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Kerbiting System: Revelation and closing of Thread

Alpha 360

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After thinking about this for a little while, I have decided to do the entire mission from the perspective of......Well, I won't tell you yet but it'll be a surprise and one might see some subtle references to a movie just about to come out. I won't do the entire mission though, but all the important bits and put in a, hopefully, good plot.

(In other words it'll be mostly 1st person with an installment or 2 of 3rd person)

And as always,

Happy Explosions  

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41st Installment: The story of Mr. Kerman: An Ultimatum 

Do not open the spoiler below. It contains spoilers!

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I always was royalty. Born of royal parents, raised in a royal court. Some might say I was pampered, but royalty is never pampered. Only served.

                I remember when revolts all throughout the world threatened our security. Just across the channel a democratic republic sprung up out of a bloody revolution. Above us, a communist regime set itself up in the Northern Realm. I only aged 15 years when my father was forced to give up his throne to a bloodthirsty crowd.

                Father was a good king, but the cry of freedom had in-flamed the mob, railed the crowd, and raised armies of peasants to march down upon us. They were treated well by us, but they turned and attacked us. They took our lawful places, our rightful places.

                Father forced me to hide my name. He gave me the name, Mr. Kerman. I was only to go by that name. I was sent overseas, to the last palaces of the kings who faced rebellion and bankruptcy. I watched from a far as Father was taken away from his throne, his crown removed from his head in the name of the people. He represented the people, but the people turned back on him.

                I watched as the monarchies of the world collapsed, turning either democratic in name or communist in nature. As the world broke down, the world leaders took two difference sides. In the name of the people voted by the people, or in the name of the people who own the people. Communist and Democratic.

                I watched as these two ideals dueled, in a fight to win superiority. Communists fighting aggressively, the Democracies fighting defensively. I watched this fight for the 5 years. I kept myself out of politics, watching for when the monarchies would be able to begin again. I haven’t seen a single opportunity.

                Finally, I tired of watching the great duel of nations and looked to a place where no politics every walked. I went to south pole to stay with researchers who studied Kerbin’s past and future. But that time soon came to an end and I left for the democratic nations.

                I walked into a science center where they were looking for kerbonauts. They were some obscure company, but not knowing better I signed on with them. I trained hard and became an engineer. Then they shoved me into a crack-pot rocket and took off towards Minmus.

                As you know, the mission failed while I was still in orbit of Minmus. I sent out a distress signal and waited for 10 days inside my capsule. Not knowing if I was ever going to be rescued.

                But I was rescued. Obberty and Elibert Kerman found me and picked me up. I liked the look of them, nothing crafty about them so I gave them the preliminary information about myself and settled down for the ride home.

                Now I am a KASA kerbonaut, working along side the entire kerbonaut crew. I believe that Roni suspects that I might be Ollusionia but has no evidence. I can tell that she grew up in a hard life, possibly in Ollusionia, but I don’t know. That’s not my only problem now though. My father’s usurpers are coming for me now.   

T – 30 days until Endeavor Mission Leaves for Dres

“Hello Mr. Kerman.” The security guard bowed slightly, and I entered the conference room. It was a large open room with a table which could seat 20 people with ease. Instead of royal purple lining the walls, banners with the KASA symbol hung from the ceiling.

                The chairs were simple, with leather seats and backs. I settled into one chair, near the front. There were a couple other kerbals sitting down. There was Gene Kerman, the kerbonaut director, and Mortimer, the director of the space program and famed businessman.

                I tried to remember how global cooperation had been achieved. I believed that Mortimer and Jerry Kerman withheld oil from all countries that refused to help fund the space-program and regularly send new kerbonauts over to KASA.

                Now that nuclear technology was coming on stage, and the lack of uranium in Jerrie’s storage, it looked like this brief period of global cooperation was coming to a close.

                I didn’t recognize the third or fourth kerbal at the table. I assumed that these were the kerbals I was supposed to meet.

                Finally, Roni, Eli and Obberty Kerman entered the room. Eli sat by me while Roni and Obberty kept their distance, moving towards Gene Kerman. Maybe I was going to be transferred to a different part of the space agency. A remote and distant one probably.

                Gene Kerman cleared his throat, “Mr. Kerman. We need you to reveal more about yourself than what you have presently.”

                I leaned forward and said, “I have submitted a paper on who I am. You should reference this paper to discover more about me.”

                Gene shook his head, “You have filled that paper full of lies.” He spat out the last word, “These gentlekerbs have proved it to us.”

                Ah, that was who spilled the beans. I looked at the two of them intently. They didn’t flinch. In fact, they returned my gaze. They had no conscious about spilling the beans. Which meant they meant harm against me.

                “I have the right to remain silent.”

                “Mr. Kerman. You are a Kerbonaut. You are expected to be open and crystal clear on your previous life. You are a role model for our country.”

                “Don’t speak to me of countries.” I replied. I ground my teeth. “I had enough of them.”

                One of the kerbals spoke now. Now that I had a good-look at him, I realized that he was a native of my country. Tall with dark green skin.

                “We cannot keep you on as a kerbonaut if you refuse to give us even basic information about yourself.”

                I crossed my arms, “You want me to put my entire life on paper? Paper that could be used against me.”

                “That is being unreasonable, Mr.” Mortimer was speaking now, “You owe us something after we rescued you.”

                “I am now a kerbonaut for KASA, is more necessary?”

                “Yes, yes indeed. How do we know that you are a communist or something else?”

                “I am royalty. That’s all you need to know; out of respect of my rank could you stop asking questions?”

