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Kerbal Space Program Enhanced Edition Grand Discussion thread


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23 hours ago, Broke dead dogg said:

I've successfully landed a base on minimus, but when I've deployed the drills, they lift the feet off the ground and shake the base and gradually walk the base around untill eventually the kraken strikes! Any ideas how to stop this?

That sort of thing happens on pc as well.  I try to test any new design on the launchpad before sending it to other planets. 

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4 hours ago, AVaughan said:

That sort of thing happens on pc as well.  I try to test any new design on the launchpad before sending it to other planets. 

Yes, but any idea what could cause it? I mean is it because the drills are positioned too close to the surface, or because they're out on arms rather than close to the centre mass? Or something else entirely?

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Drills extend out, and then down.  So if they are lifting your base, then they are positioned too low.      

The kraken shaking things to bits is often physics causing pieces to vibrate.  One tick things are in the wrong position relative to each other, so there is a physics force accelerating them towards the correct position.  When they get to the correct position, they have too much momentum to stop instantly, so they continue moving.  Another few ticks later they are again in the wrong relative positions, so there is a physics force accelerating them the otherway.  Long thin structures are often problematic that way.  Sometimes struts/autostruts help, sometimes they make things worse.  Sometimes you can save things by timewarping for a few seconds.  (No physics is applied during timewarp).

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On Tuesday, February 06, 2018 at 6:17 PM, Space Station 4 Crash said:

For those of you looking for an end game idea in career mode with the current state of the ps4 version. Play until your save doesn't load anymore. YOU WIN!

Remember, time warping and then expecting to save afterwards if for whimps. Real players will sit for 6 hours while your craft transitions to Duna!

What a mess.

6h dunatransfer, at what a blazing Speed do u leave kerbin?

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3 hours ago, PrvDancer85 said:

6h dunatransfer, at what a blazing Speed do u leave kerbin?

If you can't time warp because you cannot save (because the port is a train wreck), you have to sit there and wait for your ship to get to Duna, I have never done it without warping. Would it be more then 6 hours IRL? Either way thanks for helping me with my point.

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1 hour ago, Space Station 4 Crash said:

If you can't time warp because you cannot save (because the port is a train wreck), you have to sit there and wait for your ship to get to Duna, I have never done it without warping. Would it be more then 6 hours IRL? Either way thanks for helping me with my point.

About 200 kerbin days with hohman Transfer and 6h is one Day,  so if u really waited without timewarp that would be 1200h

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On 1/29/2018 at 11:18 AM, Deddly said:

The members of Squad who are working on the console release are the QA team, the community managers and the producer. The actual programming is being done by Blitworks, and as I understand it, TakeTwo has also provided a lot of support. That being as it is, I don't think we can't expect Squad to stop working on 1.4 and Making History for the PC/Mac/Linux versions. Two development teams.

I don't know how long it takes to make a patch, but I do know that some really good bug reports have come in so far, and I know that people are working really hard on it. Bear in mind that a patch also needs to go through certification, so I guess just a couple of weeks is maybe an unrealistic expectation. But I'm not in either team so I don't know for sure. What I do know is that it really sucks that you're still experiencing problems. Early comments seemed so overwhelmingly positive. Is it really that bad that you can't play it?

On an XboxOne and you can play the game right up until you need to use time acceleration and then you are screwed! My game seems to work fairly well, the save games are weird in that they boot me back to the base taking my ship out of space, but the real issue that makes this game unplayable is that once you enter space, leave the atmosphere, and use time warp you are unable to use liquid engines. They will not start, or restart, or throttle back up if you throttled them down. I can find no work around. So how am I suppose to go to Mun, wait four days? I want to love this game, but in it's current state it is unplayable once you enter space and try to go Mun. I am bummed and a bit P.O.'ed it was released in this state. So now what? I am waiting on a patch (hopefully) that will fix this issue, but haven't seen any announcements that this will be addressed any time soon. A real bummer. If anyone has a work around for this, I would dearly love to hear it.

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23 hours ago, EventHorizion said:

On an XboxOne and you can play the game right up until you need to use time acceleration and then you are screwed! My game seems to work fairly well, the save games are weird in that they boot me back to the base taking my ship out of space, but the real issue that makes this game unplayable is that once you enter space, leave the atmosphere, and use time warp you are unable to use liquid engines. They will not start, or restart, or throttle back up if you throttled them down. I can find no work around. So how am I suppose to go to Mun, wait four days? I want to love this game, but in it's current state it is unplayable once you enter space and try to go Mun. I am bummed and a bit P.O.'ed it was released in this state. So now what? I am waiting on a patch (hopefully) that will fix this issue, but haven't seen any announcements that this will be addressed any time soon. A real bummer. If anyone has a work around for this, I would dearly love to hear it.

