sample-return mission since 1976 (Chang'e 5), India's second lunar mission and first lander and rover (Chandryaan 2), and the first private lunar landers (SpaceIL's Beresheet and Moon Express' Lunar Scout). Next year will be pretty exciting too in terms of lunar exploration (assuming EM-1 actually launches and doesn't get delayed again). EM-1 will include 13 CubeSats, 4 of which will orbit the Moon (Lunar Flashlight, LunaH-Map, Lunar IceCube, Cislunar Explorers), 1 will land on the moon (OMOTENASHI), 6 will perform lunar flybys (SkyFire, CuSP, NEA Scout, BioSentinel, EQUULEUS, ArgoMoon) and 2 will orbit the Sun (Earth Escape Explorer and Team Miles). OMOTENASHI and EQUULEUS are both Japanese, and should OMOTENASHI successfully land on the surface of the moon, it would make Japan the fifth country to land a spacecraft on the Moon (assuming that Chandryaan 2 is successful, otherwise Japan would be the fourth country) and the smallest lunar lander at only 7kg for the entire landing segment (including the deorbit solid rocket motor, which weighs 6kg and has a ∆v of 2500m/s). OMOTENASHI also includes an orbiting section, which separates from the landing section (OMOTENASHI weighs 14kg at launch). OMOTENASHI uses a cold gas thruster to enter a lunar-impact orbit, and a solid rocket motor for the landing phase. The solid rocket will be ignited with a laser. After the deorbit burn that will last 15-20 seconds, OMOTENASHI's lander will eject the retrorocket, experiencing a free-fall of about 100 m. Just before impact, the lander will deploy a single airbag about 50 cm in diameter to minimize the impact, estimated to be at 20 - 30 m/s.The lander has a payload of a radiation monitor and an accelerometer.




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