                “Mr., You have 30 days to submit a forum on your pass life or else we will fire you on the day of the Endeavor mission. The next day everyone will wake up, and you will now longer be on the roster. Another kerbal will take your place. Do you understand?” Mortimer hit the table. The resounding thud echoed around the room. The native and his friend were literally rubbing their hands in glee.

                If I stayed on Kerbin, then I would be eliminated. It was that simple. I needed to get onto the Endeavor Mission.

Edited by Alpha 360
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42nd Installment - The Story of Mr. Kerman - A plan

I left the conference room, running over my options.

1.       Tell of my identity as the true Ollusionia King and face the option of death

2.       Stow away on the Endeavor Mission and hope they have enough spare life-support to keep all of us alive

a.       Alternative idea is to replace one kerbonaut by making him/her unable to launch aboard, therefore making sure that there is sufficient life-support.

3.       Leave the Kerbonaut Corps and go into hiding, once again as Mr. Kerman.

After running these three options in my mind, I settled on the second one. Anyway, if everything works out and I return unharmed, then KASA would protect me and I would be safe.

                Now, do I enclose this information to somebody I trust, or do I don’t tell anybody and do it alone?

                No. I couldn’t jump onto a spaceship bound for Dres on my own. Too difficult. Who do I trust then? Eli seemed sympathetic to me. Roni suspected me already, so it wouldn’t be prudent to give any evidence supporting that. Obberty looked to be a simple kerbonaut, who might be well skilled, didn’t win any prizes for intelligence. Assey, Irfred, and Billy were unknown values. I didn’t even know their backgrounds, for they were working on training for a soon-to come asteroid mission.

                I walked out of the astronaut complex, I still didn’t know why it was named that, and started towards the VAB. As I was an engineer, I knew some of the engineers working there. As I ran over the names and faces, I realized that I could find an ally among them.

                A very roguish engineer who claimed to have hit Roni’s car that she was stealing on accident and was the only reason she was still sane. I never took him seriously but now I saw how I could use him. Roni Kerman would have access with the kerbonaut corps as well as the boarding tower while the engineer, his name didn’t come to me yet, could smuggle me aboard.

                Now, what did I have to bargain with the two of them? The engineer could be successfully bribed, I believed. He was always looking forward, and 15,000 credits would greatly sway his opinions.

                Roni on the other hand, was a harder nut to crack. She lost her desire for advancing herself up the social ladder. How would I get her to help me? Maybe I could enlist Elibert after all. Make some calculated, social moves towards her and I probably could convince her to help me out.

                Now, how was I going to smuggle onto the Endeavor. I probably should get on-board the next module launch. That module launch was in 2 weeks. Then how would I keep myself secreted up there while my disappearance is noted, especially by my enemies.

                Elibert could disappear herself, then when that happens they would assume that we ran off together. Along with a note in my handwriting stating that fictional occurrence, I wouldn’t be searched for and my enemies would be hard-pressed to find me.

I stopped outside the VAB door, contemplating my next moves. Then with a surge of energy I opened the door and went in. I believe that for any kerbonaut, visiting the VAB is a sacred thing. Like visiting your wife’s parent’s house. Something to treat with caution and reverence for creating such beauties.

As mandatory, a rocket was under-construction with all the customary sparks flying from angle-grinders, clanging and creaking sounds of wrenches and hammers on steel. Everything the construction of a rocket needed to create the atmosphere.

The engineer in question, Harjo Kerman I remembered, was lounging against the wall closest to me. I walked causally towards him. Years under-cover had perfected my acting skills, so I believed I could fool the greatest detective, and defeat the smartest police officer.

“Harjo. Nice to see you.” Little did he know I meant it literary.

“Oh! Mr. Kerman.” He took an elaborate bow which only himself could make up. He obviously never smelled or sensed a royal court room in his life.

“Harjo. I’m looking for a crafty kerbal who can do a few, let’s say less and averagely legal activities. Oh, and this kerbal must be an engineer. Intelligent, for I cannot allow for any possibility of failure.”

Harjo looked at me, practically slobbering over my lavish praises. Waiting for the moment for me to notice his existence and the apparent applicability of my descriptions to himself.

                I steadily continued onwards, “Yes. This kerbal has to be capable of holding his tongue if captured by aggressors. Yes, and he must be capable in his field of work. He needs to be a professional engineer presently working on the Xerxes’ Heavy.”

                Finally, I decided that I was torturing this poor fellow, so I looked at him for a second. He was now literary slobbering, that’s weird.

                “Ah, I forgot. You are all of these things. Now. How would you like to take this assignment?”

                “What are you paying?” He asked.

                “5,000 before the operation, and 10,000 afterwards.”

                “Deal.” We shook hands. I deemed him not intelligent enough to double-cross his shake. Too young.

                “What’s the problem?” He asked now.

                “I need you to get me aboard Endeavor. Preferably before the main crew launches.”

                Harjo laughed, “That’s simple. I can do it. Is anyone else in this?”

                “Nobody yet. I won’t share all my plans with you, but I will give you enough, so you know what to do. I just need you to obey my orders when the time comes.”

                He nodded.

                I walked out of the VAB with a spring to my step. Harjo was an easy catch. Now I needed to find Elibert Kerman and see how gullible she was.

                I found her walking near the Astronaut Complex. She looked dreamily out towards the horizon. It was growing late, and the sun was slowly descending from its throne in the sky. A perfect moment for a ‘romantic’ time.

                I had done a couple of seductions in the courts, to gain political power or to mask my motives. In fact, I had been seduced once on accident. That was a messy situation that required me to leave the country. Luckily it located in Translanivia, and nobody listens to Translanivia so my reputation was secure.

