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Close the game from any point.

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I would really like to be able to close the game without going back several times to the main menu, especially if I'm in flight. Alt+F4 is not an acceptable solution, as a system administrator I always strongly recommend against force closing any application unless absolutely necessary.

I'm frankly surprised this hasn't already been added to KSP. I can't think of another game that doesn't have a "Quit" option from every part of the game, except maybe during the first part of a UI locked tutorial.

Edit: So I found out Alt+F4 actually closes the application normally, and Ctrl+Alt+F4 force closes. But it's still not good enough if you ask me. Not everyone knows about Alt+F4 and it seems like a dirty workaround.

Edited by leptoon
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I think there is another thread similar to this topic. 

When I close I tend to just save what I’m doing, then press the windows button and close the program, so I don’t really need this, but it wouldn’t be a bad thing to have in the game.

Edited by MiffedStarfish
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3 hours ago, leptoon said:

But it's still not good enough if you ask me. Not everyone knows about Alt+F4 and it seems like a dirty workaround.

Everyone should know about Alt+F4, and there's nothing particularly wrong with using it if you ask me.
I use Ctrl+Alt+Esc (GNU/Linux xkill), and I do love my little pirate.pngmouse cursor for offending-window selection. Just save first, no harm done.

Edited by steve_v
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