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Enhanced edition spacecraft control Bug?

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It may be just bad spacecraft design by me, but multiple times I've noticed that I can move my spacecraft to the west with no probpem, But attempting to move it to the east is virtually impossible and is met with alot of resistance. Hopefully it's me being an idiot rather than a game breaking bug?

Tldr: spacecraft is nimble to manoeuvre to the west, but doesn't manoeuvre east at all. Bug or no?

Edit: it appears that moving the joystick left results in normal function, but moving the joystick right has little to no effect. 

Edited by Noakesy97
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  On 1/16/2018 at 6:48 PM, Minters223 said:

Try spinning your craft 180 degrees and see if it still only goes one way.

That way you can tell if it the craft, or a bug/your controller


Have tried this, and it resulted in the craft being able to feely move in the opposite direction only (as in still with the same direction of input from the controller). I guess this means I just have a poorly designed craft? Have tried 2 controllers so that is not the issue. 

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  On 1/16/2018 at 7:41 PM, Noakesy97 said:

(as in still with the same direction of input from the controller)


If it was the left input the first time (saying left just to avoid confusion). After spinning 180 degrees and trying again, it was still the left input, than it may not be your rocket. Multiple controllers tried, means that it may be something in the game not letting you turn that direction (maybe a bug, maybe something else).
Have you tried to turn on/off SAS? (try once with both settings)

What about going into sandbox mode and trying the same craft?

Also, what about trying a completely different ship? Does it still do the same non-existent input?

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Oddly enough, upon starting the game to test some of the things suggested, the same ship worked just fine. Haven't changed anything since I last tried it a few hours ago. I'll come back here if (or more likely when) the problem returns.

Thanks for the suggestions tho :)

Edit: relaunched the same ship, problem is back again. Full input right caused the yaw dial at the bottom left of the screen only to reach the the middle of the dial (which should represent no input). This was the same with SAS on and off, occurred within and outside the atmosphere (so not to do with my ships aerodynamics) weirdly when I have no input the yaw is dial is all the way to the left. I am aware that this looks very much like a controller drift issue but am confident it is not. Pretty ridiculous if this is a bug

Edited by Noakesy97
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  On 1/16/2018 at 11:02 PM, Noakesy97 said:

Full input right caused the yaw dial at the bottom left of the screen only to reach the the middle of the dial (which should represent no input)


Does that mean that when the craft is sitting idle with no input, the yaw dial is off to one side? On PC that's usually a sign that trim has been (accidentally?) set. I'd check and make sure that there's no trim applied, but sorry not sure how to do that.

EDIT: ninja'd by nestor. Sorry. :( 

Edited by stibbons
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  On 1/16/2018 at 11:52 PM, nestor said:

Sounds like you set Trim by mistake in some of your axis. Try resetting the Trim values in all axis. 


You could be onto something there :)

I'll check it out now

Edit: Yes! Thank you :). The trim was mapped to a button that made it very easy to accidently set, But now I know it won't be a problem, thanks again.

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  On 1/16/2018 at 11:52 PM, nestor said:

Sounds like you set Trim by mistake in some of your axis. Try resetting the Trim values in all axis. 


This was going to be my next statement as well :)


  On 1/16/2018 at 11:54 PM, stibbons said:

Does that mean that when the craft is sitting idle with no input, the yaw dial is off to one side? On PC that's usually a sign that trim has been (accidentally?) set. I'd check and make sure that there's no trim applied, but sorry not sure how to do that.

EDIT: ninja'd by nestor. Sorry. :( 



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  On 1/17/2018 at 12:07 AM, Noakesy97 said:

The trim was mapped to a button that made it very easy to accidently set, But now I know it won't be a problem, thanks again.


So, it sounds like a few other people in the release announcement thread are having trouble with trim as well. Would you care to elaborate on what buttons set and clear trim, so that others can check their setup too?

cc @James M, @Haye

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  On 1/17/2018 at 3:27 AM, stibbons said:


cc @James M, @Haye


I can only speak for the cursor preset on Xbox one, for this the controls to set trim are Lb/Rb and input in the direction you want trim to be set. To reset trim press Lb/Rb and A. For people using different control schemes/ on ps4, if you go to the pause menu and go to controls, you'll find trim controls under the "flying a Vessel" sub-heading. Hope this helps :)

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  On 1/17/2018 at 3:27 AM, stibbons said:

So, it sounds like a few other people in the release announcement thread are having trouble with trim as well. Would you care to elaborate on what buttons set and clear trim, so that others can check their setup too?

cc @James M, @Haye


You hold LB (L1 on PS4 I believe) plus a desired motion (Yaw, Pitch, Roll) to set the trim. The more you pull the movement axis while holding LB/L1 (as in, the farthest away from the center) the more trim will be applied. To clear all trim settings you hold LB/L1 and click on the left analogue button.

There is a massive problem with this through, probably what is happening to everyone here. For an unknown reason, devs thought it was cool to have LB/L1 + Up/Down D-Pad for throttle fine control and only D-Pad up/down for instant Full/Zero throttle, instead of the other way around which would be much easier and intuitive.

Now the concept of Hands-On-Throttle-And-Stick is non-existant because you can't be both controlling your attitude and fine controlling your throttle at the same time, since if you're holding LB/L1 for throttle, you'll automatically trim the craft since you were at the same time rolling, pitching or yawing, leading to an uncontrollable departure (even getting you aircraft to deep stalls in atmospheric flights).

Lovely, no? I've tried enabling and disabling the settings option "Throttle as analogue control" or something like that, but nothing changes, at least not on the tutorial missions.

PS.: This can be fixed by changing control mode from Radial to Cursor, be aware, though, that all tutorial missions are default set to Radial.

Edited by Arch3rAc3
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