                I couldn’t let what was left of my emotions to run wild on this attempt. I needed to be cool and calculated but show evident admiration so that she would have the feeling of impressing me. Not that that ever happened, except that one time I dare not mention.

                I snuck up on her, then slipped my arm around her shoulders. She startled, but when she saw it was me she leaned on me slightly. Then I felt that everything would be alright. I would survive, and maybe afterwards I might marry this beautiful kerbette leaning against me.

                But as all beautiful moments, they didn’t last long enough.

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43rd Installment - The Story of Mr. Kerman - A Setback

T-21 Days

I was driving down the road a week later from Elibert’s house. My plans concerning her had gone on schedule. After flowers, dinners, and dances, Elibert finally invited me over to her house. There we talked and kissed, then I returned to the KSC because of a fictional, yet important appointment.

The dance several nights ago almost touched my heart. It looked just a prim and pretty as the royal balls we hosted in the palace. Only replace the KASA banners with Royal flags, add a couple dozen more white gowns, and I would have been back home. 

I remembered that we hosted a ball, just before I changed my name to Mr. Kerman. It was last gasp of the royalty in Ollusionia. The girls were beautiful, and I must have danced with at least half-a-dozen of them. Usually Father limited me to dance with 3 girls or less, but he pretended not to notice. That night the castle was raided by goons with machine guns.

They held up the ball, and then stripped everybody of valuables. Then they set fire to the hall while locking us inside. I climbed out a window with my Father, who cried out in agony as the ballroom collapsed. Burying everyone there in flames.

That was my last experience with the court. My eyes almost watered as I drove down the road. I breathed deeply, and then I lurched forward.

I glanced in my rear-view mirror. A kar had bashed into my back. A mustang, with tinted windows. I hit the gas and accelerated forward.

We blasted down the free-way. I watched the speedometer climb to 140 kilometers an hour. The mustang matched that easily. My own Katalilac could reach 200 kilometers an hour. I didn’t know how fast the mustang could go.

I looked ahead. Three mustangs in a triangle formation drove ahead of me. There were as black as the one behind me.

They had me. I racked my brain on what I could do. I hit upon an answer. I swerved to the right. The mustang behind me followed. Then I swerved to the left as the road turned to left. He followed me closely. The triangle ahead of me slowed down, ready to box me in.

I hit the gas again, and I zoomed ahead. An exit was situated on the left and right. The two sides of triangle swerved off to block the exits. I raced pass them, now they were behind me. Only the central kar was in front.

As he was slowing down, I moved to the side and moved pass him. The mustangs were behind me now. I sighed in relief. They were behind me now.

Then I heard an explosion ahead of me. A bridge ahead disappeared into the dust. I had to make a split-second decision. I took it.

I accelerated forward. Then I felt the kar leap into the air. Dust blinded me. My stomach started to sink. I had given up hope, when the kar slammed down onto the asphalt. It bounced with a tremendous force and started to tumble. Finally after the roller-coaster ride had finished, the battered kar landed upright. 

I watched as the dust cleared. My Katallac had mostly survived the landing. A road ran down below the free-way. In fact, the pillar that held up the free-way above the grass land was a meter away from the kar.

I breathed a sigh of relief. I attempted to start the kar. It didn’t. I looked back to see the kar’s insides strewn across the road. In fact, the engine was lying smashed a couple of meters back.

I patted the kar, and then climbed out. A bullet smashed into my kar. I dived behind the it. Another bullet emerged out of the darkness. Something whistled by me.

Then a bullet sliced through the kar and into my thigh. I gritted my teeth. I felt the wound with my finger. The bullet was on a 50-degree angle imbedded in my leg. They were firing from above. As soon as there was a pause in their firing, I raced through the open towards the other pillar below the shooters.

Then I realized the trap. I ramped up my running to full speed. A masked kerbal moved out from the pillar. Gun in hand. He lifted his arm. But I got there before his finger. 

I knocked the gun out of his hand. It flew in the air. The kerbal looked dumbly at me as I punched him in the gut. I knocked him to the ground, then raced over to the gun. Then I stepped in a kabbit hole.

My ankle twisted as I fell. I grimaced in pain. It was the same leg that had been shot. I crawled over to the gun and picked it up. It was half-full of ammunition. In other words, 3 bullets. Not enough to kill the drivers and the gunman.

I started to crawl off the scene when a troop of police kars raced up. The mustangs overhead disappeared. Luckily the gunman was unconscious, and he was picked up by a police kar. A couple of police officers found me lying face-down with blood soaking through my pants.

“How in tarnation did you get yourself shot?”

“There were more. Driving mustangs. Blew out the bridge.” I heaved a sigh of relief. “Lucky to live.”

“We’ll investigate it.”

T-18 days until Endeavor Mission

Now I was stuck in a medical bed and the launch of the final module was going to happen in the next 5 days. All my planning, and 15,000 credits had been for nothing. At the least I gained Eli’s adoration.

She visited me an hour after the attack, fawned over me, and was almost to the point of tears. I start to realize the danger I put myself by submitting the attack to investigation. Now any missing links would be put together by the police force that I was the rightful King of Ollusionia. That would paint an even bigger target on my back.

Unfortunate. I needed to get on-board that rocket. I thought of different ways to get aboard. Seal myself in one of the walls, hide myself in the supplies. Sealing myself in the wall was dangerous, but now it seemed to be the only choice. Hiding myself in the supplies was even more dangerous, and it would be almost certain that I would be discovered.

I called up Harjo on the bedside phone, “Harjo. Please come to the hospital, I need to talk with you.”

