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SkunkTwerks Presents STAR WARS: High-Fidelity Craft Designs

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  On 10/21/2017 at 2:31 PM, fourfa said:

Vernors can take 50m/s impact? I just got so many new ideas


Yeah, I was pretty impressed too, they're sturdy little suckers! Of course, the M-Beam 650 I-Beam gives you 80 m/s tolerance for the same weight, but its bulk makes it much harder to sneakily stow away.

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The Empire (read: my responsibilities) caught up to me last week, but I've momentarily escaped their blockade to deliver the product of several months of total overhauls, extensive flight testing, and careful refinement in the Twerkshop. This is right up there with the X-Wing when it comes to my personal favorite builds.

The SkunkTwerks Delta-7 Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor ATMO


The zenith of Rebel maneuverability and flight performance, this craft is perfect for engaging in high-speed dogfights with notorious bounty hunters and for doing dizzying loop-the-loops around the mission control tower. 


Flight notes: Hands-down the most maneuverable high-speed craft ever produced from my Twerkshop, this craft is hyper-stable, virtually stall-proof, and capable of blackout G-force turns on a dime. An absolute joy to fly!


The SkunkTwerks Delta 7 Aethersprite-class Light Interceptor SSTO


SkunkTwerks "SSTO Or Your Galactic Credits Back" ascent profile: Engage SAS and throttle to full before starting engines. After liftoff, pitch up to ~10-12 degrees and hold between 10-15 degrees climb until 8,000 m altitude. Pitch to 0 degrees to begin level flight, then allow pitch to drift up naturally (with SAS still engaged) as you accelerate rapidly. Velocity should be over 1,000 m/s at 1,0000 m altitude. Switch RAPIERS to closed cycle (Hotkey 1) as soon as velocity begins to drop. Allow pitch to drift up to 20 degrees, and hold at 20 degrees until desired apoapsis is reached. Recommend using limited thrust for a longer circularization burn to minimize effects of offset thrust. More efficient ascent profiles may exist, but will void the warranty.


I will post the SSTO+RCS version with iconic Syliure-31 Long-range Hyperdrive Module as soon as I can get one step ahead of the Empire again. It's complete in the Twerkshop, but I haven't bothered to make a rocket to get the docking ring into orbit, because that wasn't necessary in the movies. Normally I'm a purist in releasing pure stock crafts, but would anyone be heartbroken if I released something that required Hyperedit to use?


Also, sincere apologies to @Jett_Quasar: this has been another remarkable instance of parallel thinking in parallel timeframes. Clearly, we both have a similar eye for StarWars KSP possibilities. I had no idea he was working on a Delta 7 of his own, but he beat me to the runway and released video of his version last night while I was doing final flight-testing on my own version. So if you enjoyed these SkunkTwerks versions, be sure to check out the Jett_Quasar version too (KerbalX download here), it's glorious and magnificent and masterfully built! And Jett, maybe we can collaborate on a project or two, because I really hate to keep accidentally stepping on big, famous toes while doing my builds.


Edit: typos


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Well, it took a little longer than I'd hoped... mostly because I decided to do a last-minute total rebuild of both RCS systems. But here it is, the craft set every Kerbal Jedi dreams of flying:

The SkunkTwerks Delta 7 Aethersprite SSTO+RCS with Syliure-31 Long-Range Hyperdrive Module

(a.k.a. the Jedi Starfighter with Hyperdrive Ring)


This is a 100% functional, high-performance vessel... but wait, there's more! It's actually two independently functional vessels stuck together! There's just one catch: you're either going to need Hyperedit, gravity hacking, or a rather unconventional booster to get it into orbit. Sorry folks, the Twerkshop normally believes in 100% pure stock playability, but in this case I decided that building an oddball rocket to get such a bizarre aerodynamic load into space just wasn't worth my time, which I'd rather spend on other StarWars crafts.


Flight notes: Obi-Wants to remind you to disengage your docking assist clamps (AIRBRAKES) before decoupling from or re-docking with the hyperdrive ring. Mk.1 Illiminators have been positioned just inside each of the Syliure-31’s two Clamp-O-Tron Jr. docking ports to facilitate visual alignment of the ports: they should clearly illuminate their respective partners on the Delta 7 before docking (see picture below). Ensure that BOTH ports have re-coupled before making any engine burns. Failure to couple both ports may result in horizontal misalignment, which may lead otherwise-promising young padawans to Rapid Unplanned Disassembly, uncharted orbits, and/or the Dark Side.