This is weird, I'm on xbone myself and I haven't encountered this bug at all. Are you sure you're not inadvertently engaging staging lock?(LB+A)

Tbh I've not encountered half the bugs most people are getting, I've (so far) had no probs with saves, the controls can be a bit twitchy but I've got stick extenders to help with that, the main bug I'm getting is when you switch between vessels which irreversibly locks the staging, but a quick save reload fixes that. No my main gripe is with certain design decisions blitworks/squad  made, like the inability to time warp while under acceleration, or fine tuning for the manoeuvre nodes, or how you can't easily switch between celestial bodies in the map. Hope they get to the bottom of the bugs soon, but as usual they're keeping tight lipped about any progress

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10 minutes ago, Broke dead dogg said:

This is weird, I'm on xbone myself and I haven't encountered this bug at all. Are you sure you're not inadvertently engaging staging lock?(LB+A)

Tbh I've not encountered half the bugs most people are getting, I've (so far) had no probs with saves, the controls can be a bit twitchy but I've got stick extenders to help with that, the main bug I'm getting is when you switch between vessels which irreversibly locks the staging, but a quick save reload fixes that. No my main gripe is with certain design decisions blitworks/squad  made, like the inability to time warp while under acceleration, or fine tuning for the manoeuvre nodes, or how you can't easily switch between celestial bodies in the map. Hope they get to the bottom of the bugs soon, but as usual they're keeping tight lipped about any progress

I agree this is strange, since I thought EVERYBODY with an Xbox was dealing with this same issue. I am pretty sure I am not engaging staging lock, since even after my engines stop working I am still able to engage the decouple and progress with my stagings. The first chance I get I am going to try altering some of my settings and perhaps try a different preset and see if that fixes this for me.

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17 hours ago, EventHorizion said:

I agree this is strange, since I thought EVERYBODY with an Xbox was dealing with this same issue. I am pretty sure I am not engaging staging lock, since even after my engines stop working I am still able to engage the decouple and progress with my stagings. The first chance I get I am going to try altering some of my settings and perhaps try a different preset and see if that fixes this for me.

Which control preset are you using?, I'm on radial

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6 hours ago, Broke dead dogg said:

Which control preset are you using?, I'm on radial

Currently I am on cursor, but I have tried the other two with the same issue. I can use my liquid engines below 75,000 meters and time acceleration with no issue, I can repeatedly turn on and off my engines, I can stop them, throttle them up or down with no problems, the moment I go higher then 75,000 meters and use time acceleration I am screwed. If I turn off my engines they will not restart, or if I haven't even gotten to that stage yet, when I do and try to activate my engines they will not work. So my problem (which does not seem to have an easy fix) is that I am unable to successful utilize time acceleration above 75,000 meters. :(

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44 minutes ago, EventHorizion said:

Currently I am on cursor, but I have tried the other two with the same issue. I can use my liquid engines below 75,000 meters and time acceleration with no issue, I can repeatedly turn on and off my engines, I can stop them, throttle them up or down with no problems, the moment I go higher then 75,000 meters and use time acceleration I am screwed. If I turn off my engines they will not restart, or if I haven't even gotten to that stage yet, when I do and try to activate my engines they will not work. So my problem (which does not seem to have an easy fix) is that I am unable to successful utilize time acceleration above 75,000 meters. :(

Are you sure you’ve not just run out of battery power?  That will also result in loss of control like this.  Usually after time warping so you don’t notice the power is gone.

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1 hour ago, Claytsuk said:

Are you sure you’ve not just run out of battery power?  That will also result in loss of control like this.  Usually after time warping so you don’t notice the power is gone.

It is a good question, but yes I am sure, I have included batteries and solar panels in my design to test this and the results are exactly the same. Any time I use time warp above 75,000 meters I can not start, restart, or throttle up my engines. :(

On 2/11/2018 at 10:08 AM, Broke dead dogg said:


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4 hours ago, EventHorizion said:

It is a good question, but yes I am sure, I have included batteries and solar panels in my design to test this and the results are exactly the same. Any time I use time warp above 75,000 meters I can not start, restart, or throttle up my engines. :(

Have you tried opening the part window for the engine to see if the activate/deactivate toggle works?

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15 hours ago, Broke dead dogg said:

Have you tried opening the part window for the engine to see if the activate/deactivate toggle works?

Yes the action window is how I shut off and turn back on the engine. It works fine below 75,000 meters even if I use time warp, but once I get above that height, it is not possible to turn the engine back on. :(

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I'm playing on Xbox One and do not get this issue with the engines above 75km. 

Record what happens and share the link on xboxdvr.com. Check that you'e returned to 1x warp and pressed B to lose focus of the warp section. The UI and controls can be a little fiddly. 

I do get the warp issue where save, return to station etc stop working. That's just game breaking. 

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On 2/13/2018 at 7:45 AM, EventHorizion said:

Yes the action window is how I shut off and turn back on the engine. It works fine below 75,000 meters even if I use time warp, but once I get above that height, it is not possible to turn the engine back on. :(

If you just throttle down to zero, can you throttle back up after time warp?

I do not know if your control scheme makes it feasible to leave the engine active but throttled to zero or not, but I believe that to be a more common approach than turning it on and off after the initial staging which turns it on.

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