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[1.12] Stockalike Station Parts Redux (August 14, 2024)


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Is there any chance to get german translations? I you tell me how to add them I could translate some of them.

Forget that. I will make an config file with the translations and make a pull request once finished.

Edited by McSlinPlay
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21 minutes ago, SneakyRobot said:

I have found that this mod does not play nice with B9PartSwitch for me. It causes a fatal error & closes the game.

B9partSwitch is a dependency for the mod I would recommend that you check that all requirements are up to date and the correct version 

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 5/8/2020 at 2:49 PM, SneakyRobot said:

hmm, tried installing with CKAN, tried installing manually, both options include all dependencies already, but I get the same error. It has something to do with a silicates tank or something.

Me too.  About to uninstall it temporarily as it appears inconsolable.  1.8.1 fine, 1.91 borked

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On 5/8/2020 at 1:49 PM, SneakyRobot said:

hmm, tried installing with CKAN, tried installing manually, both options include all dependencies already, but I get the same error. It has something to do with a silicates tank or something.

If you haven't tried manually installing the latest B9 Part Switcher over the top of everything else, try that. I don't know how well CKAN handles multiple B9s, but lots of mods use it, and there's a strong possibility that one of your mods has an older version of the part switcher included in the download package. Most complex installers like CKAN handle version conflicts fine when installing 2 or 3 copies simultaneously, but there are always edge cases that they can't parse correctly - this may be one of them.

I haven't had any issues with NF/SSPR and B9PS on any of my 1.9.1 installations - they run between 65 and 100 mods depending on whether it's Kerbalism, USI, WBI, BDB, or my main JNSQ/NF install.

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On 5/25/2020 at 3:14 AM, T.Lago said:

Me too.  About to uninstall it temporarily as it appears inconsolable.  1.8.1 fine, 1.91 borked

Check the Versions for the mod & it’s dependencies in CKAN. Ive had a couple occurrences of CKAN not realizing an update was compatible with my KSP.

(select mod, go to Versions tab on the lower right)

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Using CKAN I uninstalled both and then reinstalled B9 which suggested SSPX so both were reinstalled fine.

KSP.log is not updated, I still had it running, so it is updated now - duh, but I don't know what I'm looking at so I still really don't know anything but that window.

Edited by T.Lago
Explain. This interface sadly threw original text away.
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6 hours ago, T.Lago said:


Using CKAN I uninstalled both and then reinstalled B9 which suggested SSPX so both were reinstalled fine.

KSP.log is not updated, I still had it running, so it is updated now - duh, but I don't know what I'm looking at so I still really don't know anything but that window.

for me things are fine after the latest update! check the B9PartSwitch version, I'm using v2.16.0

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6 hours ago, LatiMacciato said:

for me things are fine after the latest update! check the B9PartSwitch version, I'm using v2.16.0

Is this story you are relating to me about how you used to see this identical message box and CTD, but now after your update, it is all fine?  If it is, then I am greatly interested in your story.


Just in case this is the Internet and you all assume that I am stupid as dirt, I will tell you my story about how I have actually checked the versions and found that CKAN - against all predictions - is actually doing its job.

All I can tell you is that this hard crashing is easy to resolve by removing these mods or just SSPX and that the error dialog happens and it has just two names on it - SSPX and B9.  This is the extent of evidence I have unless someone has a pointer for what to look for in the log...

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6 minutes ago, T.Lago said:

that I am stupid as dirt

nobody said that ..

maybe things just did not went well because the one or another mod installs or overwrites the B9PartSwitch mod to a previous version .. it's a wild guess. Making sure having the latest verions of the dependencies is the first I would try. Oh and I'm using KSP 1.9.1, maybe that diffe4rs from your version. All I can say is that I do not have this issues and I have a heavyly modded KSP.