He arrived a couple of minutes later. He sat down in a chair provided by the staff.

“Harjo. I need you to get me out of here. Tonight.”

Harjo looked at me strangely but nodded.

“I want you to put a hollow place onto the spacecraft. It will be detachable, but only when necessary. I will stowaway there.”

“You are not fit.”

“I am fit enough. I will be on-board that Mission!” I gestured violently.

“Okay. It will be ready in two days. Good-bye Mr. Kerman.” Harjo left me in the hospital room.

All alone.

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  On 2/13/2018 at 1:58 PM, Geschosskopf said:

Mr. Kerman's got an interesting life :) 


He is a most interesting Kerbal. After all, how could I write about a kerbal with an uninteresting life? 

As you can tell, I'm having fun with this story. I hope that folks would like this half James Bond, half Mark Watney character. 

Happy Explosions!

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44th Installment - The story of Mr. Kerman - My King

A lift-off

T- 7 days until lift-off

“Alright. Stay quiet, Mr. Kerman. I’m here to get you out.” Harjo quietly pushed my medical bed out of my room. The hospital was in a temporary black-out in the middle of the night.

We could get out unobserved right now. But we had to be quick.

We reached the stairwell. Now the hard part began. Harjo unstrapped all the monitors connected to me. Beeping alarms went off.

He then lifted me up and started to carry me down the three flights of stairs. This part of the plan was NOT optimal. Not at all.

We practically crawled down the stairs, the minutes passing in seconds.

Finally, we scrambled out of the backdoor. There Harjo’s kar waited for us. My leg cried out in agony, the jerking down the stairs probably ruining the day’s work on it.

He ran around to the far side of the kar, dumped me in the passenger’s seat, then ran around to the driver’s seat.

He then leapt in and hit the gas. I slammed into my seat. My leg jerked again, sending waves of pain. I could deal with it though. It was much better than being dead.

We swerved around a corner. A police car blocked the road. An officer waved his arms for us to stop. Harjo jerked the wheel. We zoomed pass the police officer on the side-walk.

Luckily the police hadn’t expected a kerbal to do such a thing, so we got scot-free.

 Finally, after frantic driving, we arrived at Elibert’s house. Elibert waited for us at the doorway and watched Harjo carrying me to the house. I have to give credit to him, he was strong.

I was laid on a couch in the living room. Eli shut and locked all the doors and then hurried to conference with us.

“The habitation module isn’t going to launch.” She said. “Only the transfer stage.”

“Why did this change?”

“There is a space-station that consists of all the basics, except that it has a laboratory. Just this morning they launched a modified Trio-b spacecraft up there to move it over to the Dres spacecraft and use it as a habitation module.”

I was stunned at the news. Harjo was as well.

“What do we do then?” Harjo asked.

“Let me see the designs of the transfer stage.” I said.

They were basically giant fuel tanks with a new engine strapped to the bottom of them. Supposedly, it carried 4,000 m/s delta-v when strapped to the Dres Endeavor. Even though the engine gave out 600 kilonewtons of thrust, the thrust-to-weight ratio was low. Only 0.3 gs.

It was possible to be refueled through the docking ports on the habitation section, so it looked like 5,000 m/s was attainable by the rocket.

It still meant that the Endeavor mission would need be very economical with it’s delta-v margins. It also meant that that a fueling ship would probably need to be sent up to Dres along with the main mission.

“The transfer stage will be set up on an expendable Xerxes Heavy and dock with the Dres Endeavor. It will not be a comfortable, especially with a broken leg.” Harjo looked at me. He was sorry he wasn’t going to get his 10,000 credits.

“Harjo. When will the transfer stage launch?”

“It will launch in the next week. On T-12 days to the start of the Mission.”

“Are you on the board of designers?”


“Then find somebody who is and bring him over here. Bring the one who would accept a bribe.”


Two hours later Harjo arrived breathless. A kerbal followed him into the house.

He gasped when he saw me, “You are bribing people now, Mr. Kerman? You’re an invalid.”

“Not in space. I’m willing to pay a lot of money for you to get me on-board the Dres Endeavor Spacecraft.”

“How much?”

“5,000 beforehand. 10,000 afterwards.”

“Deal.” I shook his hand from the couch.

“Now. I need to be on the transfer stage. I know there is no life-support or anything on there, but it is necessary. How long would it take for the transfer stage to dock to the Dres Endeavor?”

“No longer than a couple of hours. Enough supplies for a spacesuit.”

“Good. Can you design a compartment that I could fit in with such a spacesuit?”

“With ease.”

That was his word.

4 days later he reported that the compartment was finished. I modified the spacesuit I was going to wear secretly, I didn’t want anybody to know. My new modified spacesuit would hold a days’ worth of supplies. Along with being a little bit tougher than usual.

T - 1 day until Lift-off

I was lying on the couch when it happened. Bullets carpeted the air. One entered my skull, another my foot. I rolled off the bed and started to crawl away. Blood poured from my wounds. My life-blood painted the floor red.

I heard screaming. Eli. I heard yelling. Harjo.

Nobody was going to leave alive. The masked kerbals around the house would make certain of that.

I crawled down to the garage. Harjo had a gun in his hands, I had no idea how he got it, and was holding the garage. Eli was down here too.

“Everyone into the kar.” I ordered. Eli stood up and ran for the kar. She managed to get in without being shot. Harjo keep laying down covering fire. I also reached the kar and climbed inside.

“Come on Harjo! Come on!”

“I can’t go. I got to hold them off!” Harjo kept firing.

“Come here! I order you!”

“My king. Did you really think you fooled me for all this time?”

“Yes, I did. I must have underestimated you.” I admitted. I was internally stunned.

