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Mod directory listed in parts menu?


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I'm updating to 1.3.1 from 1.2.2. I vaguely recall something like this being added in patch notes so it could be vanilla. In any case it's kind of in the way and I'd like to get rid of it. Should be an image of it below.



Modlist (excluding those with sounds and parts only), bolded what I think are likely culprits. I don't have version numbers since I deleted all the zips lke a pleb but they're all current as of the date of posting.

  • AT Utils (I don't recognise this)
  • USI Tools
  • Audio Muffle Redux
  • B9PartSwitch
  • BetterBurnTime
  • BonVoyage
  • Chatterer
  • CommunityCategoryKit
  • CommunityResourcePack
  • CommunityTraitIcons
  • DistantObject
  • DynamicBatteryStorage (I don't recognise this)
  • EasyVesselSwitc
  • EVE
  • Extraplanetary Launchpads
  • Firespitter
  • FlexoDocking
  • HangarGrid
  • Janitor'sCloset
  • KAS
  • KIS
  • KerbalEngineer
  • KerbalKrashSystem
  • KerbNetController
  • Kopernicus
  • ModularFlightIntegrator
  • PartCommanderContinued
  • PortraitStats
  • PreciseManeuver
  • ProceduralFairings
  • scatterer
  • SmokeScreen + RealPlume Stock
  • StockVisualEnhancements
  • SunflaresOfMaar
  • StockVisualTerrain
  • TacFuelBalancer
  • TextureReplacerReplaced
  • Trajectories
  • KerbalAlarmClock
  • AlternateResourcePanel
  • TransferWindowPlanner
  • Tweakscale
  • USI Konstruction, Kontainers, Life Support
  • VekStockRevamp (old/partial install I've maintained personally)
  • KerbalActuators
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  On 11/6/2017 at 10:20 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

That tooltip is from Janitor's Closet


Alright! Is it configurable? I've been using JC for a while but never properly. I can't get things to stay hidden without permanently pruning them (ie. when I restart the game everything will be back).

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  On 11/7/2017 at 1:01 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

Did you go into the settings screen?

 settings page is accessed using the standard KSP settings page

And you can turn it off on the settings screen


Can you please show me a screenshot of what you are referring to, as I don't see anything on the settings accessed from the main menu. The only other settings I can think of are the ones in the difficulty setting menu which doesn't seem to be changeable after a save is set up. Found it now, it was in the difficulty settings. That really is an odd place to put settings for a mod like this, I feel. There doesn't seem to be any way to make JC remember what is hidden between sessions.

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  On 11/9/2017 at 11:15 PM, Rocket Witch said:

Can you please show me a screenshot of what you are referring to, as I don't see anything on the settings accessed from the main menu. The only other settings I can think of are the ones in the difficulty setting menu which doesn't seem to be changeable after a save is set up.


Here are the steps:

  1. At the space center, hit Escape key
  2. Click the button Settings
  3. At the top of the Settings window, click the button Difficulty Options...
  4. In the left column, click Janitor's Closet
  5. In the General Settings column, unset the option Always show the parent mod in a tooltip
  6. Click Accept
  7. Click Accept again
  8. Click Resume



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