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Cant click main menu buttons

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So Ive been going at it getting a nice setup of mods going. Just did a fresh install through steam too. module manager only produced 1 error with an interstellar fuelswitch .cfg file. The menu loads(start game,settings,etc..) I just cant click on anything. Any thoughts? Clicking the mouse seems to work, it changes colors. and restarting ksp doesnt seem to help any either



ksp log is here, it didnt produce an output log or a modulemanager cache.

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EVE, Kopernicus, FAR and Tweakscale are throwing errors .... there is also some errors being thrown by some cryo fuel deal (Kopernicus?)

Check the mods you have installed are compatible with KSP v1.3.1 .... CKAN will likely give you problems so when in doubt, install manually

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6 hours ago, DoctorDavinci said:

EVE, Kopernicus, FAR and Tweakscale are throwing errors .... there is also some errors being thrown by some cryo fuel deal (Kopernicus?)

Check the mods you have installed are compatible with KSP v1.3.1 .... CKAN will likely give you problems so when in doubt, install manually

Ill try a manual install tonight. All the mods i have are compatible with 1.3.1 as far as i know. Ill double check. with only a few parts packs being compatible in 1.3. Im kinda suprised a parts pack could do this tbh. Prior to installing the parts packs, It started just fine with GN and the supported planet packs for 1.3.1.


I noticed a lot of errors in the log aswell tho module manager only reported 1. Thats why im so confused lol

I thought most of those errors by tweakscale and had to do with ifs or config container mods. I didnt think kopernicus could affect the main menu screen.

Whats the major difference between 1.3 and 1.3.1 that breaks a lot of mods?? Just curious. That .1 really makes a difference atm lol

Edited by Jesusthebird
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On 12/6/2017 at 3:47 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

1.3.1 changed the stock settings code, which a lot of mods use, and causes crashed

speaking of, I see ckan has multiple 1.3.1versions. 1863/1855/1847/1836 specifically. whats the deal with that? how compatible with the current 1.3.1:1891

Edited by Jesusthebird
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