“Then you must go. Seek refuge in the sky.”

Eli moved into the driver’s seat and hit the gas. Backward. We zoomed towards the wall behind us. Then it opened. We drove in, then the door clanged shut. Lights turned on, illuminating a tunnel.

“Subway station.” She panted. She was also wounded. A bullet grazed her head and blood was starting to blind her vision.

She leapt down a ramp. Then she swerved to the left and hit the gas. We accelerated forwards down the black tunnel.

T – 3 hours until lift-off

We reached an above-ground entrance which appeared just outside the KSC.

“I use that to get to here fast.” Eli explained. Her house was built on-top of an abandoned subway station, ages pass. It was a simple thing to make the ramp and door which allowed her to reach the subway’s tracks.

It wasn’t the most comfortable ride ever, but it was something.

We drove up to the VAB. It was dark. Eli wrapped up my head and foot with duct tape to stop the bleeding, and I did the same to her.

I busted down the door. But it wasn’t locked so no alarms went off.

We raced up the scaffolding. Trying to reach the place where the kerbal put the compartment.

Finally, we reached the floor. There was no compartment. The kerbal who Harjo brought to the house stood there. Smirking.

“All hail the king of Ollusionia. His wounds are covered in duct tape and his road ends here.” He mocked. He was in the plot to kill me. Obviously.

I held hands out in front of me in a gesture of defeat.

“Alright. Tomorrow KASA will find two bodies here. Two kerbonaut bodies. What then? Do you want KASA to go on lock-down?”

“I don’t give a damn. Nothing at all. I don’t care if the space program fails or not. I only care that you would be found 6 feet underground!”

I rushed at him. He had a gun in his hand. He fired. I drove down, using my head as a battering ram. The bullet whizzed overhead. I nailed him in the gut. Then as he was down I shoved him off the scaffolding. He looked at me as he fell.

He died cursing me.

I looked behind me to see Eli down on the floor. Crying.

I stumbled over to her. The bullet that was meant for me had entered her stomach.

“Eli. Are you okay?” I shook her.

She groaned.

I found some duct tape and started to patch her wounded. Alas, duct tape doesn’t fix kerbal bodies as well as it fixes spacecraft.

She went senseless, but not dead. I looked around at the amount of parts lying around, trying to find something.

There I found it. A metal sheath meant for mono-propellant. It was empty. I picked it up and started to attach it to the side of the rocket.

It was the hardest work of my life. My duct-tape bandage broke on my foot, so I could barely move around to screw the fuel tank in.

I shouldn’t describe the process. My head aches with the memory of it. All I knew was that I needed to seek refuge in the sky, or else face death.

Two hours later when they opened the VAB to roll out the rocket, they found the body of my purser and Eli.

I watched through a crack in the fuel-tank as they took her away on a stretcher. The police arrived, came to some conclusions, and then left. But the rocket launch was not to be delayed.

It was rolled out, and me with it. I waited breathlessly as the rocket prepped its engines.

I heard the count-down, as well as the trickling of blood down my face. Of course, the duct-tape had become unstuck while my helmet was on. I couldn’t change anything now.

Then I heard the fatal number issuing from the speakers, and then the g forces overpower my weakened body and I fell unconscious.


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  On 2/13/2018 at 5:01 PM, obney kerman said:

I feel like this is KSP game of thrones based on the number of kerbs dying. Good job!


True. I believe that kerbs are resilient to bullet wounds, as some humans are. Also, this would be very dark if everyone died. I haven't confirmed that Harjo has died yet, as well as Elibert. You know that the evil, unnamed kerbal died, and that most the goons haven't died as well. But, everyone has at least one bullet hole somewhere. 

I'm glad that my dramatization has gone successfully. I thought I did it slightly over the top.

Happy Explosions!

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45th Installment: Meanwhile in Orbit......

Now to display some of our orbital clowning. 


This is the launch of an outdated trio spacecraft, piloted by Roni Kerman to rescue Obberty Kerman stuck inside the Xerxes' test Station which was sent up a couple of installments back. 


This is where Mission Control realizes that they should have kept the solid rocket boosters, even if they cost 20,000 credits.......Well, one can't turn back time, right?

Anyway, the launch trajectory carried us up to an intercept with the station. A very well timed launch, and it reflects upon how lucky precise the controllers are do on the ground. Also, look at the delta-v number. Not as high as I would like. 

Yes, the Dres window hasn't changed to T-12 days. Explanations later.


The Trio is slowly moving into orbit and adjusting the intercept. Roni would hate to have another ghost haunting her for the rest of her life. Yes, we know about that ghost. Gene Kerman has said that the ghost of Bob Kerman is haunting him presently, so we assume that the ghost of Bill is haunting Roni. She still thinks its a secret though. Don't tell her. 

She'll go ballistic. 

And the docking goes quickly. It was easy to slow down to 2 m/s, turn around, then guide the Trio onto the docking port on the station. Easy as cake. 


Well, not baking cake because I, Gregming Kerman, currently serving as Capcom, failed to bake a cake. Let's just say the controllers rather eat cement bricks than my cake. Wait, the pic doesn't show the complete docking....... Well, nobody will notice. 


Here is the maneuver node for the intercept with the Dres Endeavor. The delta-v margins are close indeed. 


Here is the burn. It is powered by a new Vesta Engine which produces 600 kilonewtons of thrust at 340 ISP. Its a handy engine, between a Skipper and a Poodle. 


Just before a 25 m/s inclination burn. Another dip in the delta-v margin. 


