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How do you Make a Good Looking Stock Space Station

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I would advise you to try to make a station that looks cool, but also from usable parts. So make your space station mainly from fuel tanks. And feel free to add engines wherever possible, you can jettison them once you're in orbit.

My last advice would be to have the structure revolve around one or more central 'pillars', which should be the extension of your rocket.

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You can actually make rather nice stations with strictly stock parts. They wont look as nice as Kosmos pack stations but they get the job done...

For the station body and structure use the structural fuselage as it is much lighter than the fuel tanks. Once you are in orbit you wont need much fuel so design your launch vehicle to take you almost there This way you can get away with just having a small engine and a single fuel tank for circularization and orbit operations. Alternatively you can use a stack of RCS tanks and linear RCS for station propulsion.

The extendable ladders can be used as decorative antennas or solar panels, inverted landing legs for satellite dishes, stacks of big radial decouples for experiment racks. To get perpendicular modules just place a radial decoupler on the main body then put a 90degree turned fuselage onto it so it is half inside the body.

I will post some pics of a few of my stock stations/satellites later.

EDIT: Actually I already have a few!

Sorry for the lack of spoiler... WTF kind of forum engine has no spoiler tag?!?





Edited by MaxMurder
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The Mononational Space Station:


Most of the parts are dummies just for looks, but it's got scattered handholds and ladders for EVA practice, and up toward the nose, there's the "external treadmill" for kerbinaut exercise.

Edited by Vanamonde
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