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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Deddly


    É (Ancient name for the Dadu River in China)
  2. There is no side effect from that. You have the belief, but you only sometimes get the result you want, just like before. So it's no superpower. I have the superpower of not experiencing side effects.
  3. Side effect: You ate abducted and forced to live out the rest of your life as one of the characters of @Mister Dilsby's graphic novels. My superpower: Remove 502 errors at will.
  4. 4) You'll never guess what survived outside KFC for 7 MONTHS.
  5. Side effect: You are unable to put food im your mouth. You're such a messy eater, ColdJ! My superpower: I am able to sleep on command for a solid 8 hours every night without getting disturbed.
  6. I'm happy to discuss this via PM but this isn't the place for it. Short explanation in the spoiler below. But let's get back on topic. I don't like the size of the navball, and I don't like the style of it either. I'm willing to learn, but It's a shame I have to learn it a second time.
  7. Don't worry, @Mr. Kerbin, it's just a common joke to playfully pick on Mac gamers. It's just a bit of fun and not meant to be taken seriously. Welcome to the forum!
  8. To me, that exactly matches the definition of "Non-nominal but usable orbit." Edit: Presumably, the Starlink satellites would also be able to use the orbit if their thrust were high enough. But a RUD seems more of a failure to me than a premature cutoff, even if it's being ditched in the ocean either way.
  9. I had forgotten about this so I checked. It was the launch of June 2007. There was a fuel leak in the upper stage and the engine shut down early, resulting in a lower orbit than intended. The payload was able to compensate and the flight was claimed a success. I guess the definition of success becomes unclear when the payload itself has the ability to change its orbit. I suppose it's like getting a ride to the hospital; if you are unconscious and the ambulance drops you off outside the doors, that would be a huge failure on their part. But if you are able to walk in on your own two feet thanks to the care they gave you on the way, well... they got you most of the way, so it was a success, I guess? But both eventualities would lead to a thorough investigation.
  10. I think there might be a misunderstanding here. T2 have never said they will close the forums. We just haven't heard what their plans are and some of us are concerned as to what the future might be. If the forums close, that would be the time to call them, if that's what you want to do. Best not get ahead of ourselves
  11. I would imagine it would take quite a few orbits for them to come down, wouldn't it?
  12. It was nevertheless a very interesting and beautiful sight to watch the ice crystals form, gently fall off and then get blasted away by the rocket exhaust.
  13. Let's not get too far off topic now, lads
  14. No, those are long John's.
  15. This is actually one of the best-prepared mission ideas/challenges I've come across. It gets me itching to play the game but I don't think I'm going to have time to do so for a while. I really hope others do, though, because this looks lile it could be a really fun thread.
  16. Yeah, it's a nice idea but a forum hosted on a single machine in someone's house would be susceptible to all sorts of security and stability risks, unfortunately.
  17. There is a statistics page, but it unfortunately doesn't properly break down activity according to time of day. However, in general, Saturday appears to be the quietest day.
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