With Better Burn Time, it gives me a couple of little numbers and symbols which tell me if I have enough Delta-v for a maneuver, when to fire the engine on that maneuver, and several other things. Very useful. In fact, here it tells me when to do the burn to rendezvous with the Endeavor. Only that it tells me I don't have enough delta-v. It doesn't say by how much, so I will hope for the best and burn. 


On full throttle. The velocity is at 200 m/s.

Mission Control holds its breath as the 20 tons of spacecraft head towards the 50 tons of the Endeavor. Everything hangs in the balance. 


We slow down to 3 m/s.


"Kouston, we're out of fuel!"

RCS takes over and precedes to slow down the rocket to that final 1 m/s. 

Whew. That was close. Too close. Remind engineers to use SRBs next time.


The second stage is now detached away from the vessel. That surely won't come back and smash into it just before the burn out of the SOI. Totally won't happen. 

Now, things get confusing. Roni and Obberty transfer over to the habitation section, then also detach the Trio-b spacecraft, as it out of monopropellant as well. Both the second stage and the Trio-b capsule drift away. Then the Endeavor spacecraft manages to turn its vast hulk and point towards the docking port on the habitation section. 

After 5 minutes of slow approach and bursts of RCS, the first attempt misses the both of the craft rebound. Then, after control is regained, another attempt is attempted. 


This one was successful. YES! Everything is ready and waiting up in the sky now except the transfer stage and the infamous Mr. Kerman!

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Happy Explosions!

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KAC's transfer windows really aren't great. If you compare it to something like Transfer Window Planner, it often times says you have a window when it's at best medicore. I believe it's only taking account the actual phase angle and not inclination or distances involved with the transfer.

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  On 2/14/2018 at 2:31 PM, Alpha 360 said:

Thanks, @NCommander. Would you recommend a transfer window planner? That would be great!


It's on CKAN, and generates a porkchop graph. I've had good success with it and it integrates with KAC and will generate based on the bodies in game so it will "just work". If you need something more advanced for things like gravity assists, there's KSPTOT, though I've never tried it with  a non-stock system.

It works pretty well if you want to get things like multiple flybys but it's tricky to understand.

If you want to see TWP in action, I used it here in my MR (https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/169553-dancing-in-light-chapter-83-evolution-vs-revolution/&do=findComment&comment=3278163) to plot an extremely aggressive Duna transfer.


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I've always been mixed feelings on time warp, though that's more in stock I mine science out of Mun and Minnus, then time warp to the Duna window, and then get bored or upset with how the save goes an abandon it.

If you're not using life support or part failures, there's no reason to hold off; mission reports can be somewhat more coherent if you're not running 30 missions at once :)

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I am using USI life-support, but I can fix timewarping issues by just sending up a stack of life-support tanks, docking them, and then waiting until the transfer window. Before I burn, I would then refill the life-support tanks and detach the stack. That way it would cost the space program no more than 60,000 credits to keep the kerbals up there safe and happy. A price worth paying.

EDIT: Of course, I wouldn't include it in the story of Mr. Kerman

Happy Explosions!

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Impressive Dres ship!

I agree with @NCommanderKAC's transfer window alarm generator is severely flawed for the reasons stated above.  As a result, relying on KAC's windows will frequently result in transfer that, while they will get you an encounter, frequently cost excessive dV compared to leaving at other times.

What you need is a porkchop plot, such as that TWP thing, or the Alexmun webpage.  MJ also has this, and will also create the node for you once you pick the point on the porkchop that you want to use (based on dV cost, travel time, or whatever's important to you).  I find this quite useful because transfer nodes are often weeks to months in advance and it's difficult to make one that far ahead using the stock tools.  If you prefer to make your own nodes, however, you can use TWP, the webpage, or even MJ to tell you the date you'll be leaving, then create a KAC alarm a few hours before departure time.  When that alarm goes off, you can create the node yourself using the stock mechanisms.


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I think I will do that, @Geschosskopf. In fact I have already set up alarms for the transfer windows set up by TWP. I expect that after I do a couple of undocumented things, I will timewarp to that point, set up a maneuver node, and then set off for Dres!

After some more fiddling, it is discovered that there is a transfer window from Dres to Kerbin 100 days after we arrive there. The whole journey will take about 2 1/2 years from departure to return. That means I can burn some of the supplies on my spacecraft for I have 3 years plus some supplies

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46th Installment - The Story of Mr. Kerman - A Ghost

I woke up floating. Droplets of blood drifted across my vision. My neck stood stiffly from my collar bone, hardly able to move. The sun glared at me in the face through the crack in the fuel tank. A ray of light passed through a drop of blood, and emerged red. I blinked my crusted eyelids. My arms and legs, which I expected to be asleep, ached from the launch. 

I rubbed my legs with my hands, jostling my helmet and causing the blood inside to splatter on the interior. I blinked away my blood as I soothed my limbs. I searched my pockets and found a cutter, which I started to employ to cut myself out of the fuel tank. 

It didn't take as long as I expected. Soon I kicked the panel out into space. The sun blazed in my vison. The blessed sun. It started to set behind Kerbin. As I watched the rays refracted off the atmosphere, creating a million different colors I never expected to see. 

This brilliant rainbow occupied my full attention. It stunned me with its beauty. A truly awesome spectacle.

I pushed myself out of the fuel tank. I turned around and observed the ugly thing floating behind me. It defiled space. Its ugly fuel tanks sticking out from it, ready to detach once they were unnecessary. Wasteful. 

We could have waited for the next Transfer Window, but we had to take our opportunity. We had to. 

I looked down on Kerbin rotating below me. Down there a million kerbals did a million things. Some right. Most wrong. 