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55 minutes ago, LatiMacciato said:

nobody said that ..

maybe things just did not went well because the one or another mod installs or overwrites the B9PartSwitch mod to a previous version .. it's a wild guess. Making sure having the latest verions of the dependencies is the first I would try. Oh and I'm using KSP 1.9.1, maybe that diffe4rs from your version. All I can say is that I do not have this issues and I have a heavyly modded KSP.

I never said you did.  I just said that this is the Internet where everyone must be assumed to be stupid because most of them are.  I just find it tiring to need to constantly say that I am not an idiot.  I am sure that you experience the same thing every single time you have a problem and spend 3 days getting past "did you turn it off and then on again?"

There is no previous version.  I am sorry, but this is precisely what is frustrating about all Internet conversations.  It is not that thing.  It is a thing and it is pretty easy to define but that definition is not "some other version is present".

I would define it as: "I have B9 and all is well and then I install SSPX and B9 flips out and crashes KSP to desktop because it heard about some file and it can not find that file and so crashing is in order."  That's just what I am interpreting from that error dialog.


But once again, were you seeing the same dialog as I have posted and a crash to desktop?  If you were, then I feel that that piece of data could be useful (basically as a testimony to my sanity). 

At this point, I am just an idiot with a unique problem not worth anyone's time, but if I can prove that you saw the precise same error, then I am less crazy.  Internet tech support is less about the details of problems and more about proving that your problem is actually a problem instead of a case of general purpose stupid.

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I'm not a cosmetologist or a rocket surgeon, so excuse any stupidity in the post, but I think I messed up. I'm still new at the game and think I may have ruined poor Dotty's life. I put her in a PTD-8r Pier Station Control module, slapped some docking ports, and sent her up to my space station. Now she's trapped. Did I block her hatches by adding the docking ports on both sides of the module? And if so, is there any way (maybe with KAS) that I could help her escape? For now I think she's going to be there at least 30 days so that I can complete a contract.


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1 hour ago, theicon32 said:

I'm not a cosmetologist or a rocket surgeon, so excuse any stupidity in the post, but I think I messed up. I'm still new at the game and think I may have ruined poor Dotty's life. I put her in a PTD-8r Pier Station Control module, slapped some docking ports, and sent her up to my space station. Now she's trapped. Did I block her hatches by adding the docking ports on both sides of the module? And if so, is there any way (maybe with KAS) that I could help her escape? For now I think she's going to be there at least 30 days so that I can complete a contract.


Just right click on the module where Dotty is. then click on transfer and click on a module who has a hatch. The PTD-8r Pier Station Control module did not have a hatch for EVA

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12 minutes ago, josselin2196 said:

Just right click on the module where Dotty is. then click on transfer and click on a module who has a hatch. The PTD-8r Pier Station Control module did not have a hatch for EVA

Yeah she won't EVA or move to any modules. Says it can't happen because either the module is full or there is no access. The other two kerbals can transfer to the other parts of the station, but the Pier is basically off limits. 


*it actually says "internally unreachable"

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42 minutes ago, theicon32 said:

Yeah she won't EVA or move to any modules. Says it can't happen because either the module is full or there is no access. The other two kerbals can transfer to the other parts of the station, but the Pier is basically off limits. 


*it actually says "internally unreachable"

Do you have the mod Connected Living Spaces installed?

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1 hour ago, theicon32 said:

I do, I can't remember which mod I have that recommended it. Maybe this one. 

It's a nice mod - but it can get you into these situations.  ;) Somehow it's not registering the spaces as connected, and therefore not letting you transfer your Kerbals through it.  It could be how something is attached, it could be that there isn't a config for some part - or since it's got docking ports, it could be that you haven't opened the hatches in the docking ports.

Check if you've opened the hatches - if so, open them.  Otherwise you can either disable CLS through it's interface temporarily, or permanently by removing it.  Depending on the exact issue, you can sometimes fix it with KIS as well, by removing and re-attaching a part.

