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Everything posted by Deddly

  1. Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogon red tape in order of Moderator hierarchy. Those that didn’t had to battle twenty-million bureaucrats for sinning against the allegiance principal. "Don't Ever Eat Yellow
  2. Sorry for contributing to the off topic It's interesting that the offset thrust doesn't immediately send it spinning in an intuitive direction. Must be because of all that liquid fuel sloshing around
  3. Sorry to continue this aside for a moment, but that doesn't add up in my admittedly tired brain. If planes are safer per mile, it should be safer to travel by plane always.
  4. Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogon red tape in order of Moderator hierarchy. Those that didn’t had to battle twenty-million bureaucrats for sinning against the fundemental "Don't Ever
  5. Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogon red tape in order of Moderator hierarchy. Those that didn’t had to battle twenty-million bureaucrats for sinning against Don't
  6. One stupid argument removed. A wise person once said: Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogon red tape in order of Moderator hierarchy. Those that didn’t had to battle twenty-million porpoises, for sinning cats
  7. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogon red tape in order of Moderator hierarchy. Those that didn’t had to battle twenty-million porpoises.
  8. I think the first post in this thread explains it pretty well, people. Someone did reset it once and we can do that if it gets abandoned but this one is still going. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogon red tape in order of Moderator hierarchy that ordered twenty-million
  9. If I were riding it, I would feel a lot happier if there were blast shields between each engine.
  10. Here is your weekly reminder to keep political discussion off this forum, please.
  11. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles the Hungarian, they fought Vogonian red tape in order
  12. Sir Deddly was listening to an interesting song about quantum entanglement when, suddenly, an enormously talented alien potato, named Chip, came knocking vigorously at the door. Salutations were said, and then Chip proceeded to demi-compose lyrics while an opera Cat sat on string instruments, purring at poignant instrumental pieces. This lead to some UFOs abducting forum Administrators who had decided to attend rehearsals for the recital of Vogon poetry. Rescued by Pickles
  13. 2: We test this common myth to see if it's true. The results will surprise you!
  14. Deddly


    Everyone gets a quintillion points bonus
  15. Banned for lack of symmetry in mission patch display
  16. Deddly


    New rule: you can only post this image for two turns
  17. Deddly


    <SINGING/SHOUTING VOICE> "Out in the outfield, I started to race, Looking around for dear old third base. But wait! Oh no! It’s nowhere to see, Third base is a turtle who wandered from me!"
  18. Deddly


    Октябрьское (On the beautiful Kamchatka peninsula. I always wanted to visit there)
  19. Deddly


    The "must be spring" rule is retroactively applied to all posts after March 1. Everyone has to crouch uncomfortably in the penalty box and try to sing louder than anyone else until someone can spot third base that has crawled to somewhere in the outfield. EDIT: In retrospect, perhaps I shouldn't have named the game after the one big thing that caused Calvin and Hobbes to get into massive arguments.
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