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[1.12.x] Whirligig World Planetary System: An Absurd Homeworld In An Alien Solar System. 0.13.0: Dermun! Ice worlds! Better Scatterer!

Whirligig Girl

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On 5/27/2024 at 1:36 PM, Iapetus7342 said:

Sorry if i'm pestering you, but can we get a rough estimate for when the update releases?

unfortunately no. I'm making whirligig world as a hobby project and if i work on it continuously i will burn out. i'm taking a short break at the moment.

The to-do list has 35 items on it so far and the list is currently getting longer, not shorter.

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  • 3 months later...

I was playing this with Principia and having a great time until I realised solar power was much lower than expected.  KaywellBarycenter is set to False as per the instructions.

Narrowed the issue down to Whirligig-Principia conflicts (?) and so far my best fix is to delete Limnel. 

The system seems to more-or-less behave as before, but I would rather play it as intended, so I thought I'd put this post here to help others having Principia issues and hopefully prompt some discussion or even a fix.


15 Oct edit: Thresomin and Graymun have ~7 degree inclinations after 4 years of game time. This also happens when Limnel is present; Statmun goes polar and Graymun & Thresomin have inclinations in excess of 30 degrees after 10-15 years.

Edited by EimajOzear
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  • 1 month later...
On 11/23/2024 at 1:30 AM, q250 said:

is there version without system swap?

You have 2 options.

  1. Install Interstellar Consortium.
  2. Edit Kaywell or K-L Barycenter to orbit far away from Kerbol by making it it's own body, then setting Mesbin or Kerbmun's isHomeworld flag to False.
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 1/13/2025 at 1:34 AM, umbra humanus said:

Is this compatible with kerbalism or tac ls

TAC-LS doesn't conflict with *any* planet packs as far as I'm aware, as what it does isn't related to the planets, their orbits, et cetera. Kerbalism is kinda the same but I think it has some other prerequisites, regarding biomes and what not.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/18/2025 at 9:28 AM, Bosch_Drill said:

Hey! I tried to play whirligig pack with kerbalism. Well, there's no radiation field or something, do you have any plans to make support for kerbalism?

Kerbalism has a bug which means that, since Mesbin's rotation period is less than an hour, a lot of planning functions don't work. I had been working on Kerbalism support, but that's put on hold indefinitely.

The whole mod is also on hold because i haven't been interested in KSP modding in a while. One day I'll come back, but for now the unfinished WIP version is available, without support, on github.

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