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xbox enhanced edition game breaking bug

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xbox enhanced edition

while using the radial control preset. if you use lb + rb to switch to map mode and use cursor to select a different vessel and select switch to. when it switches a blank menu appears and the docking mode also pops up but you cannot select anything or use your craft whatsoever. also i have replicated this after fully restarting the game. it happens every single time you try to switch vessels in this way. 

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Hi bordakius,

Do you have any other details that could have caused this issue? I was notified of the issue earlier today and I tried to replicate it with 4 vessels orbiting around Kerbin, but all I get is a normal switch to the vessel I selected. Are you using stock vessels or custom ones? Are they all the same vessel or different ones? Are you using or did you use any cheats at any point in that game? Could you create a new game an see if it happens?


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4 vessels too. career mode no stock vessels. all different launches. lol yes <moderator snip> i used cheat menu during the career. i don't do airplanes so i gave myself the science to buy plane parts for early career. ill make a new save same settings but no cheats and orbit 2 things and see if the bug happens again.


Moderator Edit: Please don't use asterisks or other methods to circumvent the forum's language filter. :) 

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I have also had this issue when trying to drop my satellites off in keostationary orbit once I drop the first and switch to it to circularise after switching back, dock mode is enabled and I can't change it back or have any control of any vessels


No target information is shown on hud when trying to dock or rendezvous, can only use map mode to monitor target distance, etc. Can't see the target at all until right next to it, this makes rescue missions really annoying as I am doing them completely in map mode.


Autostrut also doesn't seem to work and fine-tuning maneuver nodes doesn't work either

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Similar issue for me, carer mode.

Everything seems to be ok and when completing missions I can bring up the menu no problem and even select some options but the game never completes the selection process, ie the save button will go all the way to letting me change the save game name but won't save, tracking station, space centre etc select but don't work. Trying the Space Centre using the drop down on the altitude bar doesn't work either.

A shortcut button for quicksave (F9 style) might help.

Trying to swap to other vessels via map does cause the same problem described above.

I have managed to complete the missions using the last save after a complete reboot of the console but this same problem existed in the previous flying tiger port to console too.

Xbox One X, stock controller mapping, not using stock vessels.





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  On 1/18/2018 at 11:13 PM, ArrrThePirate said:

Hi bordakius,

Do you have any other details that could have caused this issue? I was notified of the issue earlier today and I tried to replicate it with 4 vessels orbiting around Kerbin, but all I get is a normal switch to the vessel I selected. Are you using stock vessels or custom ones? Are they all the same vessel or different ones? Are you using or did you use any cheats at any point in that game? Could you create a new game an see if it happens?



Welcome to the console thread. We don’t have mods so therefore all vessels are stock by nature.

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  On 1/21/2018 at 10:28 AM, James M said:

Welcome to the console thread. We don’t have mods so therefore all vessels are stock by nature.


No, the stock vessels are the ones that Squad put in the game that you can load and use.  Vessels that are built  by the players are custom vessels.   

Edited by OrganizedChaos
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  On 1/22/2018 at 10:00 PM, Ineedaweapon said:

Similar thing happened to me.  Xbox one x, cursor preset.  I switched focus to kerbin and when I switched back I had no vessel control and couldnt save the game.  I could bring up the menu to save, but when it came to hitting the save button nothing happened. 


How do you focus view back to vessel after focusing on the mun etc?

I've been having difficulty with this  (having to switch to radial, focus view, then change back)on cursor mode it does not let you click on the vessel to switch view. Works fine on radial with right stick/r3.

Edited by mikey117
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  On 1/23/2018 at 4:00 PM, mikey117 said:

How do you focus view back to vessel after focusing on the mun etc?

I've been having difficulty with this  (having to switch to radial, focus view, then change back)on cursor mode it does not let you click on the vessel to switch view. Works fine on radial with right stick/r3.


Yeah, its supposed to be LB + left and right on the dpad, but that doesnt work at all.  It just brings up the action group radial menu as though you arent pressing LB.  IIRC, I used the double tap A to focus on kerbin and then used the tracking station to get back to my vessel when nothing else would work.

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Ok thanks, so it' not just me then. 

Yeah I  know u can switch back in tracking station. 

It's only really when testing a new craft that I find it annoying as you can't recover vessel after switching to  ksc.

I always do  a simulation/test run with new vessels. Just to make sure they can go the distance.

Also I sure there will be a few tweaks to things here and there. It's early days for this port. And so far I am impressed it's running very well .

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