The docking ring is equipped with a QBE for autonomous control and an RCS system of its own. It is also equipped with two Clamp-O-Trons on the outside of the ring to allow for easier refueling. While not strictly canon, I figured it would be more fun that way.


May the forces of your newly-rebalanced RCS systems be with you!


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A long time ago (okay, a few hours), on a laptop far far away (depending on where you live), the Twerkshop decided to do a quick one-shot build with a very simple goal: complete the entire design, build, flight test, and upload process for an ATMO/SSTO craft pair in a single evening. Hopefully I didn't forget anything too important!

The SkunkTwerks Naboo Cruiser ATMO

(Less gracefully known as the J-type Diplomatic Barge. You may remember it as the ship that exploded on the landing pad in a failed assassination attempt of Senator Padme Amidala in Star Wars Episode II: The Clone Wars.)


Perfect for picking up spiffy senators or wayward kerbonauts in luxury and style. Seats two pilots and up to four diplomatic VIPs. Fighter escort and security guards sold separately. 


Flight notes: Every bit as smooth as you'd expect an unarmed diplomatic vessel to be. Use caution with hard pitch maneuvers at air speeds over 200 m/s, or the wings may choose to withdraw from their alliance with the fuselage in a sudden, less-than-diplomatic manner. Not much yaw control, but it still beats the Naboo N-1 in that department.


And the SkunkTwerks Naboo Cruiser SSTO


Not quiiite as sleek & chique as the ATMO, since I had to swap out the forward FAT-455s for more heat-resistant Big-S wings, but infinitely more capable of reaching orbit.


SkunkTwerks “SSTO Or Your Galactic Credits Back” Ascent Profile: Engage SAS and throttle to full before starting engines. After liftoff, pitch up to ~25 degrees and hold 25 degrees climb until 10,000 m altitude. Pitch down to 10 degrees, then allow pitch to drift up naturally. Switch RAPIERS to closed cycle (Hotkey 1) as soon as velocity begins to drop. Allow pitch to drift up to 20 degrees, and hold at 20 degrees until desired apoapsis is reached. Use extra caution when reaching high speeds at lower altitudes to avoid vaporizing the wings, as FAT-455 wing elements have a low temperature tolerance. More efficient ascent profiles may exist, but will void the warranty. Really though, you'll have *plenty* of fuel to spare, and there's a hidden Clamp-O-Tron in the belly of the ship (hotkey 4) to allow orbital refueling. RCS system not included... maybe I'll add it later if someone specifically requests it.

Until next time, may the Force be with you, and you, and you...


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  On 11/5/2017 at 6:23 PM, Jett_Quasar said:

I just noticed you got pinned as the "Thread of the month" - Nice!  Also I downloaded your Naboo Cruiser, and I'm planning on using it in an upcoming video.  I'll post something here whenever I use any of your craft files.


 - Jett


Thank you so much Jett, it will be super cool to see the Naboo Cruiser in one of your videos. Can't wait to see what you have planned for it! Speaking of which, I was inspired by your clever loading ramp design using AIRBRAKES, so I installed one on the Naboo Cruiser ATMO for a more dignified entry to the craft. Here's Jeb testing it out:


Just be careful when switching crafts or time-warping while the ramp is down. The ramp can collide with the ground when resuming control, resulting in "Surprise Assassination Attempts" that resemble the movie rather closely. But hey, maybe you can use that for your video...


Today the Twerkshop finalized the promised SSTO modifications for the SkunkTwerks BTL Y-Wing SSTO, because why not fly your Y-Wing in space too?


Perfect for fragging frigates, blowing up battleships, and making holes in the KSC water tanks. Just as easy to fly as the ATMO version, albeit a tad less nimble due to less thrust vectoring.


SkunkTwerks “SSTO Or Your Galactic Credits Back” Guaranteed Ascent Profile: Engage SAS and throttle to full before starting engines. After liftoff, pitch up to ~35 degrees and hold 35 degrees climb until 10,000 m altitude. Pitch down to 0 degrees to begin level flight, then with SAS still on, allow pitch to drift up naturally as craft accelerates rapidly. Switch RAPIERS to closed cycle (Hotkey 1) as soon as velocity begins to drop. Allow pitch to drift up to 20 degrees, and hold at 20 degrees until desired apoapsis is reached. More efficient ascent profiles likely exist, but will void the warranty. Clamp-O-Trons at the tail of the ship and in the astromech droid’s head (hotkey 4) allow orbital refueling. RCS not included.


