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[WIP] Infernal Robotics - Next

Rudolf Meier

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Sure, sure, take your time to continue making great things :) 

Thanks for the details, even if I didn't understood everything after that I'm not really allow to approach my station with a ship, swith to station, take control of my Canadarm, use a dock from the ship as a magnet to control it and finally dock it in a free dock on my station before releasing my "magnet" and fold back my Canadarm ? Sorry, I was so expecting to this scene.. :')

I'll try to understand what you mean and thank you again for your time !

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1 minute ago, TarTi said:

... as a magnet to control it ...

magnets are working (as long as you don't time warp or save/load while you are connected to a part... if this is still a problem today, but I think it is) ... what is not ok is to use a docking port

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a Beta 5 preview is online... now you can control your servos by joystick

it is almost fully implemented, but currently all servos support all modes (that doesn't make sense, so pay attention when selecting the mode)

and, it should fix the problem with the Claw we had...

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Nice ! I'm Downloading it right now, will do the same test in same conditions to see.

I still can merge the folders together and replace existing files by recent ones ? or fresh new folder ? And you agree that I don't have to touch to the source code files I can also download ?

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37 minutes ago, TarTi said:

Nice ! I'm Downloading it right now, will do the same test in same conditions to see.

I still can merge the folders together and replace existing files by recent ones ? or fresh new folder ? And you agree that I don't have to touch to the source code files I can also download ?


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It's waaaayyyyy better ! Nice work !

Looks like you said, no more than one time before it begins to get wrong :/  But still playable at least !




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If you are wanting to move objects around without the problems of double docking, maybe look into this mod: 

I did the model so it will fit right in with IR Next, but you will need a lock part on both ends unlike the claw.

Edit: I notice it doesn't say it's for KSP 1.7 in the title though. Maybe it works but I will poke the creator and find out.

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Nice, thank you, I'll take a look at this one :) 

BTW, my ground tests confirms that it's unluckily impossible :P 





I did the model so it will fit right in with IR Next, but you will need a lock part on both ends unlike the claw.

So I have to unlock it into the tech tree ? Cause I don't find it.. I'll look again.

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On 2/4/2019 at 4:43 PM, djedje_zr7 said:


I have a issue with IR Next and save and reload with part attach with a robotic arm end with a claw.

Try with beta 4 and beta 5 and last version oj KJR next (Ckan install):



Am I make mistake somewhere?




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9 hours ago, TarTi said:

So I have to unlock it into the tech tree ? Cause I don't find it.. I'll look again.

If you're doing a Career save then it should be under Meta Materials. Even if you've already unlocked that you may have to pop back in and select the specific part for it to be added to your game. Should appear under the Utility tab when added though.

7 hours ago, TarTi said:

What ? I dont know what you mean with the rails but I cannot do a transféré from a ship to another one with rails, can I ? 

No, that comment about rails wasn't in reference to your post, I was just teasing some new parts that will be coming to an update soon ;)


1 hour ago, djedje_zr7 said:


What version if IR Next are you running? Maybe try the newest release as that seemed to fix some of the claw issues TarTi was having: https://github.com/meirumeiru/InfernalRobotics/releases/tag/v3.0.0-beta5p

In general though, using the claw and docking ports with robotics is a bad idea and can cause the Kracken to show up as you have encountered. Will be interesting to see how Squad have dealt with that in the upcoming DLC.

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18 minutes ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

In general though, using the claw and docking ports with robotics is a bad idea and can cause the Kracken to show up as you have encountered. Will be interesting to see how Squad have dealt with that in the upcoming DLC.

I think @SQUAD has been working on robotics for some time. They added many GameEvents in 1.4 that are crucial in making robotics and docking/klawing interaction possible.

Edited by peteletroll
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42 minutes ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

If you're doing a Career save then it should be under Meta Materials. Even if you've already unlocked that you may have to pop back in and select the specific part for it to be added to your game. Should appear under the Utility tab when added though.

Is it the "Utilitron - lock" ? Don't want to spoil other players but it's so far from where I am in the tech tree... I'll have to wait so much time to use it in my carreer.. :/ Why it isn't in first unlockable docking parts if it's just working as a magnet ? ^_^'

Just to be sure, can we dock multiple times from multiple points with this ? Or is it still a dream in this game ? And Of course, thank you and good job anyway ;)

42 minutes ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

No, that comment about rails wasn't in reference to your post, I was just teasing some new parts that will be coming to an update soon ;)

Oh okay sry, cool ! :) 

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4 minutes ago, TarTi said:

Is it the "Utilitron - lock" ? Don't want to spoil other players but it's so far from where I am in the tech tree... I'll have to wait so much time to use it in my carreer.. :/ Why it isn't in first unlockable docking parts if it's just working as a magnet ? ^_^'

It is. As for its placement in the tech tree, I would have to check but I imagine it was just an arbitrary position that unlocks with some of the other advanced robotics parts.

