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Craft I am not flying do not exist.

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I was testing a rover, the goal was to pick up a satelite I landed from orbit. So it drove it to the side of the runway, went to space center and launched a similar probe to the runway, then left it there for my test rover to pick up. I couldn't switch, it said no craft in range. Which I was skeptical about, seeing as it was 180 meters away. But I went to space center and got in the rover, I went there and it wasn't there. It just wasn't. Target markings and the such are there and work fine, but the craft doesn't exist. I rammed the spot it should be, but nothing happened. I went up to a couple other things I had lying about, same problem.

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Remember that something next to the runway is still counted as being on it. Make sure you are onto the flat area of KSC and you should be fine.

If you have done so try the same scenario several times as one of the first things people will ask you about weird stuff, is it repeatable?

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