Still fires those beautiful KX5 "laser" cannons! Higher Kerbin orbits can be achieved by firing those off before your ascent.

May the Force be ever in your favor,



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Just in case you missed it, the Twerkshop got off on an SSTO kick and somehow managed to get the SkunkTwerks Anakin's Podracer SSTO into stable 80 km LKO. I posted about it in the SSTO forum here, along with detailed instructions for getting it into orbit:

Admittedly not my most polished work, with far more blatant construction trickery than I usually prefer. But the sheer entertainment value of getting a poor, terrified kerbal into orbit in an open-cockpit podracer was worth it.



In other news, the Twerkshop has finalized fine-tuning of the new SkunkTwerks Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing ATMO+VTOL

I based my design on this schematic from https://unusualsuspex.deviantart.com/gallery/36423420/Star-Wars. I want to thank unusualsuspex for his incredible library of brilliant work, which I have used heavily for reference and inspiration in the vast majority of my builds. I'll be editing my old posts soon to add these reference pictures in the very near future.


Affixing landing gear to this design was proving quite difficult, so since I've been a huge fan of @Jett_Quasar's VTOL crafts, I decided to try my hand at it. Pretty thrilled with how it came out!

Loyalist kerbonauts agree that this fast, nimble fighter is great for taking down separatist starfighters, and its VTOL system makes it a great getaway ship after stealing all the snacks from the R&D fridge.


Flight notes: Quick, maneuverable, and responsive. Those huge vertical "radiators" work rather nicely as stabilizers/elevons, and the ship flies well in almost any orientation. I've set the two Advanced Reaction Wheels to "SAS only" to increase the emphasis on realistic(ish) aerodynamic performance, but pilots craving extreme supermaneuverability may wish to set them back to "normal" mode. The unobstructed cockpit means this one is very flyable from first-person internal view. 


The Vernor engines on the lower vertical "radiators" offer more impact resistance than wheels, so while they look a little funny, they serve as remarkably good VTOL landing gear. The astromech droid doubles as a Stayputnik for easier piloting during vertical ascent and landing. 


And of course, the SkunkTwerks Alpha-3 Nimbus-class V-wing SSTO was a natural follow-up:


SkunkTwerks “SSTO Or Your Galactic Credits Back” Ascent Profile: Engage SAS and throttle to full before starting engines. After liftoff, pitch up to ~35 degrees and hold 35 degrees climb until 10,000 m altitude. Pitch down to 5 degrees, then allow pitch to drift up naturally as craft accelerates. Switch RAPIERS to closed cycle (Hotkey 1) as soon as velocity begins to drop. Allow pitch to drift up naturally until desired apoapsis is reached. Clamp-O-Trons on the wingtips (hotkey 5) allow for orbital refueling. RCS sold separately.



The hardest part of building the SSTO version was keeping the CoG ahead of the CoL. Stacking Panthers on RAPIERS to make sci-fi engines tends to result in a lot of mass at the tail of the craft. I ran out of clever ideas to compensate for that, and had to hide an ore container in the nose to keep it balanced. Flight may still be pretty touchy on low fuel, so consider adjusting fuel flow priorities if you plan to use this for atmospheric flight on nearly empty tanks.


It would be really cool if I could get the radiators to swivel like the real deal, but it would require two different axles (one to rotate the upper radiators, and a separate one for the lower ones) and some very thoughtful weight balancing. If you have any clever ideas on how to make it happen, I'd be thrilled to collaborate with you.

Until next time, may the Schwartz be with you!


Edited by SkunkTwerks
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Depending on how willing to refit the craft you are, it wouldn't be to difficult to hide two hinges in the bottom of the craft and use some wheels or well placed thrusters to rotate them. You would also need docking ports to secure them once the rotate. I may be able to get on tonight and make a (maybe) working prototype. The V wing is my favorite Star Wars craft, and I'd love to help make it more true to the Star Wars universe. You should also create a z-95 headhunter, a sith infiltrator, and a defender-class light corvette from the old republic. Btw I have indeed figured out how to kill people with the force. It involves a blender, a hacksaw, and a teddy bear. Don't ask.

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  On 11/9/2017 at 10:27 PM, ShadowGoat said:

Depending on how willing to refit the craft you are, it wouldn't be to difficult to hide two hinges in the bottom of the craft and use some wheels or well placed thrusters to rotate them. You would also need docking ports to secure them once the rotate. I may be able to get on tonight and make a (maybe) working prototype. The V wing is my favorite Star Wars craft, and I'd love to help make it more true to the Star Wars universe.


