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the Jebediah rescue

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Jebediah was stranded on Mimus due to knocking his rocket engine cone off upon landing. After a brave rescue by Bill in a second craft, they are both now on a trajectory back to Kerbal. Bill is safely in his 1-man capsule drinking Tang. Jebediah is valiantly gripping the ladder on the outside. This will be a long rescue. Bill can thrust while Jebidiah is holding onto the ladder, but can't warp. But of course, Bill really didn't think this through before launching for a rescue in a 1-man capsule. Any suggestions what to do once I approach Kerbin? Can Jebediah hold on through reentry?

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Honestly, when I had a situation similar to this I went to go get the Crewtank ehich you can find at http://kerbalspaceprogram.com/forum/showthread.php/9243-v0-16-Damned-Aerospace-Version-1-5-2-Crewtank?highlight=damned+aerospace. I didn't try the ladder grip. Do you have enough fuel for a munar or minmus relanding, then send another ship with this part installed to get them?

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I've done a landing with someone on a ladder (my small capsule jetesoned its engine during an orbital rondevouz, so he rode down on the other ship since it was already full). Much like accelerating with engines, the kerbal will slide on the ladder, so you'll be able to fire short bursts at full power to slow down and get on a re-entry trajectory, then just switch to the kerbal, move them back up the ladder, switch back and repeat. Try not to tumble to much before you deploy the chute, though mine was able to hold around during both direction inversions. Be going slow when the chute opens all the way, then kill the engines or your capsule will be out of control. For youch down in the ocean, I set my engines to hold a low speed without destabilizing, then switch to the kerbal for the landing part. Everyone lived.

If your just landing with a capsule and chute, it will be harder because the capsule ladder is quite short. However, it is also angled so if your up at the top (figure out where this is while your still in space!), so you might be able to hold on during the chute deploys, even with engine assistance.

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If you still have RCS/thrusters, you can get a stable orbit, then get another rescue craft nearby, or do a powered landing. If you are near Minmus still, send him back and get another rescue ship. If you can't do any of these things, good luck.

Edit: Sacrifice another Kerbal for Jeb. Let the extra one hit Kerbin.

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