I gazed out into the darkness. Stars appeared, lighting up the celestial globe. Beautiful. 

This comprised of my first true experience of space. The other time in the crack-pot capsule, that barely even had a window. 

This time, I stared out of a clear glass dome. I could see everything. 

I looked back down at Kerbin. Kerbalkind's acts defiled that planet, which in turn defiled the solar system. Everything outside that planet's atmosphere was pure and clean. Down below, nothing was sacred. 

I glanced at my timer. I still had 3 hours left of life-support. I waited outside the transfer stage, then I decided to take a closer look at the transfer stage. 

There the ugliness reigned. Fuel lines tapped from the outer fuel tanks into the middle one. Struts connected them together. I was appalled at the horridness of the rocket. Then I reminisced on its goal. It was going to propel Kerbalkind to land on another planetary body. Did the work that booster would do, purify it?

I left the question lingering in my head. I saw exhaust from an engine. Somewhere, the Endeavor was coming to pick up its engine. 

There. A flare of white issuing into the blackness. Then I saw the lights coming off of the habitation module. Roni and Obberty Kerman were already on-board. Assey would join on a transfer vehicle sent up from the KSC to the station to pick her up at the KMOSOS. 

Then, myself, Mr. Kerman, would be surrounded by friendly kerbals seeking to discover another world. To advance science throughout the world.


I looked around. A ghostly kerbal floated by me. It was a ghost. She was partially see through, but had a solid feel about her. I wasn't startled. I reached out my hand to grab hers. Her hand passed through mine.

"Mr. Kerman. Why do you hide yourself, even when you yourself admit that you are among friendly kerbals?"

"Valentina Kerman." I bowed my head reverently, "I cannot. You probably know my name, but please do not say it. That life has been erased from the annals of time. If I should ever be placed on a throne again, I will live up to my name. I swear."

"Mr. Kerman. You have to have a name before hand, don't you?"

"My present name is Mr. Kerman."

"Don't fool with me. You claim the name of the rest of kerbalkind. You feel responsible for what kerbalkind has become, yet you had no power to change a thing. What causes that?"

"My heritage. I was born a king. A king takes responsibility of his people."

"Are you the king of kerbalkind, to feel responsible for all of them?"

"No. But I have touched the face of that who holds death in his hands. I have touched the face of the devil, and it has tarnished me with responsibility of the world. Tarnished me with a critical eye to the rest of the world. Tarnished me to fail myself over and over."

Valentina looked me in the eye, "Do you want to be redeemed?"

"Yes. Desperately."

"Your redemption will be through a sacrifice. Redemption happens only because of sacrifice. Now. I must depart. Your road is ahead of you. Go straight, and you may be redeemed."

Valentina disappeared in a beam of light issuing from the Endeavor spacecraft. It was a couple of meters away now. Its docking port perfectly aligned with the one on the transfer stage.

"Unidentified Kerbal. Who are you? Speak." It was Roni. Of course she would take the initiative.

I spoke into my mic, "I am Mr. Kerman. Stowed away on the transfer stage. Please let me aboard."

There was silence on her end. I started again, "I'm running low on air."

"Alright. Come in. We'll need to speak to you."

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  On 2/14/2018 at 5:30 PM, Alpha 360 said:

"Your redemption will be through a sacrifice. Redemption happens only because of sacrifice.


Yeah, now that S&H Green Stamps and deposit bottles have gone the way of the dodo bird, there don't seem to be any non-painful ways of redeeming stuff :wink:

So....  All the main characters now are double-entities:

  • Mr. Kerman:  Has a spirit guide/companion, apparently helpful.
  • Roni:  Is either simply insane and hallucinating it all, or really is haunted by an angry, vengeful ghost and is being driven insane by it.
  • Gene:  has a spook of some sort hanging around but no real details yet.

Are you sure this isn't happening in Lousy Anna (aka "Louisiana") ?   Somehow, I keep seeing a cloud-shrouded full moon shining through Spanish moss hanging from ancient, twisted oaks when I read this story :wink: 


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Very observant, @Geschosskopf. Yes, the original four have started to influence events beyond the kerbals themselves. Bob in particular will have an important, if not extremely obvious role in the story.

You might be wondering where I am going with this, but don't panic. I have a plan and end goal. 

Also, to answer a couple of questions, here is a short couple of paragraphs.

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  On 2/14/2018 at 11:15 PM, Alpha 360 said:

"I thought I would have such an impression on you. Anyway. I have come to tell you a few things, and to show you what is coming."


OK, so Gene has an angel granting epiphanies....

Has Jeb's ghost turned up yet?  If so, I've forgotten.  If not, I wonder who'll get stuck with him?  And what form he'll take?  The Trickster?

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47th Installment - The Story of Mr. Kerman - Insane or not?

I sat upright, strapped to my seat. The two kerbonauts floated in front of me, frowning. 

"So, why do you have a bullet in your skull and your foot, multiple bruises, and duct tape covering said wounds. Plus, you hid in an empty RCS fuel tank you screwed onto the side of a rocket while in that condition?"

I smiled feebly, my confidence cracking, "Thanks for bandaging me up." In fact I was so bandaged up I could hardly move. I felt like that was intended on their part. 

"You were practically dead when we picked you up. And you can't tell us why you were almost dead?"

"I would hate to harm somebody down on the ground with my words, so I'll stay silent."

"Mr. Kerman. You are the most idiotic, stubborn kerbal I have met." It was intended as an insult, but I took it as a compliment. Life continues even if a fellow kerbonaut insults you.

"My pleasure." I nodded my head low, then looked them in the eye again.