This would be amazing @ShadowGoat! There's just enough room on the Rockomax adapters to mount some clamp-o-tron juniors, and the wings can be pulled closer to the hubs to allow them to lock into position. I'm still fairly new to axles and hinges, so I'm stoked to see your vision for it, be it wheels or thrusters. Balancing the CoG and CoL was enough of a trick in the first place that any significant work will require a pretty significant rebuild, but don't worry, the Twerkshop loves rebuilding things to make them even cooler. So knock yourself out, go nuts, let's see what we can do!


  On 11/9/2017 at 10:27 PM, ShadowGoat said:

You should also create a z-95 headhunter, a sith infiltrator, and a defender-class light corvette from the old republic. Btw I have indeed figured out how to kill people with the force. It involves a blender, a hacksaw, and a teddy bear. Don't ask.


Excellent suggestions! The Z-95 Headhunter is definitely high on my list of relatively simple, yet awesome-looking crafts to build. But right now that Defender-class Light Corvette looks like a bigger and more interesting challenge! I think I'll have to take you up on that, because I really dig Corellian ship aesthetics.

@Jett_Quasar built a phenomenal stock Sith Infiltrator and posted it to his Star Wars replica thread back in June --- that was actually one of the ships that inspired me to share my own replicas with the KSP community. It's one of my all-time favorite models, and I thought it was absolutely brilliant for its use of orbital scanners as folding wing elements.

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I'm not the best aesthetics builder so, since I ended up not having time last night, I might try to get the technical bits built tonight instead, though it's not certain I'll get time. I'm still pretty new to hinges as well, so it might not work but I can probably fit two thermometer hinges in a relatively compact area with wheels turning an attached RTG for the turning force. Of course, the problem would be seperating the wheel controls from the rest of the control surfaces. I still think wheels are better than engines because of the turning force the engines would exert. I'll see what I can do. If it comes to it would you have a problem with rebuilding the v wing around what I (maybe) come up with? Also I'm glad you liked my suggestion of the defender. It's and obscure but awesome ship. It's also very unique as its style is not really seen anywhere else in the Star Wars series.

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I have a semi working hinge design but I can't get it to work without craft switching and it doesn't fit in the space constraints. In other news I made a rotating wing aircraft so that's great. By rotating I don't mean a helicopter I mean the wing can rotate for storage.

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  On 11/11/2017 at 3:42 PM, ShadowGoat said:

I have a semi working hinge design but I can't get it to work without craft switching and it doesn't fit in the space constraints. In other news I made a rotating wing aircraft so that's great. By rotating I don't mean a helicopter I mean the wing can rotate for storage.


Sounds like you're making some solid progress! Projects like these never work out quite the way I think they will, but I almost always find a way to make it happen! I agree that reaction wheels will probably be much more reliable and appropriate than engines or airbrake-levers. And there's nothing wrong with craft switching --- that's easy enough to do. Feel free to post or PM some screenshots as the build process progresses!

Also, @ShadowGoat, I think you're *really* going to like the current project in the Twerkshop hangar... the Defender is turning out far, far better than I had dared to imagine. On initial aerodynamic assessment, I was certain it would be a "display only" model. But a little bit of clever tweaking and re-balancing, it not only is it capable of atmospheric flight, it's actually pretty good at it! Still needs a bit more fine-tuning before it gets the SkunkTwerks mission flag, but it's coming along beautifully. Stay tuned!


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I'm glad to hear that the defender is turning out that well! I'll try to make the hinge I'm using smaller, but it will almost certainly involve some craft switching as I don't knew any other way to do it. Currently I'm trying to make a custom set of landing gear using a stock hinge for my "plane in a box." Basically it's a container for my folding wing plane.

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As hinted above, I'm still fine-tuning what might be my most ambitious build yet...

But in the meantime, I thought I'd share a curious craft pair I made a little while back. While scanning through the amazing library of Star Wars ship orthos by unusualsuspex on deviantart.com, the Nantex-class Territorial Defense Starfighter caught my eye. Not because it looked aerodynamically plausible, but because I thought its shape was both appealing and *very* unique. The priority of aesthetics over practicality has always been one of my favorite parts of building Star Wars crafts.