But my guess is that you haven't opened the hatches in the docking ports.

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6 minutes ago, DStaal said:

It's a nice mod - but it can get you into these situations.  ;) Somehow it's not registering the spaces as connected, and therefore not letting you transfer your Kerbals through it.  It could be how something is attached, it could be that there isn't a config for some part - or since it's got docking ports, it could be that you haven't opened the hatches in the docking ports.

Check if you've opened the hatches - if so, open them.  Otherwise you can either disable CLS through it's interface temporarily, or permanently by removing it.  Depending on the exact issue, you can sometimes fix it with KIS as well, by removing and re-attaching a part.

But my guess is that you haven't opened the hatches in the docking ports.

Unfortuately I did. I was frustratedly working with it for half an hour when I finally saw that option and was ecstatic to find it. Still didn't work. I'll disable the mod and see what happens, but as I went back to check on Dotty I remembered that the docking ports didn't perfectly snap on like they usually do and I eyeballed it. I think that might be it. It was early yesterday so I can't remember if it was that pod and I didn't think I did both of them that way, but I think that's the issue. Live and learn, I'll post back if the mod uninstall corrects the issue. 


Poor girl, she was terrified to take off, isn't even a pilot so I had mechjeb, forgot batteries for mechjeb so she had to do the rendezvous and docking with no SAS on that tiny ship, and is now trapped in a coffin. And if I can't figure it out, she's just going to have to say her goodbyes because I'm gonna deorbit her. I need that port. 

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23 minutes ago, theicon32 said:

Unfortuately I did. I was frustratedly working with it for half an hour when I finally saw that option and was ecstatic to find it. Still didn't work. I'll disable the mod and see what happens, but as I went back to check on Dotty I remembered that the docking ports didn't perfectly snap on like they usually do and I eyeballed it. I think that might be it. It was early yesterday so I can't remember if it was that pod and I didn't think I did both of them that way, but I think that's the issue. Live and learn, I'll post back if the mod uninstall corrects the issue. 

So it's probably all surface attachments instead of node attachments, which is likely why the CLS config doesn't allow it.  (There are parts that allow passthrough with surface attachments, but it's rare - as it would be an odd thing in real life to be able to just punch a hole through the wall of a space ship and have that work well...)

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15 minutes ago, theicon32 said:

Unfortuately I did. I was frustratedly working with it for half an hour when I finally saw that option and was ecstatic to find it. Still didn't work. I'll disable the mod and see what happens, but as I went back to check on Dotty I remembered that the docking ports didn't perfectly snap on like they usually do and I eyeballed it. I think that might be it. It was early yesterday so I can't remember if it was that pod and I didn't think I did both of them that way, but I think that's the issue. Live and learn, I'll post back if the mod uninstall corrects the issue. 


Poor girl, she was terrified to take off, isn't even a pilot so I had mechjeb, forgot batteries for mechjeb so she had to do the rendezvous and docking with no SAS on that tiny ship, and is now trapped in a coffin. And if I can't figure it out, she's just going to have to say her goodbyes because I'm gonna deorbit her. I need that port. 

Using CLS you have to be careful with surface attached connections.  The structural nodes your docking ports are connected to on the central station are probably surface attached and not allowing Kerbals to pass.  Typically you have to manually allow surface attachments to be passable in the VAB.   After launch I've had to edit my save file by hand to fix this when I've forgotten.   You have to first find you vessel in the save, then the problem parts and reset a logical from false to true, but make a copy of your save file before you attempt this.

While CLS was in limbo before being adopted in March I gave up on it.  It's good for forcing you to think logically about how your Kerbals would move through a vessels, but it is kind of a nuisance to deal with all its quirks.  After not having a working version  for a while I found I didn't miss the little hassles like forgetting to enable a suface attachments between two otherwise passable parts and always needing to open docking ports.  I still design stations as if I had CLS installed but don't think I'll ever use it again.

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