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Excel sheet to help you calculate required Δv (v.1.0.1)


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Hi folks!

As far as I've looked, I couldn't find anything like this, so here goes... I've tried to create an Excel workbook to help you calculate how much Δv a craft needs for different manoeuvres, including going to a stationary or resonant orbit, hohmann transfers and inclination changes.

I'm Dutch so my OS (and by extension, Excel) is Dutch as well, but it should work fine on any other language. Here are some screenshots of the first release:


Time for the first release!

Hope you guys like it! I strongly advise you to read the instructions. Since my native tongue is Dutch I hope the translations make sense. If you have any advice for me to make things clearer, please don't hesitate to tell me.



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How to use the sheets:

This workbook is most suitable for, though not limited to, both stock and OPM installations of KSP.

Calculate stationary/resonant orbit
Use this sheet to calculate at which altitude your craft/satellite/etc. needs to be at, when you want it to stay above a specific point on the surface of the celestial it's orbiting. You can also calculate resonant orbits. In combination with the other calculations, it can help you figure out how much Δv your craft needs.

Δv Hohmann Manoeuvre
Use this calculation when you want to know how much Δv your craft needs to change orbit altitudes. This can come in very handy when building your craft.

Δv Change inclination (e≈0)
Use this calculation when you want to know how much Δv your craft needs to change its inclination. This can come in very handy when building your craft. However, this calculation method is only valid if your orbit is (close to) circular. If the eccentricity is too much, use the next sheet.

Δv Change inclination (e<0)
Use this calculation when you want to know how much Δv your craft needs to change its inclination AND it has an orbital eccentricity that's not (close to) 0. This can come in very handy when building your craft. (You can still use this calculation when the eccentricity is 0, but it’s not worth the hassle.)

Free Sheet
You are free to use this sheet any way you wish; to store your own values and/or make your own calculations.

Things to take into account when working with these formulas
-    For the inclination change calculations, you need to use your judgement to decide whether to use the e≈0, or e<0 variant.
-    All the calculations assume you wish you change only that for which the calculation is suitable, nothing else. If you wish to change apsis and inclination at the same time, you’re out of luck, because that’s not included in this workbook and you can’t simply add up the results of formulas. It’s way more complicated than that.

This workbook can help you out in KSP (and maybe some other games/simulators). Keep in mind though that as thorough and accurate as I have tried to be, errors may still have slipped in. I (the creator of this workbook) will not be held responsible for ruined games. Having said that, of course I would be sorry if something went wrong because of an error in this workbook. Would you kindly point it out to me in this thread.

I’ve deliberately put a lock on all the worksheets (except the ‘free’ one), so the cells containing essential information and formulas are protected from accidentally selecting and changing them. I’ve also provided the password for each of them, in case you do want to change something.
If you’d like to see anything added and/or changed, please ask me in this thread. I can and will not make any promises, except for taking a look.

Please don’t spread this workbook elsewhere without consulting me first, thank you very much!

Edited by CJJackR
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Just released the first update. I only just noticed I had made quite a big mistake...:blush:


- Fixed inconsistencies on the 'Values of celestials' sheet
- Added poor Dres who I'd forgotten in the initial release

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