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The Space Program With No Name (updated Jan 12, 2019)


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To satisfy their unceasing desire to launch themselves into the void of space on top questionable rockets, the kerbals rushed to form a space program. But in their haste to get started on this great endeavour, they forgot* to give it a name. Thus, it became known only as "the space program".

 *) I was too lazy to come up with one.




This is a career I started in KSP 1.3.1 (later updated to 1.4.5) about a month ago, and that I thought I'd share here. I'm using a heap of mods (list in the spoiler below), with MKS and USI-LS being two of the main ones. It's my first time using these in a career playthrough. I'm not sure to what extent I'll use the kolonization parts, but life support will play a big role. Running out of supplies will lead to death, and death is permanent. I'm also sticking somewhat rigidly to the rule of no reloads. The presentation style will most likely be short descriptions of events, accompanied by lots of pictures, 'cause who doesn't like pictures. :)

Hope you enjoy!



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The first kerbonauts hired; pilots Jeb, Val and Phoebe, engineer Bill and scientist Bob.

Venture Test 1 through 6B, preparing the spacecraft

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SCAR-1, 2 and 3, collecting science from space

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Venture 1, first orbital launch

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Coming up next: Can kerbals into space?

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A brave kerbonaut walks across the gangplank to the waiting rocket ship.


Venture 2, first kerbal in space

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Venture 3, staying longer

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Venture 4 and 5, a meeting in the sky

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Venture 6, space is hard

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Coming up next: End of the second year

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Testing a new launch escape system.


SCAR-4, Mun flyby

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Venture 6A, if at first you don't succeed

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Venture Test 7 through 9, testing Block 2

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End of Year Report (Y2)

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Coming up next: New year, new missions, new kerbonauts

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New kerbonauts; pilots Wehrsted, Thompdous and Verfal, engineers Buzz and Ferny, and scientists Gersen and Janson.


Local science, kerbonauts in training

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Venture 7, maiden flight of Block 2

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Venture 8, first two-kerman crew

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Mapper 1, mapping Kerbin

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Coming up next: Dockings, tourists and probing Minmus

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Hi @SBKerman! I made a patch for your space program!


''Christ this is the 4th day since i saw Simon''




200 - 150 - 180


You can use it as your flag in-game!

Your welcome!

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Two Venture spacecraft facing each other in orbit.


VTV-1 and Venture 9, first docking in space

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Venture 10 and 11, emergency crew transfer test

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Venture 12, space tourism

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SCAR-5, Minmus flyby

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Coming up next: Launching the first space station

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I've added a flight log to the first post. It lists all missions (excluding science farming around the KSC and such) in chronological order.

Also, I've decided to try and post updates regularly every tuesday and friday. Hopefully my work schedule, and my motivation, will allow that.

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Buzz Kerman going on a spacewalk at the new station.


Emprise, the first space station

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Venture 13, testing an improved launch vehicle

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Venture 14, first visit to the station

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Mapper 2, continuing Kerbin research

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Venture 15, another space tourist

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Quest 1 and 2, resupplying Emprise

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End of Year Report (Y3)

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Coming up next: Start of the Mun program

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A probe heading for the Mun.


Mapper 3, scanning Kerbin

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Venture 16, third mission to Emprise station

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Munar Exploration Program, the next step forward

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Venture 17, testing a new launch vehicle

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Muna 1 and 2, first probes in Munar orbit

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Venture 17, returning home

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Palantir Mun, keeping an eye on the Mun

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Coming up next: Landing on the Mun

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Testing a lander at the KSC.


Venture 18, last visit to Emprise

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Mapper 4, documenting the munar surface

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Muna 1, contact reestablished

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Muna 3 and 4, first landing attempts

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Whirlwind Mk2, flight testing a new version

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Coming up next: Training, landings and the end of Emprise

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A Velocity IV rocket launches another lander.


Local science, training continues

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Muna 5, third landing attempt

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Emprise, saying good bye to the station

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Muna 6, a different approach

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Coming up next: End of the fourth year

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Ground inspection of a new aircraft.

Muna 7, aiming for the highlands

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Munar Exploration Program, moving forward

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Muna 8, returning a probe from orbit

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Palantir Kerbin, government satellite

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SilverDart, inspecting a new jet aircraft

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End of Year Report (Y4)

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Coming up next: Returning samples from the Mun

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  • 1 month later...

A new probe heading for the Mun.


SilverDart, first flight

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SET-1 through 3B, testing the sample return capsule

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Muna 9, first sample return mission

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Coming up next: Preparing Venture for the Mun

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The new Velocity VA launch vehicle is the first to use solid rocket boosters.


Venture 19, first flight of Venture Block 3

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SET-4 and 5, testing command module reentry

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Muna 10, another sample return

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Coming up next: Kerbals to the Mun

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The view that awaits the crew of Venture 20.


SilverDart, first circumglobal flight

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Relayer 1/2, communication satellites

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Venture 20, first kermanned flyby of the Mun

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Coming up next: Attempting a repair in orbit

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The second Mun mission stands ready on the launch pad.


Venture 21, orbiting the Mun

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Venture 22, satellite repair mission

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Coming up next: Testing new hardware

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