Just looking at it, two things were immediately apparent: the Center of Lift was naturally going to want to be WAY too far forward (so much forward wing area!) and the Center of Mass was going to want to be WAY too far back (just look at how far aft that landing gear sits!). There is no realistic way to reconcile those facts, so I knew that the hardest part of the craft design would be getting the CoM behind the CoL. I hated to do it, but after a few failed versions without trickery, I had to hide a couple wing elements, add some reaction wheels, and do some creative fuel balancing to pull the CoM forward. Anyway, with those design constraints in mind, here are the Twerkshop's versions:

The SkunkTwerks Nantex-class Defense Fighter ATMO+VTOL, also known as the Genosian starfighter


While it may not be the fastest ship, or the best armed, even the kerbals working over in the Tracking Station agree that the Genosian starfighter is one of the more unusual crafts to look at as it flies dangerously close to their satellite dishes. The laser turret doubles as a Stayputnik for easier control during vertical takeoff and landing. 


Flight notes: A nice mellow ride that handles pretty well, albeit with a strong tendency to lawn-dart without SAS. I had to abandon an earlier version with a pointier nose because the pointy wing elements brought the CoL so far forward that it was capable of only one thing: endless backflips.


Of course, also I made the obligatory SSTO version


SkunkTwerks “SSTO Or Your Galactic Credits Back” Guaranteed Ascent Profile: Engage SAS and throttle to full before starting engines. After takeoff, pitch up to 15 degrees and hold 15 degrees climb until 8,000 m altitude. Pitch down to 5 degrees to begin level flight, then hold 5 degree climb. Switch RAPIERS to closed cycle (Hotkey 1) as soon as velocity begins to drop, then allow pitch to drift up naturally until desired apoapsis is reached. More efficient ascent profiles may exist, but will void the warranty. 


After trying an earlier version with three RAPIER engines and a heavy VTOL engine block, I decided to pare if back down to one stacked Whiplash-RAPIER and no VTOL to keep it more streamlined.


I hope you'll enjoy flying this not-so-famous ship, but I won't blame you for flying the X-Wing to work most days.


  On 11/11/2017 at 11:56 PM, ShadowGoat said:

I'll try to make the hinge I'm using smaller, but it will almost certainly involve some craft switching as I don't knew any other way to do it.


@ShadowGoat Yep, as far as I'm aware, that's the unavoidable downside of using reaction wheel as hinge drivers, but I just don't see engine-driven or AIRBRAKE-based hinges working well in this case.

Until the shiny new Corvette is ready, may the force of creativity be with all of you!


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Cool! Nice craft! I love how you take designs that look simple and put your own spin on them! It would be possible to make it work without reaction wheels for the downwards turn but the upwards would be more difficult.

As I wrote this I realized how stupid I was being. I was trying to put the hinge INSIDE the craft but if I use a modified version of hazard-ish's high, then I could put them right on the end of the wing. With some cover placement I could probably fit but the up and down turn in the same area and have a central SAS block in the middle. I will have to explore this possibility. The two wings will have to be disconnected for this to work tho, so it won't be as smooth. 

EDIT: Yeah after looking at the V Wing it will work perfectly. There's more space than I need on the ends of wings where the two large reaction wheels are so I could easily fit two there. It may require some creative thinking to replace the casing in the area without impeding the function if the wings tho, so that could be a small problem.

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Hey I've got another few ships you should make.

V-Torrent from the clone wars

and this is one I think you will probably like as its a simplistic design but cool none the less, plus it's from the same era as the defender so you can release them as a pair

The Aurek class tactical star fighter

Jett might have made the V torrent but I can guarantee you he didn't make a Aurek yet.


This may be too much to ask but would you be able to include a small bridge in the defender, just for looks and coolness factor?

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The Twerkshop is delighted to present its boldest high-fidelity craft build yet: the Defender-class Light Corvette. Only you can say for sure, but I believe I've managed to outdo my X-Wing, my Delta-7 Aethersprite, and my V-Wing with this new craft. Thanks @ShadowGoat for suggesting it! I really enjoyed building this one.

Here's the SkunkTwerks Defender-class Light Corvette VTOL


This heavy-duty Corellian starfighter is Jedi-tested and Kerbal-approved as a mobile operations base, a potent source of firepower, and a guaranteed way to impress the bajeezus out of visiting contractors. Despite initial Twerskhop engineering assessments that predicted this ship would never actually fly, the Twerkshop is thrilled to report that flight is remarkably smooth, controllable… even downright enjoyable!


Per ShadowGoat's request, seating Kerbals in the forward crew cabins affords them a nice view from the bridge. The craft also features a @Jett_Quasar-inspired AIRBRAKE loading ramp.


