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[WIP] Infernal Robotics - Next

Rudolf Meier

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series of ERR spawn causing cockpit view black out and game crash.

[EXC 18:00:10.093] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index     System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)     System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () (at <9577ac7a62ef43179789031239ba8798>:0)     InfernalRobotics_v3.Utility.EditorEventLogic.RestoreMirroring (Part part, Part mirrorRoot) (at <1b92627db6a049bfb1fbb053f70fcf3b>:0)     InfernalRobotics_v3.Utility.EditorEventLogic.RestoreMirroring (Part part, Part mirrorRoot) (at <1b92627db6a049bfb1fbb053f70fcf3b>:0)     InfernalRobotics_v3.Utility.EditorEventLogic.RestoreRotation (Part part) (at <1b92627db6a049bfb1fbb053f70fcf3b>:0)     InfernalRobotics_v3.Utility.EditorEventLogic.OnEditorPartEvent (ConstructionEventType evt, Part part) (at <1b92627db6a049bfb1fbb053f70fcf3b>:0)     EventData`2[T,U].Fire (T data0, U data1) (at <4b4


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On 11/5/2023 at 6:44 AM, Rudolf Meier said:

There was a problem after changing the system of servo groups. This caused some problems with old ships and savings. The only solution is to delete all groups and rebuild them. But after that you have many more options and it should run more stable.

But the problem is, multiplication bug occurs also with newly created ships, not just with old saves. It means with groups created from scratch. So far, I wasn't able to test deleting and re-creating groups on old ships. After opening IR editor there were so many parts that i got ~1 FPS and i couldn't click a thing.

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  • 1 month later...


The issue you're having is the exact issue I'm having. For some reason, as I am adding, editing, and tweaking my IR parts, the groups they reside in are being constantly duplicated. At some point, the IR Editor Window will have so many duplicated/empty groups that using the editor effectively is impossible. Deleting one of these duplicated/empty groups can take up to 25 seconds to do at a time and has led to the game crashing. This has made big projects involving complicated IR setups no longer reasonable.

Below is a screenshot as an example of this issue. All of these parts are uniquely named, so any parts with the same name are duplicates.


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15 hours ago, Cheezi said:

The issue you're having is the exact issue I'm having. For some reason, as I am adding, editing, and tweaking my IR parts, the groups they reside in are being constantly duplicated. ...

Which version of IR is that and what do you do to run into this? Do you add/remove parts? copy them? merge vessels? use sub assemblies? store load... restart ksp? what do you do, what not before you see those problems? Can you create a sequence of operations to reproduce it?

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On 12/23/2023 at 6:14 PM, Rudolf Meier said:

Which version of IR is that and what do you do to run into this? Do you add/remove parts? copy them? merge vessels? use sub assemblies? store load... restart ksp? what do you do, what not before you see those problems? Can you create a sequence of operations to reproduce it?

2 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

version 3.1.15 is online

it fixes a problem with the control group handling


Sorry for not responding sooner! I'm not use to forums so I'm having a bit of trouble figuring how to get this to work. Would you still like to see how I produced the issue?

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5 minutes ago, Cheezi said:

Sorry for not responding sooner! I'm not use to forums so I'm having a bit of trouble figuring how to get this to work. Would you still like to see how I produced the issue?

no problem

well... try it with the latest version and if it's still possible to reproduce it, then yes :) 

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  • 1 year later...

version 3.1.18 is online

it fixes problems with servo group handling/loading

has fixed Foldatron models

fixes some internal minor bugs

improves the compatibility with KAL-1000


it is marked as Pre-Release... if the feedback is good and after finishing the last ToDo's on my list, I plan to release the next version soon

Edited by Rudolf Meier
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  • 3 weeks later...
On 2/21/2025 at 9:12 PM, Rudolf Meier said:

version 3.1.18 is online

it fixes problems with servo group handling/loading

has fixed Foldatron models

fixes some internal minor bugs

improves the compatibility with KAL-1000


it is marked as Pre-Release... if the feedback is good and after finishing the last ToDo's on my list, I plan to release the next version soon

"improves the compatibility with KAL-1000" does that means it works with EasyRobotics?

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1 hour ago, towermom9 said:

"improves the compatibility with KAL-1000" does that means it works with EasyRobotics?

it means, that you can now control some more variables with the KAL-1000 and that the editor now shows the limits for the servos

I don't know of functions/settings that KAL can control for stock robotics but not for infernal robotics... so, I think we are fully compatible here now (the main thing that was missing was the limit-support anyway)

but, I don't know if it works with EasyRobotics... don't know what the requirements for it are, but maybe it's possible... from what I read, it might be... I never tried that

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