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Problems with Pre-Order Confirmation E-mail, reply here


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Hi there. I donated back in September and haven\'t received any e-mails yet, just the PayPal confirmation.

Thanks for taking care of us!

EDIT: Got an email saying my forum user/pass will be saved for future releases. Thanks!

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Same problem here. Donated back when the pre-order option was just made available, and received the pay-pal confirmation email, but no pre-order confirmation email yet.

Edit: Received the confirmation email yesterday, thanks! :)

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On thursday 10/13/11 at 2 minutes after midnight I recieved the confirmation mail from paypal for my $7 donation but I have yet to recieve the mail for the preorder confirmation.

Maybe I\'m jumping the gun, I\'ll wait. If I don\'t see anything in a week I\'ll email the info@ address to make sure you know about this; when I had a problem recieving the forum confirmation email I was able to get a reply from the info@ address just fine. Maybe this is related somehow? *shrug*

EDIT: 10/17/2011 I recieved the confirmation mail in my inbox. Thanks a lot guys!

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Same here, donated 15, never got the second email, not in spam either

(also, download link is a missing 0.10 version??)


Kerbal Space Program Forum (info@kerbalspaceprogram.com) 13 aug.

Dear *****,

Thank you for your donation!

You can view the download link and information at:

If you\'ve contributed 7.00 USD or more, you will receive an email confirming your pre-order in the next 24 hours

Thanks for your support and happy launching!



Got it now, in my normal (gmail) inbox, thanks alot :D

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I purchased shortly after it came available, and never received an email, nor did it end up in spam.

From what I can tell, the same is true on my end. I can find the preorder/donate but no preorder confirmation. Sent $7 via Paypal on 8/12.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Sammmme here, donated $7, got my paypal receipt (Transaction ID: 2NB43030UW738702Y) but nothing from KSP (did not even receive a \'thank you for your donation\'), nothing lost to junk mail.

EDIT: Using the link from one of the quoted emails above in this thread (which I realized is the \'store\' button at the top of the forum controls) I do seem to have a completed order with accessible download links, etc. So at least that was successful.

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Hi guys,

I donated $10 on 18th August 2011, and received a PayPal receipt, but no confirmation email. (Transaction ID: 8S620785HH1662712)

It\'s possible my mail provider has blocked it, they are a bit overzealous about that sort of thing. Could you resend it please? My PayPal email is the same as my forum account.


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I received the confirmation email on august 29th after donating 7$ but I don\'t see a store button in the forum.

And when I use the link found in the forum, I get the following message :

'An Error Has Occurred!

You are not allowed to view the Store'

How come ?

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like the others, i don\'t think i ever received any confirmation emails. Sent money via paypal aug 12 ( Transaction ID #9J050729VJ360292P)

not that i\'m too concerned. kerbal is awesome enough to pay for again.

And thanks, i\'ve now received the store e-mail. go KSP team!

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i made a preorder /donation back on 27/10. i recieved the paypal email, and i believe i recieved the thank you email, but shortly after i was unable to access my email, and now that i have access again i do not have the confirmation email, and my spam folder does not go back far enough to check if the confirmation email went there.

Is the email something i need to keep, or will the system already know and i dont need to worry about the confirmation email?

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  Newman said:

Hi, I pre-ordered the game on saturday morning, still no confirmation e-mail. I have a paypal receipt, but nothing else. Spam folder is empty. Can PM specifics like e-mail if needed, thanks.

You should have your confirmation e-mail now in your inbox


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Excuse me... I didn\'t really understand what has become of my donation. I have the confirmation e-mails from the old jury-rigged system, but the new store page still offers me to pre-order the game and nothing else. Do I have to do anything? Is it fine this way?

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