5 minutes ago, TarTi said:

Just to be sure, can we dock multiple times from multiple points with this ? Or is it still a dream in this game ? And Of course, thank you and good job anyway ;)

Well this does not actually dock two craft together, but rather links them like a magnet would (can also link two parts of the same craft). So I don't see why multiple would not work, although I think saving and loading breaks the link so the other craft would just fall off.

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2 minutes ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

It is. As for its placement in the tech tree, I would have to check but I imagine it was just an arbitrary position that unlocks with some of the other advanced robotics parts.

Well this does not actually dock two craft together, but rather links them like a magnet would (can also link two parts of the same craft). So I don't see why multiple would not work, although I think saving and loading breaks the link so the other craft would just fall off.

TBH, I didn't test locking to other craft at all. Locking parts of the same vessel should survive saving/loading cycle, "works on my pc" at least :)

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Well this does not actually dock two craft together, but rather links them like a magnet would (can also link two parts of the same craft). So I don't see why multiple would not work, although I think saving and loading breaks the link so the other craft would just fall off.

So looking forward for an update or a mod that allows us to dock/clamp/magnetize everything everywhere :) 



Well this does not actually dock two craft together, but rather links them like a magnet would (can also link two parts of the same craft). So I don't see why multiple would not work, although I think saving and loading breaks the link so the other craft would just fall off.

Oh okay I see, more made for fat fancy shaped vessels in orbit for example ?



It is. As for its placement in the tech tree, I would have to check but I imagine it was just an arbitrary position that unlocks with some of the other advanced robotics parts.

And can I move this placement in the tech tree ? by modifying a code line ? Or is it way more complicated than this ?

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1 hour ago, TarTi said:

Oh okay I see, more made for fat fancy shaped vessels in orbit for example ?

It can work on planets (see below) but I can't make any claims about how it handles saving and loading.



So in that I connected to the truss (which was part of the same craft at the time), then triggered the decoupler which caused it to become a separate craft but still be connected to the lock. I can't remember much more than that sadly. That testing was from 2 years ago.

1 hour ago, TarTi said:

And can I move this placement in the tech tree ? by modifying a code line ? Or is it way more complicated than this ?

It is indeed as simple as that. Go into GameData\MagicSmokeIndustries\Parts\Rework_Utility\Probe\Misc\IR_LockConnector, open up the part.cfg, and change the TechRequired line. Stock docking port is TechRequired = specializedConstruction.

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8 hours ago, ZodiusInfuser said:

In general though, using the claw and docking ports with robotics is a bad idea and can cause the Kracken to show up as you have encountered. Will be interesting to see how Squad have dealt with that in the upcoming DLC.

yeah... but it should work in IR Next... that's one of the major goals of this project

the claw problem can be fixed and it will be

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Still testing things at launchpad with IR, KJR and Inner Lock now, and I spotted that a Rotatron - Basic (and maybe all the parts ?) don't like AT ALL to be used with more than -360 or 360 values. It will make them ultra wobbly instantely.

BUT it's kinda realistic finally - not the wobbly thing, but IRL you cannot turn all the wires around themselves again and again - so.. seems fair, works for me, even more with my last test, which was a huge success for my Kanadarm dreams <3



I still need to try with decouplated (uncontrolled in the instant but still controllable after) parts, to simulate a Kanadarm transfer from his own payload to another uncontrolled ship or station, but it's already so cool right now ! so satisfaying to play with this mods set and thank you all for that !


Okay you guys just double the lifetime of my love for KSP :

I can even make objects levitating now x) THERE it's deliciously wobbling ahah !










It's so cloooose ! I hope these screens can help for debug :) 

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Hello there, just a little question. Is the latest version of the Sequencer works? This from this thread ?

I did install it and I had trouble with vessels taking long time to load after a while.  I know I should post this in the other thread but I wanted to know if anyone did use this sequencer here.


Thank you.

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On 5/15/2019 at 8:03 PM, TarTi said:




It's so cloooose ! I hope these screens can help for debug :) 

@TarTi I searched around for that part you have on the end and I believe it is called a Utilitron from the old Utility Pack?  I don't see that in IR Next.

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On 5/16/2019 at 1:03 AM, TarTi said:

Still testing things at launchpad with IR, KJR and Inner Lock now, and I spotted that a Rotatron - Basic (and maybe all the parts ?) don't like AT ALL to be used with more than -360 or 360 values. It will make them ultra wobbly instantely.

BUT it's kinda realistic finally - not the wobbly thing, but IRL you cannot turn all the wires around themselves again and again - so.. seems fair, works for me, even more with my last test, which was a huge success for my Kanadarm dreams <3

I've encountered that bug too. Now you say it's more realistic, but let me introduce you to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Slip_ring . Used them myself and they most certainly get around the wires twisting problem.

4 hours ago, Joker58th said:

@TarTi I searched around for that part you have on the end and I believe it is called a Utilitron from the old Utility Pack?  I don't see that in IR Next.

It is a Utilitron, but in this case it's from the below mod rather than the Utility Pack.


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