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Crew Reports on PS4 Enhanced Edition

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Greetings Fellow Kerbals!


I'm really excited to see the Enhanced Edition hit consoles. I recently purchased KSP ED on PS4, and I'm wondering how to generate Crew Reports. I've tried selecting both the Command Pod and the Kerbal Pilot with the cursor, but no joy!?! 

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Welcome to the forums! :)

You highlight the command pod by hovering the cursor over it. Then you open the Part Action Menu for the part (using either Square or Circle, depending on which preset you are using). Scroll the menu down to near the bottom, and there will be a button "Crew Report" -- click that.

When you click it, you will get an "Experiment dialog". It will say that you just took a crew report from such and such a location, it will tell you how much science you will get for either transmitting the results to Kerbin, or delivering the results physically. It will also allow you to keep the experiment or discard it (or sometimes process it in a lab). So you usually will hit the button to Keep the experiment, get the ship back landed on Kerbin, and then recover it to get your science points.



Edited by bewing
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16 hours ago, bewing said:

You highlight the command pod by hovering the cursor over it. Then you open the Part Action Menu for the part (using either Square or Circle, depending on which preset you are using). Scroll the menu down to near the bottom, and there will be a button "Crew Report" -- click that.

W00T! Thank you!!!


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