Includes two sets of dual laser cannons armed with 4 staged shots (count carefully to avoid accidental parachute deployment) and just enough fuel to reach the island base. Hotkey 10 toggles the loading ramp and solar array. SkunkTwerks recommends controlling the craft from the horizontal RC-L01 Remote Guidance Unit in the nose of the ship during takeoff and flight. Set SAS, throttle to full, then hit stage to start engines. Hotkey 1 toggles the vertical engines, Hotkey 2 toggles the horizontal engines.


Landing this beast can be a bit of a Jedi mind trick. (These are not the easy landing instructions you were looking for.) The parachutes will slow your descent significantly, but not quite enough to prevent everyone from dying. And by the time you’ve burned any significant amount of fuel in this craft, the center or gravity will have shifted far enough aft that the four main vertical engines will be too misaligned for safe landing. You’ll probably want to use thrust-balancing mods or the Twerkshop’s “Anything But Guaranteed” clunky workaround stock solution: an additional Vector engine positioned under the rear section of the ship, with a default thrust limit of 0. Pin the tweakable window to your view, and adjust thrust to a rough proportion of your remaining fuel level (see screenshot above) and adjust on the fly as you land. Depending on how much fuel you’ve burned, the craft will likely require significant amounts of “additional pilot input” to keep the craft level during final descent.


It's normal to blow a few lander legs on a successful landing: that's why this craft has 28 of them.

May the Force be with you, but not *too* forcefully.



EDIT: At @qzgy's request, I've added that quintessential cool blue glow to the main engine pods and the loading ramp.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The Twerkshop has been running on very limited hours as the holidays approach, but I did manage to do a quick retrofit of an old favorite: the T-65 X-Wing. Because as well-loved as it has been, it was definitely missing something important. Something I think every Rebel pilot will appreciate...

The SkunkTwerks T-65 X-Wing ATMO+VTOL


The same craft you know and love, but with 1/3 as much fuel and VTOL CAPABILITY. Still perfect for destroying pesky TIE Fighters, Death Stars, and Vehicle Assembly Buildings, but now you can land on the roof of the Space Plane Hangar when you're done.


The astromech droid's head (we'll call him V3RT) doubles as a vertically-oriented Stayputnik for those tricky vertical landings. Make sure to start your retro-burn early and descend slowly, as maximum vertical TWR is not particularly high.

Still packs those quadruple KX9 Laser Cannons... Han and Leia may have gotten old, but strafing the VAB hasn't.

May the vertical takeoff and landing forces be with you.


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  On 11/9/2017 at 10:27 PM, ShadowGoat said:

You should also create a z-95 headhunter


(credit again to unusualsuspex on deviantart for these beautiful orthos)z_95_headhunter_ortho_by_unusualsuspex-d

I have a prototype VTOL Z-95 Headhunter almost ready to go! Just a few minor handling issues to work out before release.

@ShadowGoat How's that swing-wing V-Wing coming along? Feel free to PM me a screenshot or a craft file if you'd like to collaborate.


  On 11/22/2017 at 5:37 PM, ShadowGoat said:

Yay! Vtols are relatively simple to make but so rewarding at the same time! I can’t wait to see how to vtolize your other ships! Also are you considering doing the v torrent or the aurek like I suggested earlier?


The V-torrent features *radically* anhedral wings... and those never bode well for stability.


With crazy wing angles like those, I worry that all it's going to want to do is, at best, fly upside down. It's possible that the vertical/middle wing will be able to prevent that, but I'm not optimistic. I've been wrong before... but don't hold your breath on this one.***

*** So after writing that, I had to try it (I'd hate to be wrong on the internet :wink:). And dang, I really hate being right. All this thing wants to do is corkscrews. No control whatsoever:



Sorry ShadowGoat, this one just ain't gonna fly. (Yes, I know that middle wing should be longer, but the landing gear needed to go somewhere...



The Aurek would be much more stable, albeit potentially tough to balance CoM and CoL. I might also see if I can add some AIRBRAKE-actuated hinges to swing the wings in and out.



My little cousins are begging me to do Kylo Ren's Upsilon-class Command Shuttle. I'm much more optimistic about the dihedral wings on that one. This one looks like an ideal candidate for an AIRBRAKE-actuated hinge system and a VTOL system. In other words, great practice for techniques I'm trying to master!

That said, the Twerkshop will be on limited holiday hours for the next month or so, so... patience young padawans.

May the Force be with you,


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