"Alright. You will give us a full account of what happened down there and what drove you to stow away on a rocket bound for Dres? If you don't then we will send you down with the trash and you will die burning up in the atmosphere. Nobody will miss you." 

True from her stand-point, but she didn't know about Elibert. Then again it would be wise not to test her.

"I decided that being on an experimental rocket to Dres, even if it meant stowing away and facing your wrath, was safer than my present position."

"Roni." Obberty spoke, "We can't just throw him away like a piece of trash. He's a fellow kerbonaut. We got an honor code." 

Roni sighed, "Mr. Kerman. You have been a pain to all of us. Why do you plague us with your lies and misinformation. If we are to help you, we need to know."

That hurt. 

"Roni Kerman. I mean seriously when I say that I am safer up here than down there." I decided to tell a half-truth, "I was a diplomat to too many foreign countries. I attracted the wrath of a country I will not name, and have been running for my life. The rocket part you found me in, Obberty, was a part of a rocket I was supposed to fly to Minmus. The reason I picked up the skills of a kerbonaut was so I would be off the ground, and therefore safe."

"The agents of this country though had found me again when I returned to Kerbin. Elibert's house was torn up in the process of them searching for me. I decided I need to get off world, so I went to the VAB in the middle of the night, and discovered it was a trap. I managed to fight off the agents, one of them I now dead and the rest fled. Then I, in my wounded state, assembled that hiding place and got in. And you know the rest of the story."

"Why would the agents tear up Elibert's house? If they were agents from a foreign country paid by the taxpayers, they should be good at doing their jobs. Unless you were at Elibert's house. Why would you be at her house in the middle of the night?"

I should have kept my mouth shut. But, they wanted a story. What to say?

"I have the right to remain silent." 

Roni smiled. Obberty looked from me to Roni. 

"Surely, Mr. Kerman. You're not that bad." Obberty said.

"Oh, he's far worse than that." Not very encouraging words.

"To ease your mind, Eli suggested it." That was a lame defense. Very much so. My mind was clogging up and I was talking like a 10 year old. 

Roni laughed, "Is being a kerbonaut some game for you. Just another occupation for a politician."

"Roni, I know your background. You came up from the bottom. You despise higher classes." The snarl on Roni's face deepened.

"I profess to be royalty. Doesn't your opinion seem biased now?" There, back in my groove.

"Everyone is biased in their own way." Roni answered. 

"For the Kraken's sake, girl! I've seen things that you wouldn't dream of seeing. Horrible things that have forced me to take a fake name and to be an outcast forever!" I took a deep breath and tried to regain my composure. Sweat stuck to my face. 

"I was once on the top, but then I fell the bottom. I am at the bottom now. Everything's a wreck in my life. " 

For Roni's credit she looked relaxed. Obberty looked sorry for me. He was a compassionate fool always. Roni was much more experienced in the way of the world. 

"It was the same for me long ago, but it was temporary.” She turned her back on me and floated up to the command module.

Obberty looked at me, then at the tunnel. 

"Obberty. Please stay. Just please." 

Obberty stayed, "Mr. Kerman. I was wondering. I heard that Eli was found wounded on the top of the scaffolding."

"Is she alright?" I asked. 

"Yes. It looks like she is okay. The police found that Eli's house is in ruins. Also, they found a man with a gun. He claimed to have protected the house while they were attacked. They're prosecuting him now. It doesn't look too good for him."

"What's his name?"

"His name is Harjo. I just overheard Roni swearing to herself when she heard the news."

I smiled weakly. Then Obberty too turned and left. 

I waited for a day. And a night. Then Obberty came and unstrapped me. My wounds had cleaned up, but my leg still dragged behind me, in a cast.

I was brought up to the cockpit. Apparently Assey had come aboard some time. I didn't know when.

The three of them examined me.  

Assey started, "Obberty and Roni have both told me your story. I am inclined presently to toss you off the ship, as I have the deciding vote I chose. Obberty has voted for you to stay on, while Roni voted to throw you off ship."

I nodded my head, "What do you want to know?"

"I want to know your motivation beyond saving your skin. You want to be safe, but what else are you looking for?"

"Redemption. I'm looking for redemption."

"What makes you think you can find it here?"

"A ghost told me so."

Roni and Obberty both startled. Assey looked at the two of them, "You know what he is talking about?"

Obberty answered, "Well. Kinda. Jebediah Kerman appeared to me on that mission to Minmus. He said that the ghosts of the original four linger around, looking for kerbals to mentor. I was his kerbal to mentor. But Roni, why would a ghost haunt you?"

Roni lied. I could see it in her face, "Oh, for the same reason a ghost would haunt you, Obberty. The ghost of Bill Kerman appeared to me and said the same things."

"There can't be ghosts. They defy the laws of nature."

"They follow no laws but those of the Kraken." Roni answered. 

"Ah. That explains things." Obberty muttered to himself.

"Mr. Kerman. What ghost appeared to you to say such a thing?" asked Roni. 

"Valentina. Valentina Kerman appeared to me as I waited for you to arrive to pick up the transfer stage. She said I could find redemption if I kept going straight ahead. Here I am." I replied.

"Alright. Get him off the ship. He's delirious."

"No. I reverse my vote. I vote for him to stay on-board." Roni said.

"Really, I'm starting to doubt my entire crew. Well, I guess he stays on-board." Commander Assey left for the science lab. Of course, the commander of the mission would fail to understand me. 

"Why did the people on the ground make her commander?" I asked. 

“She is supposedly the most stable kerbonaut. They want a sane commander for an insane one would wreak havoc.”

Then I heard Assey scream, “There're ghosts here!”

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